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[blockMesh] blockMesh error ill defined primitiveEntry starting at keyword 'blocks'

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Old   June 7, 2016, 15:42
Default blockMesh error ill defined primitiveEntry starting at keyword 'blocks'
New Member
Hyunuk In
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 4
Rep Power: 10
ihu945 is on a distinguished road
Hello, I am trying to make simulation of flow around a circular cylinder near a plane wall.
This is my blockMeshDict.
    version     2.0;
    format      ascii;
    class       dictionary;
    object      blockMeshDict;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

convertToMeters 1;

    (-10 -1.5 0)            
    ( 10 -1.5 0)            
    (30 -1.5 0)        
    (-1.0607 -1.0607 0)
    (1.0607 -1.0607 0)    
    (-0.3536 -0.3536 0)        
    ( 0.3536 -0.3536 0)        
    (-0.3536  0.3536 0)        
    ( 0.3536  0.3536 0)
    (-1.0607 1.0607 0)
    (1.0607 1.0607 0)
    (-10 15 0)            
    ( 10 15 0)            
    (30 15 0)            
    (-10 -1.5 1)            
    ( 10 -1.5 1)            
    (30 -1.5 1)        
    (-1.0607 -1.0607 1)
    (1.0607 -1.0607 1)    
    (-0.3536 -0.3536 1)        
    ( 0.3536 -0.3536 1)        
    (-0.3536  0.3536 1)        
    ( 0.3536  0.3536 1)
    (-1.0607 1.0607 1)
    (1.0607 1.0607 1)
    (-10 15 1)            
    ( 10 15 1)            
    (30 15 1)    

    hex (0 3 9 11 14 17 23 25) (50 20 1) simpleGrading(1 1 1)
    hex (1 4 3 0 15 18 17 14) (50 20 1) simpleGrading(1 1 1)
    hex (4 1 12 10 18 15 26 24) (50 20 1) simpleGrading(1 1 1)
    hex (10 12 11 9 24 26 25 23) (50 20 1) simpleGrading(1 1 1)
    hex (3 5 7 9 17 19 21 23) (10 20 1) simpleGrading(1 1 1)
    hex (4 6 5 3 18 20 19 17) (10 20 1) simpleGrading(1 1 1)
    hex (6 4 10 8 20 18 24 22) (10 20 1) simpleGrading(1 1 1)
    hex (8 10 9 7 22 24 23 21) (10 20 1) simpleGrading(1 1 1)
    hex (1 2 13 12 15 16 27 26) (20 20 1) simpleGrading(1 1 1)

   arc 5 7 (-0.5 0 0)
   arc 19 21 (-0.5 0 1)
   arc 6 8 (0.5 0 0)
   arc 20 22 (0.5 0 1)
   arc 7 8 (0 0.5 0)
   arc 21 22 (0 0.5 1)
   arc 5 6 (0 -0.5 0)
   arc 19 20(0 -0.5 1)
   arc 3 9 (-1.5 0 0)
   arc 17 23 (-1.5 0 1)
   arc 4 10 (1.5 0 0)
   arc 18 24 (1.5 0 1)
   arc 9 10 (0 1.5 0)
   arc 23 24 (0 1.5 1)
   arc 3 4 (0 -1.5 0)
   arc 17 18 (0 -1.5 1)

        type wall;
            (25 11 0 14)
        type wall;
            (13 27 16 2)
        type wall;
            (12 11 25 26)
        (13 12 26 27)
        type wall;
            (0 1 14 15)
        (1 2 15 16)
        type wall;
            (7 8 21 22)
            (22 8 6 20)
        (6 5 19 20)
        (5 7 21 19)        
        type empty;
            (11 12 10 9)
        (0 11 9 3)
        (0 3 4 1)
        (4 10 12 1)
        (8 10 8 7)
        (3 9 7 5)
        (3 5 6 4)
        (6 8 10 4)
        (12 13 2 1)
        (25 23 24 26)
        (14 17 23 25)
        (14 15 18 17)
        (18 15 26 24)
        (23 21 22 24)
        (17 19 21 23)
        (17 18 20 19)
        (20 18 24 22)
        (26 15 16 27)

I know my blockMeshDict looks really messy, but I double checked, and it doesn't seem to be wrong.
However, my terminal gives this

"ill defined primitiveEntry starting at keyword 'blocks' on line 54 and ending at line 172"

file: /home/ihu945/OpenFOAM/ihu/run/undercylinder/icore100under/system/blockMeshDict at line 172.

From function primitiveEntry::readEntry(const dictionary&, Istream&)
in file lnInclude/IOerror.C at line 132.

Please, help me to figure out this.
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Old   June 7, 2016, 22:56
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 407
Rep Power: 16
Antimony is on a distinguished road

There necessarily needs to be a space after simpleGrading and the grading specification.

ihu945 and A H Gazi like this.
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