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[] Compiling library and solver fails (on a cluster) - spack error

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  • 1 Post By mia_k
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Old   September 7, 2023, 10:54
Question Compiling library and solver fails (on a cluster) - spack error
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Join Date: Sep 2023
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mia_k is on a distinguished road
Hello all.

I'm new to Linux and OpenFOAM and I am working on a cluster for the first time. OpenFOAM (v2112) has been installed as a module by an admin via the package manager.
I work in my work directory /work/user/username. I have also cloned a repository into this directory. Now I want to compile the library and the solver and I get the following error message:

make: *** No rule to make target 'Spack', needed by '[spack'. Stop.
wmake error: file 'Make/linux64GccDPInt32-spack/sourceFiles' could not be created in /work/user/username/hydrology/src/hydrology

I put the $WM_PROJECT_DIR directory in my bashrc file (bashrc under $HOME/username/.bashrc).

Furthermore, I created my $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR at the beginning of my work:
mkdir $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR --parent

Unfortunately, after that, I was told that I'd better store/run all things like my simulations in /work/user/username. I have now looked at the individual files inside the cloned repository - Allwmake (top-level) as well as files and options (under cluster/work/user/username/hydrology/src/hydrology/Make). However, I have not found anything that helps me.

And the query echo $FOAM_USER_APPBIN and echo $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN outputs:
/cluster/home/username/OpenFOAM/username-v2112/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32-spack/bin and /cluster/home/username/OpenFOAM/username-v2112/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32-spack/lib respectively.

In cluster/work/user/username/hydrology/src/hydrology/Make there is also the directory linux64GccDPInt32-spack. It contains the file options - when this file is opened, the following message is displayed:

[spack cc] ERROR: Spack compiler must be run from Spack! Input 'SPACK_ENV_PATH' is missing.

Unfortunately, I don't know what the errors mean or what I did wrong so far. I don't make any further progress, especially not with the message/error about the Spack compiler. My research into this issue did not help me. I don't know if the problem is that everything is in different directories or outside the directory where OpenFOAM is installed? Or is it because OpenFOAM is perhaps already pre-compiled (Here I read that I then need the dev/develop package?)?

I apologize for any possibly incorrect Linux/OpenFOAM-related terms and contexts. I am still new and currently working my way into the nomenclature. 😊

Would be really happy if someone could help me. 😊
Thanks in advance
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Old   September 22, 2023, 07:28
Default Same spack error while compiling library on a cluster
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Join Date: Jul 2023
Location: Milan, Italy
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Frensis is on a distinguished road

I am facing an issue which is very similar to yours. When trying to compile my library on a cluster (same OpenFOAM version) with wmake libso I get the same error message as you:

[spack cc] ERROR: Spack compiler must be run from Spack! Input 'SPACK_ENV_PATH' is missing.

However, in the file options contained inside linux64GccDPInt32-spack (located in the same path as yours), I don't have the error message, but instead it says:

EXE_INC = -I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude -I$(LIB_SRC)/fileFormats/lnInclude -I$(LIB_SRC)/meshTools/lnInclude -I$(LIB_SRC)/functionObjects/forces/lnInclude -I$(LIB_SRC)/dynamicMesh/lnInclude

LIB_LIBS = -lfiniteVolume -lmeshTools -lforces -ldynamicMesh
I am also new, to both OpenFOAM and clusters, so I really don't know how to solve this issue, and I don't find much information online about it.

By any chance, have you found a solution, or understood where this error comes from?
Or does anybody else reading know how to solve this issue?

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cluster, compile, solver, spack

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