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[cfMesh] feature edge error

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Old   September 26, 2016, 08:13
Default feature edge error
Pekka Pasanen
Join Date: Feb 2012
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Hello dear fellow foamers. I've been struggling with cfMesh again with a fairly complex geometry, more specifically with the feature edges. I'm using cfMesh v1.1.1 with OpenFOAM-dev. My workflow is currently the following:

1. Create surface stl meshes for all patches
2. Combile stl-files to create a single surface file
3. surfaceFeatureEdges -angle (something) whole.stl whole.fms
4. FMSToSurface -exportFeatureEdges whole.fms temp.fms

What you see in the following picture is the original whole.stl file, which btw has good resolution and correct edges, and the result of step 4 which is the file temp_featureEdges.vtk.

As you can see, at some point the feature edges are moved out of place and it can only happen in steps 3 or 4 which use cfMesh tools. I'm currently suspecting that this is some kind of numerical error or possibly an error related to .vtk format and Paraview? In any case, the feature edges really are wrong, since cfMesh doesn't use them and the resulting mesh can be seen in the next picture.

This isn't even the worst part in the geometry, but the others result in similar bad cells when the edge is not detected correctly. If someone has some insight on this I'd be happy to get some help.
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Old   October 11, 2016, 06:43
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Franjo Juretic
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I do not see nothing wrong in the procedure for preparing the geometry. You may need to play with the angle tolerance to select the edges at all relevant locations.

It is common to see the feature edges out of place, and it is a consequence of the ascii vtk that loses precision when it is written on disk.

cfMesh does not capture each feature edge explicitly. It searches for faces in the surface mesh that are bounded by a closed loop of feature edges. I somehow suspect that you do not have a closed loop at the location where the feature edges are not captured.
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Old   October 11, 2016, 06:46
Pekka Pasanen
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zordiack is on a distinguished road
So it's not possible to use feature edges that do not form a closed loop? Because that is exactly the case regarding the area in the picture. Some feature edges just don't form a closed loop due to for example roundings.
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Old   October 11, 2016, 07:09
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Franjo Juretic
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Correct, the edges shall be closed and form a face.
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