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[Gmsh] gMsh instead of blockMesh for base mesh, then snappyHexMesh

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  • 3 Post By sazabi2001

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Old   February 23, 2017, 13:00
Lightbulb gMsh instead of blockMesh for base mesh, then snappyHexMesh
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YongQiang Chi
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Maybe it is not a new thing anyways.

I recently has a small discovery using gMsh instead of blockMesh to generate the base mesh for snappyHexMesh in OF. -- And it works.

just generate a simple gMsh (full hex mesh) and save as a single volume. Then gmshToFoam to general a mesh in polyMesh.

Then run snappyHexMesh on top of it, which usually works.

The benefit of using gMsh instead of blockMesh is that it has more control over blockMesh, it can specify some level of variation or refinement in the basemesh. Now you needs less levels of refinements on snappyHexMesh, so the time and mesh quality to the final meshing result can be improved.

I don't have any pics, but you guys can try this out.

Anther hind may be: you can create a basemesh basically in any meshing tool and snap on top of it --- as long as it comes out with a simple hex mesh. I haven't try other tools but I guess it should work in the same way
louisgag, ikypye and Ngaru like this.
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