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[snappyHexMesh] Bad snappy - an igloo challenge

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Old   January 24, 2016, 11:10
Question Bad snappy - an igloo challenge
Senior Member
Gerhard Holzinger
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Austria
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GerhardHolzinger will become famous soon enoughGerhardHolzinger will become famous soon enough
I have been playing around with snappyHexMesh the last days and my conclusion is, that I am either not using snappy right, or that snappy is bad at adding layers when there is bad alignment of the patches in question with the cartesian axes.
If we're honest, which real-life geometry is really aligned to the cartesian axes?

So I took a step back and messed around with the tutorials. However, even though the tutorials work out, if we leave the domain of "everthing is aligned" we run into trouble.

I rebuilt the iglooWithFridges tutorial based on STLs, since I had problems with the original when I tried to change the geometry a bit. So, what we have now is an igloo with fridges, which can be axially rotated, thus worsening the alignment between fridges and mesh.

In the case I added, the STLs are generated with OpenSCAD, which is available for all major operating systems. There are two *.scad files, one creates the igloo and the other one is for the two fridges. The latter file contains a parameter alpha, which is the angle to rotate the fridges.

Play around with alpha and watch snappy do a bad job on the layers as the alignment between fridges and mesh gets lost.

Enough of the rant: Here is may challenge.

Are there settings for snappy, so that the layers are generated without holes for any angle alpha.
Attached Images
File Type: png smallMisalignment.png (52.2 KB, 45 views)
File Type: png mediumMisalignment.png (56.2 KB, 44 views)
Attached Files
File Type: gz iglooSTL_skew.tar.gz (51.7 KB, 2 views)
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layer addition, snappyhexmesh, snappyhexmeshdict

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