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renumberMesh problems

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Old   September 20, 2013, 14:13
Default renumberMesh problems
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
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Hi there everyone,

has anyone been able to successfully run renumberMesh on a mesh with cyclic BC's to reduce bandwidth and speedup their simulations.

I have tried multiple approaches to try to get this to work, but everytime, renumberMesh ends up breaking the face ordering on the cyclics and then the solvers fall over

Is there something I should know about this utility i don't? I am using OF-2.1.1 and meshes made in ICEMCFD (Fluent format).

This is what i have tried:

1) fluent3DMeshToFoam
2) createPatch -> to fix the cyclics
3) renumberMesh
4) simpleFoam ---> FAIL

1) fluent3DMeshToFoam
2) createPatch -> create simple 'patch' BC's instead of periodics
3) renumberMesh
3) createPatch -> create new cyclics
4) simpleFoam ---> FAIL

and a few other combinations i cannot recall right now (there have been too many!)

I have tried with pointSync on and off with no difference that i can tell. Surely it cannot be that Foam does not work with basic utilities such as renumberMesh and cyclics - which are essential to all rotating machine simulations which are a huge user of CFD codes ...

any help or advice on how to do this would be much appreciated.

thanks in advance,
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Old   May 10, 2016, 17:38
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Lukáš Hurda
Join Date: Oct 2015
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this is old, but still shouldn't be left unanswered. I tripped over this question thousand times trying to solve this exact problem, just slight difference - using fluentMeshToFoam instead fluent3DMeshToFoam. I made it today, finally, thanks to this post:
As it says, I've set writePrecision 12; and went through

createPatch -overwrite
renumberMesh -overwrite
mpirun -np 8 renumberMesh -parallel -overwrite

and then changed back the writePrecision 6; not to produce unnecessarily large amount of data during the course of solver run. Everything fine with cyclics!

I use poinSync false; in createPatchDict but it may work with true; also.
I don't reset the default matchTolerace, which is 0.0001; I believe.
It also works when decreasing the matchTolerace terribly, to 0.01; in my case, but that's not a fine solution...
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createpatch, cyclic, renumbermesh

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