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[blockMesh] Cyclic BC's: Possible face ordering problem? (Channel flow)

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Old   May 5, 2009, 17:22
Default Cyclic BC's: Possible face ordering problem? (Channel flow)
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Sebastian Gatzka
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Hello World.

I'm doing a rather complex mesh for channel flow using 36 blocks to get the appropriate mesh resultion at the walls.

The mesh despriction itself is working brilliant, but when I try to set the cyclic boundary conditions I'm getting this error:

face 1 area does not match neighbour 36 by 160% -- possible face ordering problem.
patch:INOUT my area:36 neighbour area:4 matching tolerance:0.001
Mesh face:61 vertices:4((0 2 0) (0 20 0) (0 20 2) (0 2 2))
Neighbour face:96 vertices:4((300 0 2) (300 2 2) (300 2 0) (300 0 0))
Rerun with cyclic debug flag set for more information.

    From function cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms()
    in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicPolyPatch.C at line 150
Can you tell me what I should look at in my blockMeshDict concerning this error?
I'm not sure what is meant by the "possible face ordering problem".
Attached Files
File Type: gz blockMeshDict.tar.gz (2.1 KB, 53 views)
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Old   May 6, 2009, 10:32
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Sebastian Gatzka
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Well, I simply forgot one patch (containing four vertices).
That solved the problem.

Another question: Do the patches of in- and outflow have to be exactly opposite of each other?
That would mean after the list of inflow-patches is finished, I have to start with the patch opposite of the very first one?
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Old   May 28, 2009, 11:19
Default creating cyclic boundary condition
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parham momeni
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Hi, I am having difficulty in creating cyclic boundary condition, I have done it this way:
1- I created a mesh in Gambit (Quarter of a cylinder) and I called the two planes symmetrya and symmetryb. and I set them to be symmetry for periodic bc.
2-set the writePrecision in system/controlDict to 12.
3-In the end of *.msh file I saw
(0 "Cells:")
(12 (0 1 5eb78 0))
(12 (2 1 5eb78 1 4))

(0 "Zones:")
(45 (2 fluid fluid)())
(45 (3 mass-flow-inlet ariinlet2)())
(45 (4 symmetry symmetryb)())
(45 (5 symmetry symmetrya)())
(45 (6 pressure-outlet outlet)())
(45 (7 wall wall)())
(45 (8 mass-flow-inlet airinlet1)())
(45 (9 mass-flow-inlet fuelinlet)())
(45 (11 interior default-interior)())

I did not change anything here, and leave it as it is.
3-then I ran fluentMeshTofoam *.msh :

Building boundary and internal patches.
Creating patch 0 for zone: 3 start: 1 end: 25 type: mass-flow-inlet name: ariinlet2
Creating patch 1 for zone: 4 start: 26 end: 10345 type: symmetry name: symmetryb
Creating patch 2 for zone: 5 start: 10346 end: 20665 type: symmetry name: symmetrya
Creating patch 3 for zone: 6 start: 20666 end: 23898 type: pressure-outlet name: outlet
Creating patch 4 for zone: 7 start: 23899 end: 34233 type: wall name: wall
Creating patch 5 for zone: 8 start: 34234 end: 34263 type: mass-flow-inlet name: airinlet1
Creating patch 6 for zone: 9 start: 34264 end: 34306 type: mass-flow-inlet name: fuelinlet
Creating patch 7 for zone: 11 start: 34307 end: 1181033 type: interior name: default-interior
Adding new patch ariinlet2 of type patch as patch 0
Adding new patch symmetryb of type symmetryPlane as patch 1
Adding new patch symmetrya of type symmetryPlane as patch 2
Adding new patch outlet of type patch as patch 3
Adding new patch wall of type wall as patch 4
Adding new patch airinlet1 of type patch as patch 5
Adding new patch fuelinlet of type patch as patch 6
Patch default-interior is internal to the mesh and is not being added to the boundary.

Default patch type set to empty

Writing mesh... to "constant/polyMesh" done.


4-It creates in the constant/polymesh ---> boundary :

type patch;
nFaces 25;
startFace 1146727;
type symmetryPlane;
nFaces 10320;
startFace 1146752;
type symmetryPlane;
nFaces 10320;
startFace 1157072;
type patch;
nFaces 3233;
startFace 1167392;
type wall;
nFaces 10335;
startFace 1170625;
type patch;
nFaces 30;
startFace 1180960;
type patch;
nFaces 43;
startFace 1180990;

5-then I define the createPatchDict in /system and within that I have:
matchTolerance 1E-3;
pointSync true;
name symmetrya;

type cyclic;

constructFrom patches;

patches (symmetrya symmetryb);

6-then I ran createPatch, this was the outcome:
Create time

Reading createPatchDict.

Using relative tolerance 0.001 to match up faces and points

Create polyMesh for time = 0

Moving faces from patch symmetrya to patch 2
Moving faces from patch symmetryb to patch 2

Doing topology modification to order faces.

Synchronising points.
Points changed by average:0 max:0

Removing patches with no faces in them.

Removing empty patch symmetryb at position 1
Removing patches.
Writing repatched mesh to 1

7-It creates a folder /1/polyMesh and within that:
[]$ ls
boundary cellZones faces faceZones neighbour owner points pointZones

8-vi boundary :
type patch;
nFaces 25;
startFace 1146727;
type symmetryPlane;
nFaces 20640;
startFace 1146752;
type patch;
nFaces 3233;
startFace 1167392;
type wall;
nFaces 10335;
startFace 1170625;
type patch;
nFaces 30;
startFace 1180960;
type patch;
nFaces 43;
startFace 1180990;

8-I copy all the contents of this folder to constant/polymesh/

9- I did changed the symmetryplane type now to cyclic for symmetrya

10-I did the simpleFoam and I received this error:

Create time
Create mesh for time = 0
face 0 area does not match neighbour 10320 by 21.8435% -- possible face ordering problem.
patch:symmetrya my area:0.000277 neighbour area:0.000344925 matching tolerance:0.001
Mesh face:1146752 vertices:4((0 0 0.1123) (0.05 0 0.1123) (0.05 0 0.11784) (0 0 0.11784))
Neighbour face:1157072 vertices:4((0 0.043315 0) (0 0.0502135 0) (0.05 0.0502135 0) (0.05 0.043315 0))
Rerun with cyclic debug flag set for more information.

From function cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms()
in file meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicPolyPatch.C at line 150.

FOAM exiting

Can anyone help me with this problem?
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Old   September 28, 2010, 13:46
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i need help too about this problem
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