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No "neighbourPatch" provided. Is your mesh uptodate with split cyclics?

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  • 1 Post By OF-User
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Old   April 10, 2014, 05:59
Default No "neighbourPatch" provided. Is your mesh uptodate with split cyclics?
New Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
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OF-User is on a distinguished road
Hello OpenFOAM-Users

In order to assure the rotational symmerty, i am trying use the boundary condition "cyclic". but i am not able to run blockMesh and am getting this FOAM FATAL IO ERROR :

Creating curved edges
Creating topology blocks
Creating topology patches

Creating block mesh topology

No "neighbourPatch" provided.
Is your mesh uptodate with split cyclics?
Run foamUpgradeCyclics to convert mesh and fields to split cyclics.

file: .front from line 201 to line 0.

    From function cyclicPolyPatch::cyclicPolyPatch
    const word& name,
    const dictionary& dict,
    const label index,
    const polyBoundaryMesh& bm
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicPolyPatch.C at line 680.

FOAM exiting
here is my blockMesh :

    version 2.0;
    format ascii;
    class dictionary;
    object blockMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
// General m4 macros


// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
// User-defined parameters

convertToMeters 0.001; // Alle Eingaben sind in mm

// Parametric description


(0.332499347223735 -0.475230664094595 0) // Vertex A0b = 0  //0
(0.482592912464525 -0.337650409564724 0) // Vertex A1b = 1  //1
(0 -0.820243322029249 0) // Vertex A2b = 2  //2
(0.35 -0.500243786407155 0) // Vertex A3b = 3  //3 
(0.502294477681098 -0.290000444294613 0) // Vertex A4b = 4  //4 
(0.539032001961431 -0.311210907154499 0) // Vertex A5b = 5  //5
(0.58 -0 0) // Vertex A6b = 6  //6
(0.850244450128498 -0 0) // Vertex A7b = 7  //7
(0.850244450128498 0.2 0) // Vertex A8b = 8  //8
(0.58 0.2 0) // Vertex A9b = 9  //9
(0 -0.58 0) // Vertex A10b = 10  //9
(0.332499347223735 -0.475230664094595 0.0577378574479284) // Vertex A0f = 11  //10
(0.482592912464525 -0.337650409564724 1) // Vertex A1f = 12  //11
(0 -0.820243322029249 0) // Vertex A2f = 13  //12
(0.35 -0.500243786407155 0.0607768113697289) // Vertex A3f = 14  //13
(0.502294477681098 -0.290000444294613 0.0872224477773731) // Vertex A4f = 15  //14
(0.539032001961431 -0.311210907154499 0.0936018465870207) // Vertex A5f = 16  //15
(0.58 -0 0.100715858841265) // Vertex A6f = 17  //16
(0.850244450128498 -0 0.147643275896053) // Vertex A7f = 18  //18
(0.850244450128498 0.2 0.147643275896053) // Vertex A8f = 19  //19
(0.58 0.2 0.100715858841265) // Vertex A9f = 20  //20
(0 -0.58 1) // Vertex A10f = 21  //9


    // block0
   hex (0 3 5 4 11 14 16 15) (40 140 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
    // block1
   hex (4 5 7 6 15 16 18 17) (40 140 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
   hex (6 7 8 9 17 18 19 20) (40 80 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) 



arc 0 4 (0.410121661014263 0.410122205161951 0)
arc 11 15 (0.403891001943997 0.410122205161951 0.0712168195145822) 
arc 4 6 (0.545021515345564 0.198372245564811 0)
arc 15 17 (0.536741427823046 0.198372245564811 0.0946419138017175)
arc 10 0 (0.100715858841265 0.571188511594785 0)
arc 21 11 (0.0991857612164355 0.571188511594785 0.0174891107278166)


        type patch;
    (0 11 14 3)       
        type patch;
    (20 9 8 19)      
        type wall;
    (0 4 15 11)
    (3 14 16 5)
    (4 6 17 15)
    (5 7 18 16)
    (6 9 20 17)
    (7 8 19 18)
        type cyclic;
        (0 3 5 4)
        (4 5 7 6)
    (6 7 8 9)
        type cyclic;
    (16 15 17 18)
        (11 15 16 14)
    (18 17 20 19)
I searched in the Internet for a solution or may a report about this error, but i did not find nothing.

Could you please explain me how to fix it ?
Is "cyclic" the right BC for my case ?

PS: i am using OF-2.2.0
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Old   April 10, 2014, 06:30
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 53
Rep Power: 15
blacksquirrel is on a distinguished road
If you look here:

When specifying a cyclic patch in blockMesh, the user must specify the name of the related cyclic patch through the neighbourPatch keyword. For example, a pair of cyclic patches might be specified as follows:

type cyclic;
neighbourPatch right;
faces ((0 4 7 3));
type cyclic;
neighbourPatch left;
faces ((1 5 6 2));
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Old   April 10, 2014, 07:13
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Join Date: Feb 2014
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OF-User is on a distinguished road
Thanks for ur answer

i changed the definition of my front and Back and i am still not able to run the blockMesh.

        type cyclic;
        neighbourPatch  Back; 
        (0 3 5 4)
        (4 5 7 6)
    (6 7 8 9)
        type cyclic;
        neighbourPatch front; 
    (16 15 17 18)
        (11 15 16 14)
    (18 17 20 19)
is the neighbourPatch, the opposite Patch ?

Creating curved edges
Creating topology blocks
Creating topology patches

Creating block mesh topology

face 0 area does not match neighbour by 136.563% -- possible face ordering problem.
patch:front my area:0.00922141 neighbour area:0.0489239 matching tolerance:0.0001
Mesh face:10 fc:(0.435821 -0.389352 0)
Neighbour fc:(0.641625 -0.116072 0.111417)
If you are certain your matching is correct you can increase the 'matchTolerance' setting in the patch dictionary in the boundary file.
Rerun with cyclic debug flag set for more information.

    From function cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms()
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicPolyPatch.C at line 220.

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Old   April 10, 2014, 07:41
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 53
Rep Power: 15
blacksquirrel is on a distinguished road
Yes, it is the opposite patch.
Try to do make front and Back as type patch first.
That should work.

Maybe it is just the order of your faces [(0 3 5 4) not opposite to (16 15 17 18)]. It says that the area of one side of the cyclic part is bigger, than the other one.

Either try createPatch utility to make both patch-type patches (front;Back) to cyclic ones.
[] ]

Or build first one pair of faces [(0 3 5 4) for front and its neighbour for back] in cyclic, and if it works add the next pair of faces to these patches.
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