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Can we use "astyle" to transform our code to the OpenFOAM coding style?

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Old   December 22, 2016, 09:14
Default Can we use "astyle" to transform our code to the OpenFOAM coding style?
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Philip Cardiff
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Hi all,

The OpenFOAM coding style is nicely set out here:

To conform to this style, we can of course make changes to our text editor (or IDE) config files to help us when writing the code;
alternatively, we could post-process the code files to the correct style after writing them using a tool such astyle (, for example. The second approach is obviously helpful when people send you ugly code.

Does anybody have any advice/thoughts/experience on using a post-processing tool to clean-up code?

From a quick look through the astyle documentation, I have found that using the following command gets close, but it is not quite correct (e.g. operators + and - should be padded by spaces but * and / should not; also indentations seem to be 8 spaces in some places, ...):
astyle --style=bsd --indent=spaces=4 --indent-classes --indent-col1-comments --break-blocks --pad-oper --pad-header --delete-empty-lines --align-pointer=type --align-reference=type --convert-tabs --max-code-length=80 --mode=c myOpenFOAMClass.C
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