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3rd Iberian Meeting by and to OpenFOAM Users

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Old   April 25, 2019, 11:35
Default 3rd Iberian Meeting by and to OpenFOAM Users
Retired Super Moderator
Bruno Santos
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It's my pleasure to announce here that the 3rd FOAM@Iberia Meeting (Portugal + Spain) is scheduled to occur on the 11th and 12th of June 2019, at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Portugal).

Quoting from the About section on our community website:
The 3rd FOAM@Iberia Meeting, to be held in 11-12 June at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Portugal), will be the annual meeting point of the OpenFOAM® Iberian community. These informal gatherings are the opportunity to be introduced to OpenFOAM®, meet and interact with other OpenFOAM® users/developers, learn about the most recent developments of the computational library and share and disseminate your OpenFOAM® achievements. These events are intended to play a significant role on the dissemination of OpenFOAM® not only in Portugal and Spain since they are also open to worldwide participants.

The meeting will comprise presentations on the latest OpenFOAM® developments, OpenFOAM® Basic/Advanced courses and lectures given by prestigious invited speakers. We would like to welcome in Porto all the recent and/or experienced Foamers @PT and @SP, among others, to continue building together a strong and active OpenFOAM community. Additionally, you can visit and enjoy the attractions of Porto, a city that is a 3-time winner of the prestigious “European Best Destination” prize (2012, 2014 and 2017).

The organizing committee

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For more details, please visit our community website:

In addition to this, I'd like to emphasize that this year there will be no USB sticks provided at the workshop with OpenFOAM installations ready to be used. This is because:
  • The basic training sessions will be mostly for people to attend the session to learn how things work and then work through the problems on their own time; this is because it's really hard to give a thorough training session in just an hour or so.
  • The advanced training sessions will expect people to bring their own laptops with OpenFOAM/foam-extend already installed, i.e. we expect advanced users to have already passed the initial step of getting it installed
  • And because it's a considerable effort to create the USB sticks... and given that nowadays it's a lot more easy to install OpenFOAM wherever you need (it's not perfect yet, but people are working on it).
If you do have issues getting OpenFOAM/foam-extend installed, then please go to the Installation forum and report the issues you're having:
IHFOAM Team likes this.

Last edited by wyldckat; April 25, 2019 at 19:38. Reason: repaired some line breaks
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