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[Technical] possible Bug(?): fluent3Dmeshtofoam with a "/" sign from Solidworks in the ASCII .msh

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Old   August 26, 2024, 10:26
Default possible Bug(?): fluent3Dmeshtofoam with a "/" sign from Solidworks in the ASCII .msh
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 56
Rep Power: 15
fanta is on a distinguished road
at the moment we are using Ansys CFD PrepPost for meshing.
The fluent3Dmeshtofoam Tool (OpenFOAM-v2406) made a error while lexing/parsing the .msh ASCII file from Ansys Workbench (Ansys 2023R2).
This was the workflow:
-Made a watertight part in Solidworks 2021 SP5.0 (german version). Note: in this part are some Feature's "Verschieben/Kopieren" and the only body is named after the last feature, "verschieben/kopieren" in this case.
-Opened this part with Spaceclaim 2023R2 and converted it to a Spaceclaimpart.
-Meshed the Spaceclaimpart with Ansys Workbench 2023R2, exported to the mesh to .msh (ASCII Format).
-used DOS2UNIX to convert the .msh Mesh to Unix Fileformat.
-started fluent3Dmeshtofoam to import the .msh Mesh to OpenFOAM-v2406.
this resulted in an error in lexing/parsing with the line of the "/" literal in the mesh file.

We then opened the .msh with nano and found this:

We then renamed all the Features and the Body in Solidworks, started the workflow again - now it worked.

Is this a Bug? How and who to address?

Regards, fanta
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Old   August 26, 2024, 11:14
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Join Date: Dec 2017
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AtoHM is on a distinguished road
I would not call it a bug, as you get a helpful error message and following it (renaming) fixes your problem. The / is a reserved character in most languages and does stuff, so using it in a named entity is calling for trouble. I know, you did not set it explicitly, still - someone thought about that and made a clear error message instead of letting the thing run into an uncatched exception and failing.
Additionally, somewhere along the way the "ö" in "körper" als already replaced because it would probably also kill alot of programs that might work with the file. I use Solidworks in english language to avoid such issues right away.
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