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[mesh manipulation] topoSet for stl files

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  • 1 Post By Owais Shabbir
  • 1 Post By Owais Shabbir

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Old   July 24, 2019, 11:55
Default topoSet for stl files
Owais Shabbir
Join Date: May 2019
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Dear All,

I am starting to work with topoSet and it is slightly confusing when it comes to using .stl files in it.
My goal is bring set of batteries generating heat due to charging in chtMultiRegion solver.

I have few questions that if someone could answer, it will be highly appreciated.

1) In snappyHexMeshDict when I set
	batteries_c3  {	level (2 2);	
	faceZone batt1;
        cellZone batt1;
        cellZoneInside inside;
Is this cellZone that I created called batt1, be mentioned anywhere in topoSetDict file?

2) My geometry composes of 32 rectangular boxes, but when I try topoSet using
        name 	battCellSet;
	type 		cellSet;
	action	new;
	source	surfaceToCell;
		file "/mnt/...../refined1x_cht_toposet/constant/triSurface/batteries_c3.stl";
		useSurfaceOrientation false;
		outsidePoints	((0.46 0.0345 -0.1445183)); //vector chosen from ASCII stl file line 18
		includeCut	true;
		includeInside true;
		includeOutside false;
		nearDistance -1;
		curvature 0.9;
        name    batt;
        type    cellZoneSet;
        action  new;
        source  setToCellZone;
            set battCellSet;
It creates cells only at the boundary of stl which are assigned to battCellSet. Which makes sense from the choice. But is there a way to chose even the cells inside? Because when I want to use the option of invert later to assign the remaing domain to fluid region, the hollow volume inside batteries creates cellSetZone together with the outer cellSetZone.

3) I would highly appreciate if someone could explain nearDistance and curvature values to me, what are the ranges of the values, etc. I tried reading through the topoSet.C file but my knowledge of understanding it is very low.

Attaching my *Dict files.
Owais - new to OFv6
Attached Files
File Type: c surfaceFeatureExtractDict.c (1,001 Bytes, 49 views)
File Type: c topoSetDict.c (4.7 KB, 115 views)
File Type: c snappyHexMeshDict.c (5.1 KB, 64 views)
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Old   July 25, 2019, 05:13
Red face Resolved but splitMeshRegions gives a fatal error
Owais Shabbir
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 48
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Hi all,
I was able to resolve it. I figured out all the cells saved through SHMDict were saved in constant/polyMesh/cellZones
so the right settings for topoSet to utilise were these:
name	battCellSet;
type	cellSet;
action	new;
source	zoneToCell;
{	name 	"batt1"; //name assigned in SHMDict
        name    batteries;
        type    cellZoneSet;
        action  new;
        source  setToCellZone;
            set batteriesCellSet;
This works fine when seen through paraview.
Problem is when I use splitMeshRegions I get a Fatal Error!
Create time

Create mesh for time = 0

Using current faceZones to divide inter-region interfaces into multiple patches.
Cell 0 with cell centre (-0.026349986 -0.0021249995 -0.17876937) is multiple zones. This is not allowed.
It is in zone batt1 and in zone fluid

    From function void getZoneID(const Foam::polyMesh&, const cellZoneMesh&, Foam::labelList&, Foam::labelList&)
    in file splitMeshRegions.C at line 1225.

FOAM exiting
I have tried different options but this is something I can't get rid of.
Any help!

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Old   July 25, 2019, 06:46
Talking Solution
Owais Shabbir
Join Date: May 2019
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Dear All,

So I figured out the error (well not really an error) was due to polyMesh/cellZones.
There were 3 regions instead of 2.
1st cellzone: batt1 defined by SHMDict
2nd cellzone: defined by topoSet called batteries
3rd cellzone: also defined by topoSet called fluid

learning: So just don't have additional names and it should be simple. Chose batt1 for both SHMDict and topoSet.

Have a nice day.
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Old   October 21, 2020, 12:04
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Dear Sir,

Would you please contact me by
Sincerely yours,
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Old   November 8, 2020, 18:42
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Farzad Faraji
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Dear Owais Shabbir
I have a problem with my STL file. it must be binary or ascii? where should I put as external point? exactly at the surface?


Originally Posted by Owais Shabbir View Post
Dear All,

So I figured out the error (well not really an error) was due to polyMesh/cellZones.
There were 3 regions instead of 2.
1st cellzone: batt1 defined by SHMDict
2nd cellzone: defined by topoSet called batteries
3rd cellzone: also defined by topoSet called fluid

learning: So just don't have additional names and it should be simple. Chose batt1 for both SHMDict and topoSet.

Have a nice day.
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chtmultiregion, toposet, toposet.c, toposetdict

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