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how to... calculate the volume of specified selection

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Old   May 21, 2013, 08:47
Default how to... calculate the volume of specified selection
Join Date: Sep 2011
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anon_g is on a distinguished road
hi there,

1: sry if thread is redundant
i tried looking for this in this forum and via guugle, but i couldnt find a satisfying answer to my problem, maybe also because im kind of a newbie, so any help is much wanted and greatly appreciated

2: the situation
i have a case where i would like to find out the total volume of a specific field with values in a specified range, i.e. i want to know what the total volume of the selection is. a trivial example could be in multiphase flows (dambreak) to give the volume of one phase.

3: how i've been trying to solve it
i basically searched for the solution using two approaches: paraview and OF utilities. since i postprocess most data via PV anyway, i tried this first, e.g making a specified selection: unfortunately the information panel only gives the bounds of the selection, if the geometry isnt cuboidal however this doesnt help. i looked in the filter section, but apart form the integrate variables filter - which doesnt seem to work or i simply cant handle it - i didnt find sth suitable. the OF utilities werent any help either, if foamCalc is able to do what i want, i dont know how to use it in that way.

4: request
i can imagine that there is already a (simple) solution for that. unfortunately i dont know it and havent found a thread for it, a wiki-entry, an example that shows how it can be done, etc.

can anyone help?
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Old   May 31, 2013, 00:19
Thomas Boucheres
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thomasArk47 is on a distinguished road

not so direct with standard version of OpenFOAM Nevertheless you can process in two steps after the simulation finished:
1. use the topoSet utility with the cellSet/fieldToCell functionality (see source code in meshTools/sets/cellSet/fieldToCell to see how to parameter utility)
2. after that use the fieldValues utility. Take any operation and any field and apply it on the previous cellSet

N.B : to use these tools after the simulation ran, you need to use the execFlowFunctionObject object.
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Old   June 3, 2013, 09:16
Join Date: Sep 2011
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anon_g is on a distinguished road
hello thomas, thank you very much for your reply

unfortunately i didnt mention that i am using OF 1.7.0, so the mentioned utilities are new to me..., i.e. i cant apply them because they are not implemented... and since my code-writing skills are very poor i wouldnt know how to implement this into the code

nevertheless i appreciate ur answer... i imagine that you would hardly have the time and patience to guide me through making this - step by step...
so no hard feelings...
but online tutorials are hard to find, and if there are any, it's mostly not beginner level, so it is very difficult and time consuming to "learn" like that... ERGO, if you do have the time and patience to explain step by step, i shall follow ur guidance and do my very best to forever know the answer to my question

further/different advice is also appreciated
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Old   June 3, 2013, 09:31
Join Date: Nov 2012
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startingWithCFD is on a distinguished road
Have you tried in ParaView the following?
1) "threshold" filter to select the appropriate cells according to your quantity of interest
2) "integrate variables" filter and click on "information"
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Old   June 5, 2013, 08:12
Join Date: Sep 2011
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anon_g is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by startingWithCFD View Post
Have you tried in ParaView the following?
1) "threshold" filter to select the appropriate cells according to your quantity of interest
2) "integrate variables" filter and click on "information"
i tried that now and it seems to work. previously i used "find Data..." + "extract selection" and that didn't work... this seems odd to me, but i shall remain content that there is an alternative solution

anyway, thx
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calculate, openfoam, paraview, postprocessing, volume

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