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[blockMesh] Trouble building blockMeshDict for cylinder in Karman vortex simulation

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Old   October 18, 2023, 19:00
Default Trouble building blockMeshDict for cylinder in Karman vortex simulation
New Member
Jack Nesbitt
Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 1
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jdnesbitt is on a distinguished road
I'm very new to this, this is my first time using GMSH/OpenFOAM/Paraview. I am having trouble understanding why this blockMeshDict I've written does not work.

I have been attempting to model a cylinder in a Karman vortex simulation, following the block layout in the attached image.

When I navigate to the correct folder and run "blockMesh" I get this error message.

Create time

Creating block mesh from
Creating block edges
No non-planar block faces defined
Creating topology blocks

Block hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1(1) 1(1) 1(1)) is inside-out

file: D:/BlueCFD_Files/OpenFOAM_Files/cylinderKarman/system/blockMeshDict/blocks at line 133.

From function void Foam::blockDescriptor::check(const Foam::Istream&)
in file blockDescriptor/blockDescriptor.C at line 100.

FOAM exiting


My code within the blockMeshDict is as follows (the weird coordinates where the cylinder is split into the different blocks was provided to me from material, I can not change this):

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
========= |
\\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
\\ / O peration | Website:
\\ / A nd | Version: 8
\\/ M anipulation |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
object blockMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

convertToMeters 0.1;

// block A/0:
(-5 -5 0) //Vertex A0 = 0
(-2 -5 0) //Vertex A1 = 1
(-2 -5 1) //Vertex A2 = 2
(-5 -5 1) //Vertex A3 = 3
(-5 -2 0) //Vertex A4 = 4
(-2 -2 0) //Vertex A5 = 5
(-2 -2 1) //Vertex A6 = 6
(-5 -2 1) //Vertex A7 = 7
// block B/1:
(-2 -5 0) //Vertex B0 = 8
(2 -5 0) //Vertex B1 = 9
(2 -5 1) //Vertex B2 = 10
(-2 -5 1) //Vertex B3 = 11
(-2 -2 0) //Vertex B4 = 12
(2 -2 0) //Vertex B5 = 13
(2 -2 1) //Vertex B6 = 14
(-2 -2 1) //Vertex B7 = 15
// block C/2:
(2 -5 0) //Vertex C0 = 16
(25 -5 0) //Vertex C1 = 17
(25 -5 1) //Vertex C2 = 18
(2 -5 1) //Vertex C3 = 19
(2 -2 0) //Vertex C4 = 20
(25 -2 0) //Vertex C5 = 21
(25 -2 1) //Vertex C6 = 22
(2 -2 1) //Vertex C7 = 23
// block D/3:
(-5 -2 0) //Vertex D0 = 24
(-2 -2 0) //Vertex D1 = 25
(-2 -2 1) //Vertex D2 = 26
(-5 -2 1) //Vertex D3 = 27
(-5 2 0) //Vertex D4 = 28
(-2 2 0) //Vertex D5 = 29
(-2 2 1) //Vertex D6 = 30
(-5 2 1) //Vertex D7 = 31
// block E/4:
(-2 -2 0) //Vertex E0 = 32
(-0.353552 -0.353552 0) //Vertex E1 = 33
(-0.353552 -0.353552 1) //Vertex E2 = 34
(-2 -2 1) //Vertex E3 = 35
(-2 2 0) //Vertex E4 = 36
(-0.353552 0.353552 0) //Vertex E5 = 37
(-0.353552 0.353552 1) //Vertex E6 = 38
(-2 2 1) //Vertex E7 = 39
// block F/5:
(-2 -2 0) //Vertex F0 = 40
(2 -2 0) //Vertex F1 = 41
(2 -2 1) //Vertex F2 = 42
(-2 -2 1) //Vertex F3 = 43
(-0.353552 -0.353552 0) //Vertex F4 = 44
(0.353552 -0.353552 0) //Vertex F5 = 45
(0.353552 -0.353552 1) //Vertex F6 = 46
(-0.353552 -0.353552 1) //Vertex F7 = 47
// block G/6:
(0.353552 -0.353552 0) //Vertex G0 = 48
(2 -2 0) //Vertex G1 = 49
(2 -2 1) //Vertex G2 = 50
(0.353552 -0.353552 1) //Vertex G3 = 51
(0.353552 0.353552 0) //Vertex G4 = 52
(2 2 0) //Vertex G5 = 53
(2 2 1) //Vertex G6 = 54
(0.353552 0.353552 1) //Vertex G7 = 55
// block H/7:
(-0.353552 0.353552 0) //Vertex H0 = 56
(0.353552 0.353552 0) //Vertex H1 = 57
(0.353552 0.353552 1) //Vertex H2 = 58
(-0.353552 0.353552 1) //Vertex H3 = 59
(-2 2 0) //Vertex H4 = 60
(2 2 0) //Vertex H5 = 61
(2 2 1) //Vertex H6 = 62
(-2 2 1) //Vertex H7 = 63
// block I/8:
(2 -2 0) //Vertex I0 = 64
(25 -2 0) //Vertex I1 = 65
(25 -2 1) //Vertex I2 = 66
(2 -2 1) //Vertex I3 = 67
(2 2 0) //Vertex I4 = 68
(25 2 0) //Vertex I5 = 69
(25 2 1) //Vertex I6 = 70
(2 2 1) //Vertex I7 = 71
// block J/9:
(-5 2 0) //Vertex J0 = 72
(-2 -2 0) //Vertex J1 = 73
(-2 -2 1) //Vertex J2 = 74
(-5 2 1) //Vertex J3 = 75
(-5 5 0) //Vertex J4 = 76
(-2 5 0) //Vertex J5 = 77
(-2 5 1) //Vertex J6 = 78
(-5 5 1) //Vertex J7 = 79
// block K/10:
(-2 2 0) //Vertex K0 = 80
(2 2 0) //Vertex K1 = 81
(2 2 1) //Vertex K2 = 82
(-2 2 1) //Vertex K3 = 83
(-2 5 0) //Vertex K4 = 84
(2 5 0) //Vertex K5 = 85
(2 5 1) //Vertex K6 = 86
(-2 5 1) //Vertex K7 = 87
// block L/11:
(2 2 0) //Vertex L0 = 88
(25 2 0) //Vertex L1 = 89
(25 2 1) //Vertex L2 = 90
(2 2 1) //Vertex L3 = 91
(2 5 0) //Vertex L4 = 92
(25 5 0) //Vertex L5 = 93
(25 5 1) //Vertex L6 = 94
(2 5 1) //Vertex L7 = 95

hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //block A = 0
hex (8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //block B = 1
hex (16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //block C = 2
hex (24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //block D = 3
hex (32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39) (20 20 1) edgeGrading (1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3) //block E = 4
hex (40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47) (20 20 1) edgeGrading (1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3) //block F = 5
hex (48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55) (20 20 1) edgeGrading (1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3) //block G = 6
hex (56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63) (20 20 1) edgeGrading (1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3) //block H = 7
hex (64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //block I = 8
hex (72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //block J = 9
hex (80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //block K = 10
hex (88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95) (20 20 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1) //block L = 11

arc 25 29 45 (0 1 0) // 45 degrees, y-normal block D/3: 1-->4 (left of cylinder)
arc 36 37 45 (1 0 0) // 45 degrees, x-normal block E/4: 1-->2 (bottom of cylinder)
arc 48 52 45 (0 1 0) // 45 degrees, y-normal block F/5: 2-->3 (right of cylinder)
arc 56 57 45 (1 0 0) // 45 degrees, x-normal block G/6: 4-->3 (top of cylinder)

inlet // patch name
type patch; // patch type for patch 0
(0 76 79 3) // block face in this patch (A0 J4 J7 A3)
} // end of 0th patch definition

outlet // patch name
type patch; // patch type for patch 1
(17 93 94 18) // (C2 L6 L7 C3)

type wall;
(32 33 34 35) // block D/3: 1-->4 (left of cylinder)
(40 41 42 43) // block E/4: 1-->2 (bottom of cylinder)
(48 49 50 51) // block F/5: 2-->3 (right of cylinder)
(56 57 58 59) // block G/6: 4-->3 (top of cylinder)

type empty;
(0 76 93 17) // (A0 J4 L6 C2)
(3 79 94 18) // (A3 J7 L7 C3)



// ************************************************** *********************** //
Attached Images
File Type: jpg model template.jpg (152.3 KB, 12 views)
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Old   October 20, 2023, 03:06
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 703
Rep Power: 13
AtoHM is on a distinguished road
I doubt you will find someone here fixing this kind of stuff for you. Blocks are inside-out if you provide the number of corners in a wrong order for example. My advice is to build it block by block. Put in stuff for the first block -> run blockMesh, check its ok. Add the next block -> run blockMesh, check. Repeat until finished.
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Old   November 2, 2023, 13:09
Senior Member
Saeed Jamshidi
Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 214
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saeed jamshidi is on a distinguished road
This is a blockMesh file for flow over cylinder in:

You can be inspired by it.
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| =========                 |                                                 |
| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  v2112                                 |
|   \\  /    A nd           | Website:                      |
|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
    version     2.0;
    format      ascii;
    class       dictionary;
    object      blockMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
scale   0.02;

    (0 0 -1)  // pt 0 (p0f) 
    (8.5857864376 0 -1)  // pt 1 (p1f) 
    (11.4142135624 0 -1)  // pt 2 (p2f) 
    (40 0 -1)  // pt 3 (p3f) 
    (40 13.5857864376 -1)  // pt 4 (p4f) 
    (40 16.4142135624 -1)  // pt 5 (p5f) 
    (40 30 -1)  // pt 6 (p6f) 
    (11.4142135624 30 -1)  // pt 7 (p7f) 
    (8.5857864376 30 -1)  // pt 8 (p8f) 
    (0 30 -1)  // pt 9 (p9f) 
    (0 16.4142135624 -1)  // pt 10 (p10f) 
    (0 13.5857864376 -1)  // pt 11 (p11f) 
    (8.5857864376 13.5857864376 -1)  // pt 12 (p12f) 
    (11.4142135624 13.5857864376 -1)  // pt 13 (p13f) 
    (11.4142135624 16.4142135624 -1)  // pt 14 (p14f) 
    (8.5857864376 16.4142135624 -1)  // pt 15 (p15f) 
    (9.2928932188 14.2928932188 -1)  // pt 16 (p16f) 
    (10.7071067812 14.2928932188 -1)  // pt 17 (p17f) 
    (10.7071067812 15.7071067812 -1)  // pt 18 (p18f) 
    (9.2928932188 15.7071067812 -1)  // pt 19 (p19f) 

    (0 0 0)  // pt 20 (p0b) 
    (8.5857864376 0 0)  // pt 21 (p1b) 
    (11.4142135624 0 0)  // pt 22 (p2b) 
    (40 0 0)  // pt 23 (p3b) 
    (40 13.5857864376 0)  // pt 24 (p4b) 
    (40 16.4142135624 0)  // pt 25 (p5b) 
    (40 30 0)  // pt 26 (p6b) 
    (11.4142135624 30 0)  // pt 27 (p7b) 
    (8.5857864376 30 0)  // pt 28 (p8b) 
    (0 30 0)  // pt 29 (p9b) 
    (0 16.4142135624 0)  // pt 30 (p10b) 
    (0 13.5857864376 0)  // pt 31 (p11b) 
    (8.5857864376 13.5857864376 0)  // pt 32 (p12b) 
    (11.4142135624 13.5857864376 0)  // pt 33 (p13b) 
    (11.4142135624 16.4142135624 0)  // pt 34 (p14b) 
    (8.5857864376 16.4142135624 0)  // pt 35 (p15b) 
    (9.2928932188 14.2928932188 0)  // pt 36 (p16b) 
    (10.7071067812 14.2928932188 0)  // pt 37 (p17b) 
    (10.7071067812 15.7071067812 0)  // pt 38 (p18b) 
    (9.2928932188 15.7071067812 0)  // pt 39 (p19b) 

    // 0
    hex (0 1 12 11 20 21 32 31)
    ( 120 80 1 ) simpleGrading (1 0.2 1)

    // 1
    hex (1 2 13 12 21 22 33 32)
    ( 40 80 1 ) simpleGrading (1 0.2 1)

    // 2
    hex (2 3 4 13 22 23 24 33)
    ( 400 80 1 ) simpleGrading (1 0.2 1)

    // 3
    hex (13 4 5 14 33 24 25 34)
    ( 400 40 1 ) simpleGrading (1 1 1)

    // 4
    hex (14 5 6 7 34 25 26 27)
    ( 400 80 1 ) simpleGrading (1 5 1)

    // 5
    hex (15 14 7 8 35 34 27 28)
    ( 40 80 1 ) simpleGrading (1 5 1)

    // 6
    hex (10 15 8 9 30 35 28 29)
    ( 120 80 1 ) simpleGrading (1 5 1)

    // 7
    hex (11 12 15 10 31 32 35 30)
    ( 120 40 1 ) simpleGrading (1 1 1)

    // 8
    hex (12 16 19 15 32 36 39 35)
    ( 80 40 1 ) simpleGrading (0.025 1 1)

    // 9
    hex (12 13 17 16 32 33 37 36)
    ( 40 80 1 ) simpleGrading (1 0.025 1)

    // 10
    hex (17 13 14 18 37 33 34 38)
    ( 80 40 1 ) simpleGrading (40 1 1)

    // 11
    hex (19 18 14 15 39 38 34 35)
    ( 40 80 1 ) simpleGrading (1 40 1)

    // Inner circle
    arc  16 17 (10 14 -1)
    arc  17 18 (11 15 -1)
    arc  18 19 (10 16 -1)
    arc  19 16 (9 15 -1)

    arc  36 37 (10 14 0)
    arc  37 38 (11 15 0)
    arc  38 39 (10 16 0)
    arc  39 36 (9 15 0)

    // Outer circle
    arc  12 13 (10 13 -1)
    arc  13 14 (12 15 -1)
    arc  14 15 (10 17 -1)
    arc  15 12 (8 15 -1)

    arc  32 33 (10 13 0)
    arc  33 34 (12 15 0)
    arc  34 35 (10 17 0)
    arc  35 32 (8 15 0)

    name    frontAndBack;
    type    empty;

        type        patch;
            (9 29 30 10)
            (10 30 31 11)
            (11 31 20 0)
        type        patch;
            (3 23 24 4)
            (4 24 25 5)
            (5 25 26 6)

        type        wall;
            (16 36 37 17)
            (17 37 38 18)
            (18 38 39 19)
            (19 39 36 16)

        type        patch;
            (6 26 27 7)
            (7 27 28 8)
            (8 28 29 9)

        type        patch;
            (0 20 21 1)
            (1 21 22 2)
            (2 22 23 3)


// ************************************************************************* //
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Screenshot (173).jpg (191.7 KB, 11 views)
File Type: jpg Screenshot (172).jpg (125.2 KB, 8 views)
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blockmesh, blockmeshdict, cylinder, gmsh, openfoam

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