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Aurelia Vallier, MultiScale, Eulerian-Lagrangian Couplling, VOF-LPT, Lagrangian,

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Old   August 9, 2017, 15:28
Red face Aurelia Vallier, MultiScale, Eulerian-Lagrangian Couplling, VOF-LPT, Lagrangian,
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saddy is on a distinguished road
Hi all fellow foamers
Let me begin with a brief and dedicated overview.
Nowadays numerical solutions are demanding more accuracy & lesser runtime. one revolutionary step is use of adaptive meshing. other step is using lagrangian approach where traditional mesh capture of flow physics has a limit, as such we use MULTISCALE or COUPLED EULERIAN-LAGRANGIAN approach.
in this forum people have worked dedicatedly in this direction, take a look;
Multiphase Solid Particle Tracking
coupling of interfFoam with solidParticle library
these works use partial approach by actually injecting particles using lagrangian approach.
i am trying to CONVERT EULERIAN DROPLETS to lagrangian particles.
meaning: suppose you have a jet of water breaking up, where very fine droplets are being produced as dispersed phase in air.
now question is, how much fine droplets can the mesh capture?? you cannot fine mesh infintely, computational limitation. so we employ lagrangian approach to convert these FINE droplets to lagrangian solid particles and call it EULERIAN -LAGRANGIAN COUPLING,

I have algorithm to convert eulerian to lagrangian, but i am not familiar with Openfoam syntax at all. i.e. how to search mesh for given volume scalar field or vector field and how to find centroid of cells, find neighbour calls having common faces
all these are required in coding using the algorithm.
the algorithm is attached herewith and the the relevant files explaining algorithm
all the credit for algorithm goes to Dr. Aurelia vallier who wrote the algorithm.
Please take a look
dongchao yang and BlnPhoenix like this.
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lagrangian, lpt, particle coupling

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