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[] Install OpenFOAM 2.3.1 on cluster with Intel Compiler

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Old   August 26, 2018, 03:40
Default Install OpenFOAM 2.3.1 on cluster with Intel Compiler
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Ehsan Asgari
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Dear All,

I have faced some issues in installing OpenFOAM 2.3.1 on a HPC cluster with CentOS 7, non-root access, and Intel Compiler.

In the first place, I did the following:
export FOAM_INST_DIR=$HOME/ch_openfoa/Tetralith/OpenFOAM
mkdir -p $FOAM_INST_DIR
I downloaded the packages of OpenFOAM and ThirdParty and then extracted them.
Then I did the following modifications:
cp -r $FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/wmake/rules/linux64Icc $FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/wmake/rules/linux64IccHani

sed -i s/fPIC/"fPIC -Nmpi -Nmkl -xCORE-AVX512"/g $FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/wmake/rules/linux64IccHani/c++
I added the following alias to the bashrc in my home folder:
alias OF231T='export FOAM_INST_DIR=/home/x_vache/ch_openfoam/Tetralith/OpenFOAM; module load buildenv-intel/2018a-eb; export MPI_ROOT=$I_MPI_ROOT; . /home/x_vache/ch_openfoam/Tetralith/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/etc/bashrc WM_COMPILER=IccHani WM_MPLIB=INTELMPI'
Then I opened a new terminal and entered the above alias: OF231T.
I checked the outputs of the following commands:
mpirun --version
Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS, Version 2018 Update 1 Build 20171011 (id: 17941)
Copyright (C) 2003-2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

which mpirun

mpicc --version
icc (ICC) 18.0.1 20171018
Copyright (C) 1985-2017 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.

which mpicc
At the end, I run the ./Allwmake but I get several errors which I suspect are related to MPI...

I have attached the log file to the following link to further investigate the problem.

I would appreciate if you help me to do proper installation.

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Old   August 26, 2018, 11:27
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Bruno Santos
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Quick answer: The very first error message is this:
icpc ERROR: Unsupported compiler mpiicpc. Try -Nhelp.
which means that ICC is not use configured mpcc...

My guess is that in whichever way you load in the ICC environment, you also need to load in the Intel-MPI environment as well, so that mpiicpc is ready to be used.... no wait... what? The compiler mpiicpc is indeed found, it's just that it's not compatible with the compiler options you've chosen?!

OK, new guess: "-Nmpi" is not supported, hence the error.

Side note: You better edit the file "$FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/wmake/rules/linux64IccHani/c++" manually and remove the duplicate entries, along with removing "-Nmpi".
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Old   August 26, 2018, 12:33
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Ehsan Asgari
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Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Quick answer: The very first error message is this:
icpc ERROR: Unsupported compiler mpiicpc. Try -Nhelp.
which means that ICC is not use configured mpcc...

My guess is that in whichever way you load in the ICC environment, you also need to load in the Intel-MPI environment as well, so that mpiicpc is ready to be used.... no wait... what? The compiler mpiicpc is indeed found, it's just that it's not compatible with the compiler options you've chosen?!

OK, new guess: "-Nmpi" is not supported, hence the error.

Side note: You better edit the file "$FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/wmake/rules/linux64IccHani/c++" manually and remove the duplicate entries, along with removing "-Nmpi".

Dear Bruno,

Thank you very much for your reply. Actually, I tried to do a fresh install using the general guide provided here (Neglect first three steps):

with replacing the command in step 8 with the following:

module load buildenv-intel/2018a-eb || export PATH=$PATH:/software/sse/easybuild/prefix/software/impi/2018.1.163-iccifort-2018.1.163-GCC-6.4.0-2.28/intel64/bin
and defining FOAM_INST_DIR as follows:

Then I did some minor modifications as follows:

cp -r $FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/wmake/rules/linux64Icc $FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/wmake/rules/linux64IccHani

sed -i s/fPIC/"fPIC -Nmpi -Nmkl -xCORE-AVX512"/g $FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-2.2.x/wmake/rules/linux64IccHani/c++
Then I did


echo "alias OF231T='export FOAM_INST_DIR=/home/x_vache/ch_openfoam/Tetralith/OpenFOAM; module load buildenv-intel/2018a-eb; export MPI_ROOT=$I_MPI_ROOT; source $HOME/ch_openfoam/Tetralith/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/etc/bashrc $FOAM_SETTINGS'" >> $HOME/.bashrc
Also, I modified the mplibINTELMPI according to the following posts:

Compile OF2.1 with Intel Icc and Intel MPI

Compile OF2.1 with Intel Icc and Intel MPI

And modified etc/config/ according to the following post:

Failed to compile OpenFOAM 3.0.1 with icc

The now looks like the following:
    # no trailing slash
    [ "${MPI_ROOT%/}" = "${MPI_ROOT}" ] || MPI_ROOT="${MPI_ROOT%/}"

    export FOAM_MPI="${MPI_ROOT##*/}"

    if [ ! -d "$MPI_ROOT" -o -z "$MPI_ARCH_PATH" ]
        echo "Warning in $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/config/" 1>&2
        echo "    MPI_ROOT not a valid mpt installation directory or ending in a '/'." 1>&2
        echo "    Please set MPI_ROOT to the mpt installation directory." 1>&2
        echo "    MPI_ROOT currently set to '$MPI_ROOT'" 1>&2

    if [ "$FOAM_VERBOSE" -a "$PS1" ]
        echo "Using INTEL MPI:" 1>&2
        echo "    MPI_ROOT : $MPI_ROOT" 1>&2
        echo "    FOAM_MPI : $FOAM_MPI" 1>&2

    _foamAddPath    $MPI_ARCH_PATH/bin64
    _foamAddLib     $MPI_ARCH_PATH/lib64
    export FOAM_MPI=mpi  #export FOAM_MPI=dummy
The I opened a new terminal and entered the alias OF231T and went through, but in step 11 when I execute ./Allwmake I get some errors. I have attached the new log file below. I had a hard time but still the errors are there!

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Old   September 1, 2018, 17:28
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings Syavash,

From what I can see, the changes you've made to "" were not necessary... but if it's partially working now, I guess you may have changed something else too.

Based on the log file you provided, my guess is that the problem is related to the "" that was built to use Intel-MPI is being picked up when it should not. I suspect that the following trick might work, so with the OpenFOAM 2.3.1 environment activated, run the following commands:

applications/Allwmake > log.make.applications 2>&1

The trick used here is that the folder where the "" file for Intel-MPI was compiled to, is renamed to another name, so that it is not found when building the applications. Then we only build the applications for the respective folder. Then when it's done, we restore the folder we had renamed.

Hopefully this will solve the problem.

Best regards,
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Old   September 2, 2018, 05:21
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Ehsan Asgari
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Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Greetings Syavash,

From what I can see, the changes you've made to "" were not necessary... but if it's partially working now, I guess you may have changed something else too.

Based on the log file you provided, my guess is that the problem is related to the "" that was built to use Intel-MPI is being picked up when it should not. I suspect that the following trick might work, so with the OpenFOAM 2.3.1 environment activated, run the following commands:

applications/Allwmake > log.make.applications 2>&1

The trick used here is that the folder where the "" file for Intel-MPI was compiled to, is renamed to another name, so that it is not found when building the applications. Then we only build the applications for the respective folder. Then when it's done, we restore the folder we had renamed.

Hopefully this will solve the problem.

Best regards,

Dear Bruno,

Thanks for your reply. I did as you suggested and attached the log file at the following link:

I also removed changes in but made no difference!

I really appreciate your help.

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Old   September 2, 2018, 10:16
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Quick answer: How did the file "platforms/linux64IccHaniDPOpt/lib/" come into existence? It should not exist... please delete that file, which can be done with the following commands:
rm platforms/linux64IccHaniDPOpt/lib/
Then try again the commands from my previous post.
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Old   September 3, 2018, 05:46
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Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Quick answer: How did the file "platforms/linux64IccHaniDPOpt/lib/" come into existence? It should not exist... please delete that file, which can be done with the following commands:
rm platforms/linux64IccHaniDPOpt/lib/
Then try again the commands from my previous post.

Dear Bruno,

Thank you! I removed that file and OpenFOAM was installed without problem. However, after I executed the following command to move back MPI_FOAM I received an error when I entered "pimpleFoam" in the terminal.

and the error I received when I executed pimpleFoam in the terminal:

pimpleFoam: symbol lookup error: /home/x_vache/ch_openfoam/Tetralith/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/platforms/linux64IccHaniDPOpt/lib/2018.1.163-iccifort-2018.1.163-GCC-6.4.0-2.28/ undefined symbol: ompi_mpi_op_sum
I tried to move the FOAM_MPI to FOAM_MPI_tmp. This way pimpleFoam was executed in serial mode but when I tried to submit a job in parallel it complained about MPI with the following error:

mpprun info: Starting impi run on 3 node ( 96 rank X 1 th ) for job ID 101262

Trying to use the dummy Pstream library.
This dummy library cannot be used in parallel mode

    From function UPstream::init(int& argc, char**& argv)
    in file UPstream.C

Trying to use the dummy Pstream library.
This dummy library cannot be used in parallel mode

    From function UPstream::init(int& argc, char**& argv)
    in file UPstream.C at line 37.

FOAM exiting

Trying to use the dummy Pstream library.
I guess that Pstream is again causing the issue. Would you please check the issue?

P.S. I had removed changes in prior to installation.
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Old   September 4, 2018, 06:53
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Bruno Santos
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Quick answer:
  1. Undo the rename again, by running:
  2. The "" file seems to be missing, but it's strange that it's missing, because "" should have complained that it's missing...
  3. Try running:
    cd $FOAM_SRC/Pstream
    wclean all
    ./Allwmake > log.make 2>&1
    The attach the file "log.make". This will tell us if "" is being linked to or not.
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Old   September 4, 2018, 10:08
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Ehsan Asgari
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Originally Posted by wyldckat View Post
Quick answer:
  1. Undo the rename again, by running:
  2. The "" file seems to be missing, but it's strange that it's missing, because "" should have complained that it's missing...
  3. Try running:
    cd $FOAM_SRC/Pstream
    wclean all
    ./Allwmake > log.make 2>&1
    The attach the file "log.make". This will tell us if "" is being linked to or not.

Dear Bruno,

Thank you for the reply. As I was thinking I had messed with the settings and addresses, I did again a fresh install and this time did not change any things. Before installing OpenFOAM I also moved back ${FOAM_MPI}_tmp to $FOAM_MPI. I followed the instructions given in WIKI again and OpenFOAM was installed successfully without a problem and did not complain about libPstream either! I tried a parallel run and it was OK. Though paraFoam was not installed (which I guess it could be due to qmake!) it should be all rights for now.

Thank you for your time and patience. I have posted the alias in the .bashrc file as somebody may find it helpful:

alias OF231T='export FOAM_INST_DIR=/home/.../OpenFOAM; module load buildenv-intel/2018a-eb; export MPI_ROOT=/.../software/impi/2018.1.163-iccifort-2018.1.163-GCC-6.4.0-2.28; source /home/.../OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.3.1/etc/bashrc WM_NCOMPPROCS=4 WM_COMPILER=Icc WM_MPLIB=INTELMPI'
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Last edited by syavash; September 4, 2018 at 11:10.
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