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[swak4Foam] Swak4Foam-groovybc- face's vertices

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Old   July 30, 2018, 11:22
Default Swak4Foam-groovybc- face's vertices
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Ignacio Sarmiento
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Hi, I don't want to extend too much, my doubt is:
when I use pts(), I got the position of all the vertices of the patch, and if I use pos() I got the cell's position, I need the height of the face or the cell, I was thinking about pow(area(),0.5) o pow(vol(),1/3), but that's not too exact if the mesh is uneven, I would like to approximate it like max(facepts().z)-min(facepts().z), but I don't know how to acced to the position of the face's vertices, is it possible? when I read the incomplete reference I understand it is possible to use pts() in diferent parsers, but I don't understand how to do it, any help?

Edit: Solved~

I used hv=(max(toPoint(pos()).z)-min(toPoint(pos()).z))
I don't know why when I tried to use fpos() or face() I got error: Field not found
thanks anyway~
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Last edited by IgnacioSarmientoINH; July 31, 2018 at 11:53.
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Old   August 7, 2018, 10:49
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Ignacio Sarmiento
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reedit: not solved
Gschaider, I failed you </3

So.. in my mind when I said toPoint(pos()), swak was going to take pos() -> face's center coordenates and transform it in 4 vectors with the position of the 4 vertices, so I could take the z component and look for the max and min.. but apparently it doesn't work this way...
I'm not sure about what exactly toPoint(pos()) expression does in a groovypatch, but the boundary became really caothic, in a coarse mesh it looks like it's generation little waves, but in finer meshs it's a storm so...
any ideas for getting face's height?
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Old   August 7, 2018, 20:02
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by IgnacioSarmientoINH View Post
reedit: not solved
Gschaider, I failed you </3

So.. in my mind when I said toPoint(pos()), swak was going to take pos() -> face's center coordenates and transform it in 4 vectors with the position of the 4 vertices, so I could take the z component and look for the max and min.. but apparently it doesn't work this way...
I'm not sure about what exactly toPoint(pos()) expression does in a groovypatch, but the boundary became really caothic, in a coarse mesh it looks like it's generation little waves, but in finer meshs it's a storm so...
any ideas for getting face's height?

max and min always calculate over the whole patch. Not individual faces

to get the "height" of the complete patch something like
would work. But for every face separately there is no way to do this in swak

I once had a similar problem but on the internalMesh (needed maximum and minimum of the faces of a cell) and there is a function plugin LocalCalculations that adds some functions that do something similar to what you want. But unfortunately not for patches
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would add that. But it would have to be extended for patches
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Old   August 9, 2018, 16:25
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Ignacio Sarmiento
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mmm.. I see
thanks a lot for your answer
for now I think I will work with pow(mag(sf()),0.5)
and thanks for Swak by the way
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Old   August 21, 2018, 17:07
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Ignacio Sarmiento
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void faceBoundsZ(scalarField* zSup, scalarField* zInf)
const label nF = patch().faceCells().size();
scalarField zMax = Foam::scalarField(nF, -9999.0);
scalarField zMin = Foam::scalarField(nF, 9999.0);

const faceList& faces = this->patch().patch().localFaces();
const List<vector>& points = this->patch().patch().localPoints();

forAll( faces, faceI )
const face& f = faces[faceI];
forAll(f, point)
scalar auxiliar = points[f[point]].component(2);

zMax[faceI] = max(zMax[faceI], auxiliar);
zMin[faceI] = min(zMin[faceI], auxiliar);

*zSup = zMax;
*zInf = zMin;

that's how olaflow gets z max and z min of the face, so I'm programming my own BC, but I have a problem, and I was wondering if you could help me, apparently I can't define several tableFile's by my own, if I try to define two, the solver only remembers the last one, how does it GroovyBC?
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Old   August 22, 2018, 06:00
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by IgnacioSarmientoINH View Post
void faceBoundsZ(scalarField* zSup, scalarField* zInf)
const label nF = patch().faceCells().size();
scalarField zMax = Foam::scalarField(nF, -9999.0);
scalarField zMin = Foam::scalarField(nF, 9999.0);

const faceList& faces = this->patch().patch().localFaces();
const List<vector>& points = this->patch().patch().localPoints();

forAll( faces, faceI )
const face& f = faces[faceI];
forAll(f, point)
scalar auxiliar = points[f[point]].component(2);

zMax[faceI] = max(zMax[faceI], auxiliar);
zMin[faceI] = min(zMin[faceI], auxiliar);

*zSup = zMax;
*zInf = zMin;

that's how olaflow gets z max and z min of the face, so I'm programming my own BC, but I have a problem, and I was wondering if you could help me, apparently I can't define several tableFile's by my own, if I try to define two, the solver only remembers the last one, how does it GroovyBC?

variables (


The only non-obious part is toFace which is needed because the maximum of a point-value is a point-value as well. zMax and zMin can then be used in the valueExpression

BTW: use references for the function parameters. It is much clearer and safer. C++ code in OpenFOAM almost never needs pointer parameterse
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bounadry condition, groovy, groovybc, swak, swak4foam

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