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OpenFOAM 2.3.0 to 2.2.0

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  • 3 Post By chegdan
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Old   July 23, 2014, 11:36
Default OpenFOAM 2.3.0 to 2.2.0
Join Date: Jun 2014
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koful is on a distinguished road
Hi you all...

I am pretty new about openfoam.. I install OF 2.3.0 but I have some solvers written in 2.2.0. I try to use these solvers but program gave me some errors on compiling. I know I can remove OF and install the older one and it will probably work, but I wonder that if you know any other idea about this... any converter or something?

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Old   July 23, 2014, 13:01
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Daniel P. Combest
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chegdan will become famous soon enoughchegdan will become famous soon enough

First of all, welcome to the forum...there are many people here that can help. Before I ask questions and before people can actually help, maybe a little story will help. Please take this with all the best intentions (good posts always start with this phrase).

There is a radio program in the US called "car talk" that have these two really animated hosts with the nicknames "Click" and "Clack" that answer questions about problems people are having with their cars. Its a fantastic show to listen to as you drive places in the states....and I often laugh at the stories people tell. They are perfect hosts because they have fun; the caller always leaves with more knowledge than they started with; and those listening learn a little as well. Now, my favorite stories are those that start like this:
  • Caller: "hello Click and Clack....i have a really big problem that I cannot figure out for the life of me"
  • C&C: "Well I hope we can help" then insert some joke one brother says about the other.
  • Caller: "My car makes a noise and just doesn't work, what is the problem?"
  • C&C: Jovial laughing starts from the hosts as the very gently mock each other and past callers with the same description "can you describe this sound...and what do you mean 'it doesn't work'?"

They go on to solve the problem and give some advice, but the fun part is listening to them ask questions and extract the most exact answer about a ball bearing not working correctly in the right rear suspension that causes a terrible vibration and a distinctive noise. I highly recommend this program to anyone.

Now, on to your problem...can you describe the "sounds" (i'm being figurative) i.e. can you provide what these error messages actually contain? Once that happens....i promise you will get better help. You may want to check out

good luck....and welcome to the forum.
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Last edited by chegdan; July 23, 2014 at 14:05.
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Old   July 23, 2014, 16:16
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koful is on a distinguished road
wow that was a good welcome so, lets start...

I am working on a interFoam case. Accually it is interDyMFoam. I want to examine boiling in a pipe. My advisor gave me some files and samples. Now I have three manipulated interDyMFoam solver. I tried to merge them to OF and I use this tutorial:

the thing is that this solver were written on 2.2.0 my OF is 2.3.0 an it keeps give this message when I use wmake command:

"make: *** No rule to make target `/opt/openfoam230/src/transportModels/incompressible/lnInclude/twoPhaseMixture.H', needed by `mystinterFoam.dep'. Stop."

I thought that the error is becouse of .H files. some of they are in different locations and some of them has different names. I tried to change some names but that didn't help, in fact it made just opposite

As I wrote, I know it will be work on OF 2.2.0, but I have other cases and I dont want to lose them. I thought may be somewhere in the universe, someone know how to convert or something.
Thanks for replies
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Old   July 24, 2014, 04:02
Default make: *** No rule to make target
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Fabian Roesler
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That's usually because you don't have a file called /opt/openfoam230/src/transportModels/incompressible/lnInclude/twoPhaseMixture.H available to wmake. Check that:
  • that file exists
  • you're in the right directory when you wmake
  • all include dirs are set in Make/options file

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Old   July 24, 2014, 12:04
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Daniel P. Combest
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chegdan will become famous soon enoughchegdan will become famous soon enough
@ Koful,

Thanks for more information. Fabian is correct, you are getting this error because wmake is looking for something used by the solver in OF 2.2 in 2.3. I think you have a few options.
  1. You can stick with 2.2 and go on your merry way to use what you have. This is a fine option as there are plenty of people that use 2.2 and are fine. if you have functionality in 2.3 that you absolutely must have...then you need to go on to option (2).
  2. You can make the effort and move to 2.3.

If you choose to move forward and go on to 2.3, i suggest you do a few things that will make you initially pull your hair out....but you will thank me at 3 AM when things work.
  1. Learn how to compile OpenFOAM. i see you have a file in /opt so I am assuming you are on Ubuntu. Go check out the git instructions (pun intended) at This will teach you how things are setup and the process to compile OF. Its a necessary skill that all developers must be proficient in.
  2. Go through your solver written in 2.2 and see where it is different than interFoam in 2.3. This is a line by line "what is that?" type of investigation. You need to decide if this is an interFoam line or a line from your model.
  3. Move your developments to 2.3. Once you have a firm grasp on what does what (not even a complete picture...just mostly understand) can start moving. As you move things you will learn more. At this point you should document the steps and important things for later when you write/present as its easy now to write this down as you learn. Think of this collecting of information as an entry in your Lab book much like experimental work would require.
  4. Test, test, and test some more. and when you are done with this...test. Verify that it works like you want and if you can...validate the solver results if you can.

Again good luck.
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Last edited by chegdan; July 25, 2014 at 10:10. Reason: grammar
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Old   July 25, 2014, 11:01
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The whole multiphase part of OpenFOAM was rewritten (and consolidated) in 2.3. Porting a multiphase solver from 2.2 to 2.3 might hence be a bigger project.
(I'm myself not doing any multiphase simulation, but I have lately talked with people that were involved in the work for the 2.3 multiphase solver rewrite.)

Thus, if your custom 2.2 solver has only minor modifications, it might be quite easy to identify these changes and re-implement them in a solver based on a 2.3 multiphase solver.
For larger modifications, you might want to consider to stick with 2.2. ... or you could also learn how to code C++/OpenFOAM, something you will anyways have to do if this is going to be a longer project (like a PhD).

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Old   July 25, 2014, 11:17
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Oh and one thing I forgot: Use the latest git version of 2.3 if you plan to port your stuff to 2.3.
There have been a lot of changes in the multiphase part and more features (e.g. fully-conservative energy and momentum equations) were implemented after 2.3.0 was released, hence only available in the git version.

For instructions on how to install an OpenFOAM git version see here:


P.S.: In case you would use openSUSE linux, I maintain a package that provides a "regularly updated" OpenFOAM git version:
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openfoam 2.2.0, openfoam 2.3.0, solver compilation error

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