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Heat source using fvOptions in laplacianFoam

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  • 2 Post By osha
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Old   July 17, 2014, 08:09
Default Heat source using fvOptions in laplacianFoam
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Hello Foamers,

I am working on a solid conduction problem using laplacianFoam where I wish to add a heat generation term Q [W/m^3] on selected cells (using topoSet) in the mesh. I have modified the laplacianFoam in following way:

fvm::ddt(T) - fvm::laplacian(DT, T) - fvOptions(T)
But I need to apply the heat generation term which I intend to keep constant. I am not sure how I achieve that with the above formulation.

After reading on fvOptions, I realized that I could use scalarExplicitSetValue to define a scalar explicit source. But this method will only fix temperature in the selected cellZone whereas I intend to fix the heat generation rate.

I do not intend to define the heat generation region in geometry this is why fvOption is more suitable for my problem. I am looking forward to your insights.

Thank you.
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Old   July 17, 2014, 10:32
Default searching further ...
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As I was digging further I glanced upon semiImplicitSource and tried to use it. I am not sure if my formulation is right as my results are highly non-physical.

Here is what I tried. The heat generation rate Q [W/m^3] can be written as

which implies

T = T_old + Q/(rho*Cp)
So, I define injectionRateSuSp as

T (Q/(rho*Cp) 1<---[for T_old] )
Do you think the above method make sense?

Though, I am not sure as the temperature field gives out unreal numbers. The absolute temperature goes down to 0.

Any insight will be much appreciated.

Thank you.
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Old   March 21, 2017, 11:32
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Edoardo Cascioli
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Have you found another solution? I used scalarExplicitSetValue for the same purpose, but I have also achieved constant temperature field with no iterations for the temperature equation during the simulation. I was intended to set a average temperature field for the energy balance for my cyclic pipe flow case with incompressible fluid.
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Old   March 22, 2017, 09:05
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Agustín Villa
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I am using semiImplicitSource and I have no problem. If you pay atention

Description     Semi-implicit source, described using an input dictionary.  The injection     
rate coefficients are specified as pairs of Su-Sp coefficients, i.e.          
             S(x) = S_u + S_p x         
         S(x)    | net source for field 'x'
         S_u     | explicit source contribution
         S_p     | linearised implicit contribution     
Example of the source specification:      
     {         volumeMode      absolute; // specific
         {             k           (30.7 0);
             epsilon     (1.5  0);         }
Valid options for the \c volumeMode entry include:
     - absolute: values are given as \<quantity\>
     - specific: values are given as \<quantity\>/m3
Once you know your heat source, you should divide by rho and Cp so you get the units of your equation. Take a look in the units of your heat source, if it is absolute (W) or specific (W/m3).

Haveing a fixed heat source, just do as above, set T (Q/(rho*Cp) 0);

PS:hello again Edoardo
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Old   October 27, 2020, 05:28
Join Date: Oct 2020
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Originally Posted by agustinvo View Post

I am using semiImplicitSource and I have no problem. If you pay atention

Description     Semi-implicit source, described using an input dictionary.  The injection     
rate coefficients are specified as pairs of Su-Sp coefficients, i.e.          
             S(x) = S_u + S_p x         
         S(x)    | net source for field 'x'
         S_u     | explicit source contribution
         S_p     | linearised implicit contribution     
Example of the source specification:      
     {         volumeMode      absolute; // specific
         {             k           (30.7 0);
             epsilon     (1.5  0);         }
Valid options for the \c volumeMode entry include:
     - absolute: values are given as \<quantity\>
     - specific: values are given as \<quantity\>/m3
Once you know your heat source, you should divide by rho and Cp so you get the units of your equation. Take a look in the units of your heat source, if it is absolute (W) or specific (W/m3).

Haveing a fixed heat source, just do as above, set T (Q/(rho*Cp) 0);

PS:hello again Edoardo

I have to use a source, the only data is that it is a ignitor of 10kJ.

I am doing it now as:
type            semiImplicitSource;

        timeStart       0;
        duration        1;
        selectionMode   cellSet;
        cellSet         ignitionCells;
        volumeMode      absolute;
                explicit 1e4;
                implicit 0;

I'm obtaining so high temperatures, is it being set properly? how can I estimate the duration of the source??
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conduction, fvoptions, heat generation rate, laplacianfoam

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