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No times selected after successful parallel run

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Old   January 13, 2012, 15:34
Default No times selected after successful parallel run
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Edwin Lee
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I have spent some time familiarizing myself with OpenFoam after spending a good amount of time with Fluent. I was able to decompose a domain for 32 processors and successfully load up all 8 "processors" on my local machine, plus 8 on each of 3 more machines connected via ethernet.

Everything looked great, no errors during simulation. After it completed, I tried to reconstructPar, only to be given this:

No times selected

From function reconstructPar
in file reconstructPar.C at line 139.

FOAM exiting

I have searched around, but most of the problems are actually getting the parallel runs working, and I couldn't find a solution to this.

Any insights?

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Old   January 14, 2012, 05:10
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Hi Edwin,

You have to specify which time-steps you want to reconstruct. You can either use -latestTime or specify -time as defined here:
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Old   January 16, 2012, 12:26
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Edwin Lee
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Thanks for that!

So I think there is still a problem. As I mentioned, I am on one computer, lets say "A", and I have three slave machines "B-D." The simulations are run on all 8 cores of each of the four machines.

When I look at the output data from the runs, I notice each machine only has a fourth of the final output data, which is essentially what I expect:
If I log into "B", and look through the directories, I notice that processor0 folder has all the time step data output folders. processor1 only has 0 and constant subdirectories, same with processor2 and 3 folders. Then processor4 folder has all the data in it again. This is mimicked across all four machines. Each one, including the master "A," only has its own data.
What I expected was that each machine would transfer its output back to the master machine. However, I believe I am approaching that a bit wrong. When I manually merge the folders back onto the master, and do a reconstructPar, it reconstructs it pretty well, except for a different problem which I'll post about separately.

So, do I need to setup an NFS share? I hadn't done it simply because I thought everything could be communicated well enough over ssh. I am not against setting one up, just didn't want to waste any time.

Thanks so much!
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Old   January 25, 2012, 09:45
Vitor Vasconcelos
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Originally Posted by Myoldmopar View Post
Thanks for that!

So I think there is still a problem. As I mentioned, I am on one computer, lets say "A", and I have three slave machines "B-D." The simulations are run on all 8 cores of each of the four machines.

When I look at the output data from the runs, I notice each machine only has a fourth of the final output data, which is essentially what I expect:
If I log into "B", and look through the directories, I notice that processor0 folder has all the time step data output folders. processor1 only has 0 and constant subdirectories, same with processor2 and 3 folders. Then processor4 folder has all the data in it again. This is mimicked across all four machines. Each one, including the master "A," only has its own data.
What I expected was that each machine would transfer its output back to the master machine. However, I believe I am approaching that a bit wrong. When I manually merge the folders back onto the master, and do a reconstructPar, it reconstructs it pretty well, except for a different problem which I'll post about separately.

So, do I need to setup an NFS share? I hadn't done it simply because I thought everything could be communicated well enough over ssh. I am not against setting one up, just didn't want to waste any time.

Thanks so much!
I'm experiencing exactly the same problem... Waiting for replies.

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Old   January 25, 2012, 11:31
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The simples way is to setup a nfs (or sshfs) file system.

But you can go without. You should setup in your decomposeParDict:
distributed yes;
4 <- nbr of node)
In this case, the data is local to the machine, so less I/O through the network.

NB: in fact, if you use Paraview for post processing, you can load all the data from each node without recontructing, and post process all .

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no times selected, parallel computation, reconstructpar

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