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[snappyHexMesh] createBaffles for activePressureForceBaffleVelocity

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Old   November 24, 2022, 06:15
Default createBaffles for activePressureForceBaffleVelocity
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I am try to create the necessary cyclic and wall baffles for use with activePressureForceBaffleVelocity. However, the only example I see is for openfoam 2112. I am using openfoam 10 and the createBafflesDict will not run.

Openfoam10 is expecting keywords master and slave. Where in 2112 these ave not been used. This means I cannot create 4 baffles that I require.

here is the 2112 createBafflesDict I found from tobias holzmann

/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
| ========= | |
| \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \\ / O peration | Version: v2112 |
| \\ / A nd | Website: |
| \\/ M anipulation | |
version 2012;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
location "system";
object createBafflesDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

internalFacesOnly true;

noFields false;

// Here we use the previous created faceSet to create 4 times the same
// faces which are moved to different boundary conditions
// The reason for that is that the activePressureForceBaffle needs
// a) a cyclic boundary set (master/slave)
// b) an additional wall
type faceZone;
zoneName raptureDiscFaceZone;
// a) Create the cyclic guys (RD = raptureDisc)
name raptureDisc_master;
type cyclic;
sampleMode nearestPatchFace;
neighbourPatch raptureDisc_slave;
sameGroup off;

name raptureDisc_slave;
type cyclic;
sampleMode nearestPatchFace;
neighbourPatch raptureDisc_master;
sameGroup off;

// b) create another set of walls (will be merged in the next step)
name raptureDiscWall1;
type wall;
name raptureDiscWall2;
type wall;


Is there a way of creating 4 baffles (2x (master/slave) with one faceZone as seems to be done in 2112 in openfoam 10. Currently I create the faceZone in snappyHexMesh and this works OK, I can see them created and they have faces defined. The issue is when I try to use the same faceZone twice the faces are zero in the second baffle so it appears you can't assign the faceZone to two different places
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Old   November 10, 2023, 13:07
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I encountered the same problem. It seems that after redesign along with the non-conformal meshes, OF10+ cannot have the same face in different patches or simply duplicate them. I tried PDRMesh, but it didn’t work either.
Good news, if you create a cyclic and wall patch pair with OpenFOAM9, it can still be used in OpenFoam10 or 11 (I assume, but never testet that this holds true for the ESI version as well)
So my dirty workaround was to compile the createBaffles utility of v9 under v10/11. One only has to make a minor change in two lines and there is no need to maintain a old OpenFOAM version

Hope this helps.
Best regards
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Old   July 24, 2024, 12:30
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Matias Alberto Aguirre
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Originally Posted by Steve80 View Post
I encountered the same problem. It seems that after redesign along with the non-conformal meshes, OF10+ cannot have the same face in different patches or simply duplicate them. I tried PDRMesh, but it didn’t work either.
Good news, if you create a cyclic and wall patch pair with OpenFOAM9, it can still be used in OpenFoam10 or 11 (I assume, but never testet that this holds true for the ESI version as well)
So my dirty workaround was to compile the createBaffles utility of v9 under v10/11. One only has to make a minor change in two lines and there is no need to maintain a old OpenFOAM version

Hope this helps.
Best regards
Hi Stephan!
This answer is quite valuable! I'm facing the same problem, and there is not much info. However, could you explain how you compile the createBaffles utility of v9 under v11? Or, in the best case, is there another solution to this problem?

I'm trying to use this BC but my result does not make much sense and I think this is because I created the cyclic patches and the wall onto difference patches.

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createbafflesdict, facezone, snappyhexmesh

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