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Thermophysical Property Units

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Old   November 20, 2013, 08:43
Default Thermophysical Property Units
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Johan Zietsman
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I am using OpenFOAM 2.2.0.

I am busy using the chtMultiRegionFoam solver to configure a heat transfer case that involves multiple materials. When I started editing the thermophysicalProperties files, I found it very hard to determine what the units of the properties were. I am referring to the following content of the file:

nMoles 1;
molWeight 63.546; // molar weight, [kg/kmol]

kappa 401; // thermal conductivity, [W/(m.K)]

Hf 0; // ??? enthalpy of formation, [J/kmol]
Cp 24449; // heat capacity at constant pressure, [J/(kmol K)], ref. FactSage FactPS database

rho 8960; // density, [kg/m^3]

I delved into the header files to find comments where the units were documented. These parameters are implemented with the scalar data type, and not a dimensionedScalar data type. This makes me a bit worried.

Is there a specific method in that I can use to determine the units of quantities such as those above, or are the units implicitly implemented in the code with comments documenting the choice of units?

Was the implementation of units on thermophysical properties changed in version 2.2.0 to eliminate the units? If so, what is the reason for this.

Thanks for the help.

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Old   January 21, 2014, 06:01
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Joachim Herb
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Originally Posted by johanz View Post
I am using OpenFOAM 2.2.0.
        Hf      0; // ??? enthalpy of formation, [J/kmol]
        Cp      24449; // heat capacity at constant pressure, [J/(kmol K)], ref. FactSage FactPS database
Comparing the example given at with the value (for air) from it looks like cp is in J/(kg K) and not J/(kmol K).

In the bug report it is explained that:
In the source code, typically upper case letters (e.g. Ha) indicate [J/kg] and lower case (e.g. ha) [J/kmol].
Internally in the sensible enthalpy is calculated which has the units J/kmol (according to so cp has the units J/(kmol K). The conversion is from kg to kmol is done when reading it in

The same seems to apply to Hf (so also given as J/kg in thermophysicalProperties)
acgnipper, api and saidc. like this.
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Old   December 16, 2018, 11:08
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Originally Posted by jherb View Post
Comparing the example given at with the value (for air) from it looks like cp is in J/(kg K) and not J/(kmol K).

In the bug report it is explained that:
Internally in the sensible enthalpy is calculated which has the units J/kmol (according to so cp has the units J/(kmol K). The conversion is from kg to kmol is done when reading it in

The same seems to apply to Hf (so also given as J/kg in thermophysicalProperties)
Sorry for bumping this again. But I'm confused a bit about this explanation.
If, according to this, Hf is in J/kg, for water the value should be approximately 3.33e5 (J/kg). Following is an excerpt from the thermophysicalProperties directory of bubbleColumnEvaporator tutorial.
        Hf          -1.5879e+07;
        Cp          4195;
How do we explain this? Not just a question of units but of the actual magnitude as well.
(A quick way to compare different ways in which Hf is defined in all tutorials:
find <tutorial path> -name thermoPhysicalProperties | xargs grep -rn "Hf "
This is what I did to check how it was defined in various scenarios.)
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