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Call of probes::write() function

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Old   December 16, 2016, 10:24
Default Call of probes::write() function
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Dear all,

I am struggling to figure out how the probes::write() function is called or which class is executing this method. Up to know, it should be clear but I get unexpected results; there should be a class that I miss. However, in order to provide all information I start from the beginning. The function objects are called within the Time::run() function:
bool Foam::Time::run() const
    bool running = value() < (endTime_ - 0.5*deltaT_);

    if (!subCycling_)
        // only execute when the condition is no longer true
        // ie, when exiting the control loop
        if (!running && timeIndex_ != startTimeIndex_)
            // Note, end() also calls an indirect start() as required
            Info<< "run() Call end" << endl;

    if (running)
        if (!subCycling_)

            if (timeIndex_ == startTimeIndex_)
                Info<< "run() Call start" << endl;
                Info<< "run() Call execute" << endl;

        // Update the "running" status following the
        // possible side-effects from functionObjects
        running = value() < (endTime_ - 0.5*deltaT_);

    return running;
As we can see, the execute() function from the functionObjects_ object is called. This object is related to the class named functionObjectsList. In this class we will find the following code for the functionObjectsList::execution() function (I added some additional comments):

bool Foam::functionObjectList::execute()
    Info<< "In functionObjectList::execute()" << endl;
    bool ok = true;

    if (execution_)
        if (!updated_)

        forAll(*this, objectI)
            Info<< "Call operator[](objectI).execute()" << endl;
            ok = operator[](objectI).execute() && ok;
            Info<< "Call operator[](objectI).write()" << endl;
            ok = operator[](objectI).write() && ok;

    return ok;
In the forAll loop, we loop over each object that is in the list and call the execute() and write() function respectively. the operator[](objectI) gives us the object that is derived from the class functionObjects. Here we have both functions defined as pure virtual and therefore not declared. Based on the fact that I am using the probes function, the write and execute function have to be declared there. We will find the following in the probes class:

bool Foam::probes::execute()
    Info<< "    probes::execute()" << endl;
    return true;

bool Foam::probes::write()
    Info<< "    probes::write()" << endl;
    if (size() && prepare())


    return true;
So far so good. Now if I run a simulation, we call the Time::run() function which will call the related functionObject_.execute() function. This function will call the above given stuff and finally I should get the output of "probes::execute()" and "probes::write()". However, running a simulation will output the first one (execute()) but not the write(). The latter is only called if the write interval of the function is correct.

To sum up:
For each time step I know that the functions:
  • operator[](objectI).execute()
  • operator[](objectI).write()
are called which should give the following output on my screen:


However, the output looks different:
run() Call start
Time = 0.005

DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 1, Final residual = 1.65094e-07, No Iterations 5
DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 0.00446913, Final residual = 2.58563e-07, No Iterations 3
DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 0.000148071, Final residual = 1.6611e-07, No Iterations 2
ExecutionTime = 0.13 s  ClockTime = 0 s

run() Call execute
In functionObjectList::execute() = execution_ 1
Call operator[](objectI).execute()
Call operator[](objectI).write()
Time = 0.01

DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 0.203755, Final residual = 3.79207e-07, No Iterations 4
DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 0.00184335, Final residual = 1.15759e-07, No Iterations 3
DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 5.70567e-05, Final residual = 6.6188e-08, No Iterations 2
ExecutionTime = 0.14 s  ClockTime = 0 s

run() Call execute
In functionObjectList::execute() = execution_ 1
Call operator[](objectI).execute()
Call operator[](objectI).write()
Time = 0.015

DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 0.109922, Final residual = 2.11614e-07, No Iterations 4
DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 0.00104612, Final residual = 6.94234e-08, No Iterations 3
DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 3.13333e-05, Final residual = 7.19276e-07, No Iterations 1
ExecutionTime = 0.14 s  ClockTime = 0 s

run() Call execute
In functionObjectList::execute() = execution_ 1
Call operator[](objectI).execute()
Call operator[](objectI).write()
Time = 0.02

DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 0.0728088, Final residual = 1.56726e-07, No Iterations 4
DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 0.000680395, Final residual = 6.78655e-07, No Iterations 2
DICPCG:  Solving for T, Initial residual = 2.06035e-05, Final residual = 4.78523e-07, No Iterations 1
ExecutionTime = 0.14 s  ClockTime = 0 s

run() Call end
After the first calculation, we call the execute() function which outputs probes::execute() but we are not entering the probes::write() function and I do not know why. Maybe and it should be the reason, I miss one class in between which is called from the functionObject,checks if the appropriate time is reached to save the data and then call the probes::write() function. However, I got stuck here and any help is appreciated.
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   December 16, 2016, 12:32
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I think I found it... The reasoning was quite simple in hindsight:
If there is a "class in between", then that class must necessarily extend "probes", as probes in the direct child of functionObject (probes extends functionObject). Then probes' child's write() would be called before probes' write().
However, this is not the case and it would be nonsensical design, as every FO would then require a child to do the time-stuff. Those are a lot of different children - all educated to do exactly the same thing!
Therefore, the FO you call "execute()" and "write()" on simply cannot be your probes FO. (Or there is some magic C++ going on that I do not understand as a Java programmer.) This brought me to the runtime selection mechanism: where are the FOs constructed? This made me find your problem. Let me explain:


Let's do it in the chronological calling order.

First, a functionObjectList is constructed and its read() method is called.
This method reads the "functions" entity of controlDict. Then it constructs the appropriate functionObject using OF's runtime selection mechanism and it adds it to the list (= to itself).
Inside the read() method you may find:

                     || dict.found("outputControl")
                            new functionObjects::timeControl(key, time_, dict)
                        foPtr = functionObject::New(key, time_, dict);
                if (foPtr.valid())
                    objPtr = foPtr.ptr();
                    ok = false;
            // Insert active functionObjects into the list
            if (objPtr)
                newPtrs.set(nFunc, objPtr);
                newIndices.insert(key, nFunc);
The important thing here is that it does not construct a functionObject of type "probes". Rather, it constructs a functionObject of type "timeControl": ".../functionObjects/timeControl/timeControlFunctionObject.H"

Its constructor looks as follows:
    const word& name,
    const Time& t,
    const dictionary& dict
        dict.lookupOrDefault("nStepsToStartTimeChange", 3)
    executeControl_(t, dict, "execute"),
    writeControl_(t, dict, "write"),
    foPtr_(functionObject::New(name, t, dict_))
It has a pointer (foPtr_) to a function object, which is constructed based on "name" and "dict", the first of which was called "key" in functionObjectList::read(). This will be your "probes" FO.
This makes sense based on the comment in timeControlFunctionObject.H:
        //- The functionObject to execute
        autoPtr<functionObject> foPtr_;
Then, what you are calling (in functionObjectList::execute()) is its (timeControlFO) write method, which does the following:

bool Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::write()
    if (active() && (postProcess || writeControl_.execute()))

    return true;
This, in turn, calls probes' write method, but only if it feels like it.

So you are right. "probes.write()" will only be called if it is the time to execute.

I can speculate why OF implemented it in this "pointer sequence" way, rather than with inheritance (randomFO -> timeControlFO -> FO)...
With inheritance, it would be the user's responsibility to call the parent write() method before writing, which is "unsafe".
Or, timeControlFO must ensure that "write" cannot be overwritten by randomFO and it should define a new interface for a new method that should do the writing. However, I don't think it is possible to prevent a child from overwriting, is it? Either way, even if it is, this would make the name of the "write()" function inconsistent between FOs that are not timeControlFOs.

That was a tough nut to crack (2 hours later...), but quite educative.
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Old   December 16, 2016, 13:07
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Dear Kevin,

thank you very much for your clear explanation. I was so focused on my interpretation that I forgot that there could be other ways like, taking a pointer of the object to the time selector class which will then call the function.

Great explanation and thanks for your time. I highly appreciate that.
Keep foaming,
Tobias Holzmann
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Old   November 29, 2021, 03:43
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Originally Posted by Tobi View Post
Dear Kevin,

thank you very much for your clear explanation. I was so focused on my interpretation that I forgot that there could be other ways like, taking a pointer of the object to the time selector class which will then call the function.

Great explanation and thanks for your time. I highly appreciate that.

Hi Tobi,
Thank you for posting this fantastic question. You have looked at probes function object and more specifically, the write and execute functions in both functionObjectList.C and probes.C. However, I need to look at another function object, forces, for force calculation over a patch.

This functionObject includes a function called forceEff(). This only returns the calculated forces vector over the patch. However, I don't how I can call it inside my solver. I have tested this:

word patchName = "forcesP"; \\patchName
label id = runTime.functionObjects().findObjectID(patchName); \\finding object id



To check my access to execute and write functions within the solver, and it works. But actually, using this command:


leads to the following error:

nonNewtonianIcoFoamModified.C: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
nonNewtonianIcoFoamModified.C:124:39: error: ‘class Foam::functionObject’ has no member named ‘forceEff’

I know functionObjects() in the above comes from functionObjectList class, but don't know why it leads to an error for an existing function. So your help is this regard is much appreciated.

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Old   December 3, 2021, 07:42
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Mark Olesen
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Originally Posted by mostanad View Post
To check my access to execute and write functions within the solver, and it works. But actually, using this command:

leads to the following error:
What you are attempting cannot work. Sure forces derives from a functionObject, which means that its virtual methods execute() and write() work as expected. However, functionObject itself obvious does not have a forceEff() method (virtual or otherwise). You will need to cast it. For example,
dynamicCast<const functionObjects::forces>(runTime.functionObjects()[id])
For good programming style, you should actually verify the type as well. Starting with OpenFOAM-v1812 you can conveniently combine them with the isA function. For example,
    const auto* forcesFo = isA<functionObjects::forces>(runTime.functionObjects()[id]);
    if (forcesFo)
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Old   December 4, 2021, 20:36
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Originally Posted by olesen View Post
What you are attempting cannot work. Sure forces derives from a functionObject, which means that its virtual methods execute() and write() work as expected. However, functionObject itself obvious does not have a forceEff() method (virtual or otherwise). You will need to cast it. For example,
dynamicCast<const functionObjects::forces>(runTime.functionObjects()[id])
For good programming style, you should actually verify the type as well. Starting with OpenFOAM-v1812 you can conveniently combine them with the isA function. For example,
    const auto* forcesFo = isA<functionObjects::forces>(runTime.functionObjects()[id]);
    if (forcesFo)

Thanks Mark foryour nice comment.
So you think this form of cast function can be added to a point of solver for calling the forces value? Am I right?
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