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[swak4Foam] swak4foam openfoam 7 installation problem

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Old   February 17, 2020, 10:31
Default swak4foam openfoam 7 installation problem
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 31
Rep Power: 7
Andrea23 is on a distinguished road

i'm using ubuntu 18.04 on a windows shell and i have installed openfoam 7.

I have followed installation guide on this page:

and downloaded swak4foam developer version as indicated in 5.2.1. in this page:

using these comand lines

hg clone swak4Foam
(cd swak4Foam && hg update develop)

after I used the comand: ./Allwmake > log.make 2>&1 ; I received no output and after using: funkySetFields this was the output:

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
swakVersion: 0.4.3 (Release date: Next release)
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

funkySetFields: time/latestTime option is required

From function main()
in file funkySetFields.C at line 713.

FOAM exiting
this is the log.make file:

Current OpenFOAM version is 7.
Previously compiled for OpenFOAM (7)

/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/privateRequirements/bin existing. Prepending to PATH-variable (private version of Bison)

No file 'swakConfiguration'. Python etc won't work. See README for details
Try 'ln -s swakConfiguration.automatic swakConfiguration' for automatic configuration. BEWARE: this does not work on some systems
Checking swak4Foam-version and generating file
Swak version is 0.4.3
hg info: f4fb37df715d (develop) tip
Bison: /home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/privateRequirements/bin/bison
Flex: /usr/bin/flex
Bison at /home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/privateRequirements/bin/bison is version 3.4 (Major 3 Minor 4)
Flex is version 2.6.4 (Minor version: 4)
OpenFOAM-version: Major 7 Minor 0 Patch -1 (-1 == x / 98) Fork: org
No change to swak4FoamParsers/foamVersion4swak.H

Please include the output above when reporting a problem in the compilation. It helps diagnosing the problem

wmake libso swak4FoamParsers
wmake libso swakLagrangianParser
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/pdfs/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/radiation/ does not exist
wmake libso groovyBC
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/immersedBoundary/immersedBoundary/ does not exist
wmake libso swakFunctionObjects
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory ADDITIONALFILES_INC=/opt/openfoam7/src/OpenFOAM/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/utilities/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/dynamicMesh/dynamicFvMesh/ does not exist
wmake libso simpleFunctionObjects
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory ADDITIONALFILES_INC:=/opt/openfoam7/src/OpenFOAM/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/radiation/ does not exist
wmake libso simpleLagrangianFunctionObjects
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/pdfs/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/radiation/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/ does not exist
wmake libso simpleSearchableSurfaces
wmake libso simpleSwakFunctionObjects
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /home/andrea/OpenFOAM/root-7/Libraries/simpleFunctionObjects/ does not exist
wmake libso swakTopoSources
wmake libso swakDynamicMesh
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/dynamicMesh/meshMotion/solidBodyMotion/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/dynamicMesh/dynamicFvMesh/ does not exist
wmake libso swakSourceFields
Compiling swakFvOptions
wmake libso swakFvOptions
wmake libso swakStateMachine
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/finiteArea/ does not exist
wmake libso groovyStandardBCs
No file 'swakConfiguration' in the top directory of the swak-sources. Language integrations probably won't work
wmake libso swakGeneralLanguageIntegration

SWAK_PYTHON2_INCLUDE not defined .... no Python2-Integration. Most people are fine without it

SWAK_PYTHON3_INCLUDE not defined .... no Python3-Integration. Most people are fine without it

SWAK_LUA_LINK not defined .... no Lua-Integration. Most people are fine without it

wmake libso swakScriptableLagrangian
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/pdfs/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/radiation/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/ does not exist
wmake libso swakChemistryModelFunctionPlugin
wmake libso swakDynamicMeshFunctionPlugin
wmake libso swakFvcSchemesFunctionPlugin
wmake libso swakLagrangianCloudSourcesFunctionPlugin
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/pdfs/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/radiation/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/ does not exist
wmake libso swakLocalCalculationsFunctionPlugin
wmake libso swakMRFFunctionPlugin
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/LES/LESdeltas/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/compressible/turbulenceModel/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/compressible/LES/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/compressible/RAS/ does not exist
wmake libso swakMeshQualityFunctionPlugin
wmake libso swakMeshWaveFunctionPlugin
wmake libso swakQuantileFunctionPlugin
wmake libso swakRadiationModelFunctionPlugin
wmake libso swakRandomFunctionPlugin
wmake libso swakShiftFieldFunctionPlugin
wmake libso swakSurfacesAndSetsFunctionPlugin
wmake libso swakThermoTurbFunctionPlugin
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/LES/LESdeltas/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/compressible/turbulenceModel/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/compressible/LES/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/compressible/RAS/ does not exist
wmake libso swakTransportTurbFunctionPlugin
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/LES/LESdeltas/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/turbulenceModel/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/RAS/ does not exist
wmake libso swakVelocityFunctionPlugin
wmake libso coalCloudAdaptor
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/pdfs/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/radiation/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/ does not exist

If you have your own function-plugins you can specify them using the SWAK_USER_PLUGINS environment variable and they would be compiled now. If you don't know what this means: don't bother. You propably don't need it

wmake libso simpleCloudFunctionObjects
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/pdfs/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/radiation/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/ does not exist
wmake libso swakCloudFunctionObjects
wmakeLnIncludeAll: running wmakeLnInclude on dependent libraries:
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/pdfs/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/liquidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solids/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/solidMixture/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/radiation/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidMixtureProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidProperties/ does not exist
wmakeLnInclude error: base directory /opt/openfoam7/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/ does not exist
wmake calcNonUniformOffsetsForMapped
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/calcNonUniformOffsetsForMapped'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/calcNonUniformOffsetsForMapped'
wmake fieldReport
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/fieldReport'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/fieldReport'
wmake funkyDoCalc
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/funkyDoCalc'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/funkyDoCalc'
wmake funkyPythonPostproc

SWAK_PYTHON2_INCLUDE not defined .... no Python-Integration. Utility funkyPythonPostproc not compiled

wmake funkySetAreaFields
wmake funkySetBoundaryField
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/funkySetBoundaryField'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/funkySetBoundaryField'
wmake funkySetFields
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/funkySetFields'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/funkySetFields'
wmake funkySetLagrangianField
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/funkySetLagrangianField'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/funkySetLagrangianField'
wmake funkyWarpMesh
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/funkyWarpMesh'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/funkyWarpMesh'
wmake replayTransientBC
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/replayTransientBC'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/replayTransientBC'
wmake writeBoundarySubfields
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/writeBoundarySubfields'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Utilities/writeBoundarySubfields'

If you want to use swakCoded-function object or compile software based on swak set the environment variable SWAK4FOAM_SRC to /home/andrea/OpenFOAM/andrea-7/run/swak4Foam/Libraries (most people will be fine without setting that variable)

Are these critical problems? How can I resolve them?

I am not very good with ubuntu and programming and let me know if you need more informations
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Old   February 17, 2020, 19:11
Assistant Moderator
Bernhard Gschaider
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 4,225
Rep Power: 51
gschaider will become famous soon enoughgschaider will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Andrea23 View Post

i'm using ubuntu 18.04 on a windows shell and i have installed openfoam 7.

I have followed installation guide on this page:

and downloaded swak4foam developer version as indicated in 5.2.1. in this page:

using these comand lines

after I used the comand: ./Allwmake > log.make 2>&1 ; I received no output and after using: funkySetFields this was the output:

this is the log.make file:

Are these critical problems? How can I resolve them?

I am not very good with ubuntu and programming and let me know if you need more informations

No. If funkySetFields works I'd say they are not a problem. They are a side-effect from swak4Foam working for different versions of OpenFOAM
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