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Old   April 27, 2019, 10:33
Default Map of this Meshing (sub-)Forum
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Bruno Santos
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On the later half of April 2019, the several individual sub-forums were merged into the this forum and prefixes were added in theory place. The objective is to consolidate the information and to make it easier for everyone to understand and contribute.

And before I continue, several of the meshers that exist that are not mentioned here, already have their own forums somewhere nearby, for which a list is given near the end of this post.

So here is the current map of prefixes (which are clickable so that you can see only the posts on that topic) that we have in this forum and what each one is meant for:
  • [blockMesh] - This prefix is dedicated to using blockMesh and derived variants. For more details: About blockMesh
  • [snappyHexMesh] - This prefix is dedicated to using snappyHexMesh. For more details: About snappyHexMesh
  • [foamyMesh] - This prefix is for foamyHexMesh and foamyQuadMesh.
  • [mesh manipulation] - This refers to utilities used for mesh manipulation, including polyDualMesh.
    • Mesh converters are not meant to be discussed on this prefix and are instead meant to be discussed within the prefix associated to the format or on the respective software forum or prefix.
  • [surface handling] - This is mostly aimed towards OpenFOAM's surface* utilities.
  • [CAD formats] - This is for addressing issues with processing/creating STL, OBJ and other CAD formats.
  • [Gmsh] - This is for discussing the usage of Gmsh and any issues associated with converting its format to OpenFOAM mesh format, e.g. with the gmshToFoam utility within OpenFOAM.
  • [Netgen] - This is for discussing the usage of Netgen mesh generator and any issues with converting to OpenFOAM mesh format.
  • [CGNS] -This is for discussing issues with converting between CGNS format and OpenFOAM mesh format.
  • [Salome] -This is for discussing issues in CAD and meshing with Salome and/or Salome-Meca and converting to OpenFOAM mesh format. This is not meant to be used for discussing issues on how to use other features in Salome.
  • [Commercial meshers] - This is for discussing issues in converting/exporting/importing between commercial meshers to and from OpenFOAM mesh format. That said, please keep in mind the list given below where there are commercial meshers that should be discussed on their respective forums instead.
  • [Technical] - This prefix is dedicated to discussing specific details related to OpenFOAM's mesh format.
  • [Other] - This is for discussing any other issues on meshing that wasn't addressed in the previous prefixes.
Note: For more references for open source meshing software, read this thread: About the Open Source Meshers discussed here

Now, there are already several forums for specific meshing software where you should discuss about them at their respective locations, in order for people to properly find/ask/answer information about that software. Therefore, please use the following forums/prefixes for them, where the first name is the direct link to their forum/prefix:
For any other commercial software that we don't have a forum here at CFD-Online, they likely provide their own forums on their websites; nonetheless, feel free to address issues about them on the prefix [Commercial meshers].
ddo1337 and vonedelmann like this.

Last edited by wyldckat; April 28, 2019 at 09:54. Reason: more details
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