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Extract data in volVectorField to a primitive C or C++ data type

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Old   February 12, 2016, 08:45
Default Extract data in volVectorField to a primitive C or C++ data type
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Carlos Baptista
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Consider a volVectorField like U. How can I extract the data inside the object to a primitive C or C++ data type?

I want the data in memory but not in a OpenFOAM-specific object. Basically what I want is just a std::vector (or even better: a C array) containing the values in e.g. 0/U.

My goal is to write a function which computes vorticity and returns just a C pointer to the first value in memory.
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Old   February 12, 2016, 10:17
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I would recommend you to take a look at OpenFOAM's container classes as they build the underlying data structure for the fields (e.g. volVectorField or volScalarField). Specifically have a look at the List [1] and UList [2] classes.

Now, assuming f is of type volScalarField, you would get access to the internal field (i.e. without the boundaries) like this:
    const scalarField& fCellValues = f.internalField();
To get access to the C data structure something like this should do the trick:
    const double* data = fCellValues.cdata();
Now, for vector fields that might be a bit different, since I cannot recall how they are stored exactly (e.g. if the data arrays are contiguous). But maybe somebody else can comment on that.

Hope that helped!


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Old   February 12, 2016, 10:49
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I'm dealing with a similar problem. I managed to extract the entire field to std namespace vectors using the object registry to get the components of the vectorfield (u_,v_,w_), then I copy them cell by cell (which is probably not a good idea at all) into the std vector structure (u,v,w).
const volScalarField u_(obr().objectRegistry::lookupObject<volVectorField>("U").component(vector::X));
const volScalarField v_(obr().objectRegistry::lookupObject<volVectorField>("U").component(vector::Y));
const volScalarField w_(obr().objectRegistry::lookupObject<volVectorField>("U").component(vector::Z));
const int nCells(v_.size());
std::vector<double> u(nCells,0);
std::vector<double> v(nCells,0);
std::vector<double> w(nCells,0);
forAll(u_, cellI)
My current problem is, that I want to extract only a certain sub-volume of cells to such a data structure. For this I copied the cellSource functionObject and started to look for the right location to implement that data extraction and transfer. I figured, the function Foam::fieldValues::cellSource::writeValues(const word& fieldName) from cellSourceTemplates.C might be a good place, since the sub-volume field data is already available by the variable "values". The problem: how do I extract the respective velocity components (or pressure values) from this structure? The values variable can contain: <scalar> <vector> <sphericalTensor> <symmTensor> <tensor>. Depending on the function call "writeValues" the type of values is different. I would like to extract the numbers stored in "values". At the end I want to transfer a p-vector and vectors for each velocity component. Any help is appreciated.

Here is the function that I want to edit and use:
template<class Type>
bool Foam::fieldValues::cellToMat::writeValues(const word& fieldName)
    const bool ok = validField<Type>(fieldName);

    if (ok)
        Field<Type> values(setFieldValues<Type>(fieldName));
        scalarField V(filterField(mesh().V()));
        scalarField weightField(values.size(), 1.0);

        if (weightFieldName_ != "none")
            weightField = setFieldValues<scalar>(weightFieldName_, true);

        // Combine onto master

        // apply weight field
        values *= weightField;

        if (Pstream::master())
            Type result = processValues(values, V, weightField);

            // add to result dictionary, over-writing any previous entry
            resultDict_.add(fieldName, result, true);

            if (valueOutput_)
                        fieldName + "_" + sourceTypeNames_[source_] + "-"
                            + sourceName_,

            file()<< tab << result;

            Info(log_)<< "    " << operationTypeNames_[operation_]
                << "(" << sourceName_ << ") for " << fieldName
                <<  " = " << result << endl;
            //----- moving field to MATLAB starts here --------//
            // available variables:
            // - sourceName_ = "sampleBox" -> cellZone name
            // - fieldName   = "U" -> name of the currently processed field 
            // - operationTypeNames_[operation_] = "none" -> operation to be applied to the field 
            //                                     (can be:"none","sum","average","weightedAverage"
            //                                             "volAverage","volIntegrate","min","max","CoV")
            // - result      = (0 0 0) -> result from operation
            // - obr_.time().timeName() = "100.01"
            Info << nl << "Transferring " << fieldName
                       << " to MATLAB at t= " << obr_.time().timeName() << endl;

            if(fieldName == "U")
                //const scalarField& test(values.component(vector::X));
                const volScalarField u_(values.component(vector::X));
                //Info << nl << "!!!!now U!!! " << values[0].component(vector::X) << endl;
                //int* temp = values[0];
                //ptr->DoSomething(); // Use the object in some way.
            else if(fieldName == "p")
                Info << nl << "!!!!now p!!!" << values[0] << endl;
//const DimensionedField<Type,volMesh>& iField = this->dimensionedInternalField();
//const Field<Type>& iField = this->internalField();
// if (!"U"))
// {
//   Info << nl << "SUCCESS "  << endl;
// }


    return ok;
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Old   February 12, 2016, 10:54
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Old   February 15, 2016, 07:02
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Carlos Baptista
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Thanks dkxls!

From what I gathered is that in a volVectorField all the components are stored in a separate Foam::Vector. You can then do something like:

const Foam::Vector<double>& u = U.internalField()[0];
const Foam::Vector<double>& v = U.internalField()[1];
const Foam::Vector<double>& w = U.internalField()[2];
But I need all the components in a single contiguous array. Although not efficient, I am now copying the values into a C-style array:

NOTE: i is the cell index and j is the component index

vorticity = fvc::curl(U);

int index = 0;

// Copy vorticity components stored in volVectorField object to C-style array
forAll( vorticity.internalField(), i )
    for ( int j = 0; j < mesh.nGeometricD(); j++ )
        eulerianVorticity[index] = vorticity.internalField()[i][j];

// Check if size of input array exactly matches number of copied values
if ( index+1 != nbValues )
    if ( index+1 > nbValues )
        Info<< "ERROR: Size of input array for vorticity is too small\n" << endl;
    else if ( index+1 < nbValues )
        Info<< "ERROR: Size of input array for vorticity is too large\n" << endl;
    Info<< "ERROR: Expected size: " << nbValues << ", received size: " << index+1 << "\n" << endl;
If there is a more efficient or succinct way of doing this please let me know!
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