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[Other] CentOS 6.7 - Paraview - X Error: BadDrawable

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Old   April 26, 2016, 12:19
Question CentOS 6.7 - Paraview - X Error: BadDrawable
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Hi all,

I have been setting up OpenFOAM within a CentOS 6.7 linux system within an Oracle VirtualBox Machine and have hit a bit of a problem...

I have managed (through many hours or troubleshooting) to get OpenFOAM's processes which I use to execute correctly, however, Paraview 4.4 will not even open up a complete blank new file.

Whether I type "paraFoam" within the terminal window within the simulation directory or whether I simply open up a brand new terminal on the desktop and type "paraview", the error is the same.
(Please note that I do type "of30x" in the terminal window before I run these commands as per instructions - though this is annoying and it would be great to find a way to shell script this part or remove the need for it).
Here is the error which I receive:
X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea)
  Resource id:  0x0
After this, I Ctrl+C to kill the process, else nothing happens.

I have tried disabling the CUDA aspect of paraview, then recompiling it, I have double and triple checked that I have all the necessary libraries, I have gone through every single forum thread that I can find to try and fix this issue, but to no avail.

I have a fully functioning Ubuntu setup already (work requires CentOS build hence the need to swap over) which has OpenFOAM and Paraview files within the /opt/ directory - however, on the CentOS machine, there are no such folders/files... Everything as far as I can tell is within the /home/<username>/OpenFOAM/ directory under ThirdParty-3.0.x or OpenFOAM-3.0.x with my own <username>-3.0.x directory containing the /run/tutorials/ . Although weird, I was copy-pasting the installation procedure from the CentOS 6.7 Installation Wiki Page and there isn't mention from what I can tell of this being an issue...

My initial thoughts were that there was some graphical error which was present between the Windows 7 native OS and the CentOS 6.7 VirtualBox VM... I had had my machine converted to a different field build since last running the Ubuntu system and figured there may be some issue there, So I installed the Windows version of Paraview, which executes and opens up just fine...

Anyhow, I am at a complete loss as to what to do. I am relatively new to Linux and so most of the time I am flying blind, so if anyone has anything they can help with, could you please be specific of exactly what I need to type etc etc... that would be a great help!!
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Old   April 28, 2016, 06:10
Talking [solved]
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Hi guys,

I figured out what the issue was. I needed to have VirtualGL installed within the CentOS 6.7 system.

I installed it, and then created an alias "pv" within .bashrc which will load the following line of code:

alias pv="/opt/VirtualGL/bin/vglrun -s paraview &"
Now, in order for me to execute my automation scripts with paraFoam as the process to execute, followed by an argument which is a .py script, I needed to replace the normal:
runApplication paraFoam --script=./<script_name>.py
with this:

/opt/VirtualGL/bin/vglrun -s paraFoam --script=./<script_name>.py
Hope this helps!! It would be good if the CentOS 6.7 OpenFOAM wiki actually mentioned this as a potential troubleshoot, rather than just stating that "... something went wrong..." and offering no links, help, suggestions, or anything.

Good luck!!
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Old   May 1, 2016, 18:55
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Originally Posted by Vyssion View Post
Hope this helps!! It would be good if the CentOS 6.7 OpenFOAM wiki actually mentioned this as a potential troubleshoot, rather than just stating that "... something went wrong..." and offering no links, help, suggestions, or anything.
Quick answer: Many thanks for sharing your finding and solution! It's actually the first time I've seen someone rely on VirtualGL to solve an issue within a VM!

I've had on my to-do list the need to have a FAQ on issues when using ParaView and the wiki page section for it did get started: - and I do have a collection of posts on this topic on a blog post of mine: Related issues to ParaView with OpenFOAM - Fixes and solutions

Problem is that I haven't managed to get to that point in the to-do list... please do feel free to step in and help with this in the wiki, given that the wiki is built by contributors in the community.
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baddrawable, centos, paraview, x error

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