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2nd OpenFOAM® Training in Brazil - Sao Jose dos Campos

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Old   July 7, 2011, 18:21
Default 2nd OpenFOAM® Training in Brazil - Sao Jose dos Campos
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Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: São José dos Campos, Brazil
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Dear All,

We would like to draw your attention to the 2nd OpenFOAM® Training in Brazil, to take place in São José dos Campos, from 27 to 30 of September 2011, at NOVOTEL.

Best Regards,

Marcelo de Lemos
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Old   August 11, 2011, 08:30
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Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
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Location: São José dos Campos, Brazil
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Dear All,

Due to many requests, we have postponed our 2nd OpenFOAM® Training in Brazil to 5-8 of December 2011, at the end of our school year, keeping the same place, São José dos Campos, and venue, NOVOTEL.

Best Regards,

Marcelo de Lemos

Last edited by mjsdelemos; August 13, 2011 at 09:25.
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Old   August 15, 2011, 18:40
Tiago Macarios
Join Date: Mar 2009
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los is on a distinguished road
I don't really get the point. The official training is done in Florianopolis for the same price or cheaper is you do both:
And you get to know POLO and SINMEC, two of the most respected CFD labs of Brazil.
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Old   August 15, 2011, 18:52
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Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
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Originally Posted by los View Post
I don't really get the point. The official training is done in Florianopolis for the same price or cheaper is you do both:
And you get to know POLO and SINMEC, two of the most respected CFD labs of Brazil.
Dear "los",

Suit yourself! Isn’t that nice that we have choices also here in Brazil?

All the best,

Marcelo de Lemos

PS: Our training was postponed to 5-8 Dec 2011 due to many requests by our students.

Oops... by the way, I almost forgot: When you transfer money from Brazil to abroad, you pay bank fees and taxes so that your actual price goes at lot higher. In our case, you just need to use local currency and the local banking system, at no additional cost at all!
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Old   August 16, 2011, 11:58
Tiago Macarios
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los is on a distinguished road
I did the official training last year and I dont think the fees where that expensive. If I remember correctly it still was cheaper if you get the 20% discount when doing both of them and probably the same when doing just one of the trainings. And you get to know the actual openCFD guys.

Anyway as you said someone else may want to do you training. Who is delivering it?
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Old   August 16, 2011, 12:36
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Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
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Hi "los",

As I mentioned in my last post, suit yourself! Anybody is entitled to choose whichever training session he/she might attend.

And, in regard to your concern on who might deliver the classes, I can guarantee to you that tens of people today, worldwide, have the ability and the expertise to deliver great lectures on OpenFOAM(R).


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Old   August 16, 2011, 22:40
Tiago Macarios
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Who is delivering it them?
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Old   August 17, 2011, 08:37
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Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
Join Date: Sep 2010
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Hi “los”,

Great that you ask, which means that you got interested in our short course and, by that, give us the opportunity to run some “free advertisement“ on our training this year, to take place during 5-8 Dec 2011.

As you know, last year we had our 1st OF Training in September in Sao Jose dos Campos (27-30 Sept), in the very same week that you had yours in Sao Paulo given by, as you put it, the "actual OpenCFD(R) guys". In fact, that was a coincidence of dates because we had made arrangements earlier and the two courses ended up to be in the same week. Any way, I am sure you had the most fantastic and excellent training ever, no question about it.

In our case, with the help of a colleague from abroad, we put together a 4-day course that was delivered mostly in English, with some introductory part done by myself on fundamentals of CFD (you may find some of our journal articles on CFD at ). The participants, mostly students, were given a 350-page bound volume with (literally) heavely detailed information on Linux OS, OOP, code structure, code details, etc... We also had what we called “hands-on” sessions, where participants could boot their own laptop from a 8GB pen-drive and run a few tutorials.

Now, from our experience from last year training and feedback from participants, we have learned a few things that we plan to use this year to keep on improving our training. First, participants have, in general, a wide range of expertise on CFD and on running OpenFOAM(R). While some could already master the use of tutorials, others had almost no information at all on Computational Fluid Dynamics. Remember, we are here in Brazil, not in Europe or in North America were those tools have been used for some time already. Secondly, the sole use of English language was indeed a barrier somehow because, also differently from Europe and NA, on the average participants could well read, but listening and speaking fluently was always not all that easy to all, and that might have impaired their ability to fully understand and fell free to ask questions as the explanations were being presented. Thirdly, we now figure that such a thick and detailed bound volume had enough material for nearly a one-semester full course and, for the sole purpose of a short 4-day training, people were more interested in learning how to understand the basics of running the tutorials, and modifying the existing solvers, than to have a deep and wide range of information on a variety of themes, spanning from Tensor Algebra to Advanced Use of OF.

In summary, for this year we are preparing an entirely new format for our training, paying more attention to running and explaining the tutorials while given the participants the possibility to use their native Portuguese language to fully interact with our CFD team at our CFD lab ( The course will be delivered mostly in Portuguese and we plan to have, at the end of every day, a session on HPC given by invited guests from major companies in the world, and those sessions will be conducted in English.

Well, that was rather long, but I trust that we have satisfied your curiosity. Please, come to visit us at any time. We are “Open”!


Marcelo de Lemos
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Last edited by mjsdelemos; August 17, 2011 at 16:58.
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