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Using oneEqEddy model in openFoam 4

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Old   October 7, 2016, 19:37
Default Using oneEqEddy model in openFoam 4
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Tristen Hohman
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Hello all,

I am very new to openFoam (about 1 week) and to CFD in general. I installed the latest version of openFoam (4.0) and have been trying to get acquainted with the software including reading the manual, running the tutorials in the tutorial manual (although there are not many) as well as following the tutorials of Jozsef Nagy ( which i have found extremely helpful.

My problem is when I got to the transient turbulence modelling tutorial using RAS and LES is that the oneEqEddy model does not seem to be included in the /src/TurbulenceModels file of openFoam 4, and therefore I am unable to complete this tutorial. I don't know if this is even necessary as I don't know what turbulence models I will be using in my own cases, but it has been difficult to learn an already complicated software when it seems some of the best tutorials are on different, and partially incompatible, versions.

Maybe this means I am premature in using version 4 as version 3 was itself only released at the beginning of the year, but I figured I should use the latest version, and consequently the latest bug fixes.

After a few google searches I was unable to find anything addressing this issue, and although I found the oneEqEddy model for download at various sites, I am unsure if this will work with version 4. I also saw many other tutorial files included with version 4, but I find it much more helpful to follow an actual walkthrough and the subsequent comparison of results such an approach provides.

I would greatly appreciate any help anyone can provide on this matter, as well as any advice you may have for a CFD newbie such as myself.

Thanks for the time,
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Old   February 11, 2017, 10:31
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I think, if I am not wrong, that the terminology have changed a lot in OpenFAOM v4 than the one used in those particular tutorials (or any of the 3- versions really).

If I am not mistaken, your issue can be implemented more easily in v4, by doing the following:

choose an LES simulation type (not RAS as depicted in that tutorial). Then, choose your LES model to be: kEqn. This, along with the rest of the tutorial details, should resolve this version-difference inconvenience.

I am a newbie in openfoam just like you, so in case anything is wrong with my post, correct me !!


... Actually, for some reason, I answered something completely different and not related. I probably thought you were stuck on the same thing I was on and jumped quickly on board to answering... Again, another reason not to be hasty.

Now, I too find myself, ironically enough, stuck in the same situation as you are and asking myself about implementing oneEqEddy in OF v4.1.

Any updates ?
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Last edited by Inquisitor101; February 11, 2017 at 11:01. Reason: wrong interpretation of question !
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