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Compressible Dynamic Mesh Solver in Foam-Extend 3.1

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Old   June 21, 2016, 11:09
Default Compressible Dynamic Mesh Solver in Foam-Extend 3.1
New Member
Matthew Shorter
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 10
Rep Power: 10
matthewshorter is on a distinguished road
I am looking to implement a moving mesh solver in foam-extend 3.1. The problem we are studying is a shock tunnel with an actuated valve connecting each section. We have successfully created a moving mesh based on the movingConeTopo case under icoDyMFoam, but we are having considerable difficulty implementing mesh motion into a compressible flow solver. Our goal is to effectively recreate "rhoCentralDyMFoam" for foam-extend. Using the SOD shock tube case, we have confirmed that the custom solver returns accurate results for a stationary mesh, but it crashes with a floating point error due to negative pressure occurring at the trailing side of the wall when a new mesh layer is added.
Here is the code for the relative flux we are currently using and is placed after the directed interpolation of primitive fields after faces:
if (mesh.moving()){

Info<<"Mesh flux is being accounted for\n";  
 phiv_pos -= mesh.phi();// fvc::meshPhi(rho,U);

 phiv_neg -= mesh.phi();//fvc::meshPhi(rho,U);

        Info <<endl <<phiv_neg <<endl<<"printed phiv_neg";
and later here is the pressure made absolute
  phiEp +=mesh.phi()*(a_pos*p_pos + a_neg*p_neg);
I've attached the mesh at the point of crash. This is right after the dynamic mesh added a new layer. Note the negative temperature at the wall, which obviously blows up the solver....

Below is the solver in its entirety:
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    Density-based compressible flow solver based on central-upwind schemes of
    Kurganov and Tadmor with support for mesh-motion and topology changes


#include "fvCFD.H"

#include "dynamicFvMesh.H"

#include "basicPsiThermo.H"

#include "zeroGradientFvPatchFields.H"
#include "fixedRhoFvPatchScalarField.H"

#include "motionSolver.H"

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    #include "setRootCase.H"
    #include "createTime.H"
    #include "createDynamicFvMesh.H"

    #include "createFields.H"
    #include "readTimeControls.H"
#include "readThermophysicalProperties.H"   //?xz
    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

    #include "readFluxScheme.H"

    dimensionedScalar v_zero("v_zero", dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0);
    scalar CoNum = 0.0;
    scalar meanCoNum = 0.0;
    Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
    while (
        Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
    bool meshChanged =        mesh.update();
    reduce(meshChanged, orOp<bool>());
        // --- Directed interpolation of primitive fields onto faces
        surfaceScalarField rho_pos=fvc::interpolate(rho, pos,"reconstruct(rho)");
        surfaceScalarField rho_neg=fvc::interpolate(rho, neg,"reconstruct(rho)");

        surfaceVectorField rhoU_pos=fvc::interpolate(rhoU, pos,"reconstruct(U)");
        surfaceVectorField rhoU_neg=fvc::interpolate(rhoU, neg, "reconstruct(U)");

        volScalarField rPsi= 1.0/psi;
        surfaceScalarField rPsi_pos=fvc::interpolate(rPsi, pos,"reconstruct(T)");
        surfaceScalarField rPsi_neg=fvc::interpolate(rPsi, neg,"reconstruct(T)");

        surfaceScalarField e_pos=fvc::interpolate(e, pos,"reconstruct(T)");
        surfaceScalarField e_neg=fvc::interpolate(e, neg,"reconstruct(T)");
        surfaceVectorField U_pos= rhoU_pos/rho_pos;
        surfaceVectorField U_neg = rhoU_neg/rho_neg;
        surfaceScalarField p_pos= rho_pos*rPsi_pos;
        surfaceScalarField p_neg = rho_neg*rPsi_neg;
        surfaceScalarField phiv_pos= U_pos & mesh.Sf();
        surfaceScalarField phiv_neg= U_neg & mesh.Sf();

    if (mesh.moving()){

Info<<"Mesh flux is being accounted for\n";  
 phiv_pos -= mesh.phi();// fvc::meshPhi(rho,U);

 phiv_neg -= mesh.phi();//fvc::meshPhi(rho,U);

        Info <<endl <<phiv_neg <<endl<<"printed phiv_neg";

    Info<<"  adjusted for moving mesh ";
        volScalarField c= sqrt(thermo.Cp()/thermo.Cv()*rPsi);

    surfaceScalarField cSf_pos =         fvc::interpolate(c, pos,"reconstruct(T)")*mesh.magSf() ;
        surfaceScalarField cSf_neg=    fvc::interpolate(c, neg,"reconstruct(T)")*mesh.magSf();

        surfaceScalarField ap =   max(max(phiv_pos + cSf_pos, phiv_neg + cSf_neg), v_zero);
        surfaceScalarField am =  min(min(phiv_pos - cSf_pos, phiv_neg - cSf_neg), v_zero);

        surfaceScalarField a_pos= ap/(ap - am);

        surfaceScalarField amaxSf("amaxSf", max(mag(am), mag(ap)));
        surfaceScalarField aSf= am*a_pos;

        if (fluxScheme == "Tadmor")
            aSf = -0.5*amaxSf;
            a_pos = 0.5;

        surfaceScalarField a_neg= 1.0 - a_pos;

        phiv_pos *= a_pos;
        phiv_neg *= a_neg;

        surfaceScalarField aphiv_pos= phiv_pos - aSf;
        surfaceScalarField aphiv_neg= phiv_neg + aSf;

        amaxSf = max(mag(aphiv_pos), mag(aphiv_neg));
        #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
    #include "readTimeControls.H"
    #include "setDeltaT.H"

       surfaceScalarField phi("phi",aphiv_pos*rho_pos + aphiv_neg*rho_neg);

        surfaceVectorField phiUp=
            (aphiv_pos*rhoU_pos + aphiv_neg*rhoU_neg)
          + (a_pos*p_pos + a_neg*p_neg)*mesh.Sf();

        surfaceScalarField phiEp=
            aphiv_pos*(rho_pos*(e_pos + 0.5*magSqr(U_pos)) + p_pos)
          + aphiv_neg*(rho_neg*(e_neg + 0.5*magSqr(U_neg)) + p_neg)
          + aSf*p_pos - aSf*p_neg;

      phiEp +=mesh.phi()*(a_pos*p_pos + a_neg*p_neg);

 Info << "\n print out check phiEp\n";

    Info << "\n beginning to solve the density and momentum equations\n";

//        volScalarField muEff("muEff", turbulence->muEff());
        volTensorField tauMC("tauMC", mu*dev2(fvc::grad(U)().T()));

    // solve density

        solve(fvm::ddt(rho) + fvc::div(phi));
    //Info << "Solving Momentum\n";
        // --- Solve momentum
        solve(fvm::ddt(rhoU) + fvc::div(phiUp));
        U.dimensionedInternalField() =
        rhoU.boundaryField() = rho.boundaryField()*U.boundaryField();
    volScalarField rhoBydt(rho/runTime.deltaT());
        if (!inviscid)
                fvm::ddt(rho, U) - fvc::ddt(rho, U)
              - fvm::laplacian(mu, U)
              - fvc::div(tauMC)
      Info << "Flow is not inviscid";
          rhoU = rho*U;
    //Info <<"Define sigmaDotU\n";
        // --- Solve energy
        surfaceScalarField sigmaDotU=(
              + (mesh.Sf() & fvc::interpolate(tauMC))
            & (a_pos*U_pos + a_neg*U_neg);
    Info<<"Solving Energy Eqn\n";
          + fvc::div(phiEp)

        e = rhoE/rho - 0.5*magSqr(U);
    //Info <<"\n corrected thermo and using the solve functions \n";
        rhoE.boundaryField() =
                e.boundaryField() + 0.5*magSqr(U.boundaryField())

        if (!inviscid)
        //turned off turbulence for now MS 6/7/16
                fvm::ddt(rho, e) - fvc::ddt(rho, e)
        - fvm::laplacian(thermo.alpha(), e)
            rhoE = rho*(e + 0.5*magSqr(U));

        p.dimensionedInternalField() =
        rho.boundaryField() = psi.boundaryField()*p.boundaryField();

    // turbulence->correct(); //see above; turned off 6/7/16 MS


        Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
            << "  ClockTime = " << runTime.elapsedClockTime() << " s"
            << nl << endl;

    Info<< "End\n" << endl;

    return 0;

// ************************************************************************* //
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Old   September 20, 2023, 00:14
Michael Sukham
Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: India
Posts: 85
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2538sukham is on a distinguished road
Have you solved this particular issue? When layer addition or removal occurs, the simulation crashed. I am using foamExtend 3.2 and the LAR is based on linearValveLayersFvMesh. Is it to do with mapping when topoChange occurs?
With regards
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compressible, dynamic mesh, foam extend 3.1

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