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[swak4Foam] Problem compiling simpleFunctionObjects library

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Old   June 3, 2014, 12:23
Default Problem compiling simpleFunctionObjects library
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Italy
Posts: 62
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marluc is on a distinguished road
Dear All,

I have downloaded the simpleFunctionObjects according to the link provided here:

I have it in my home directory and following the README file I used the following command to compile it:
wmake libso
but unfortunately I get the following error:
linux64GccDPOpt/options:6: linux64GccDPOpt/../../../rules/versionOptions: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `linux64GccDPOpt/../../../rules/versionOptions'.  Stop.
wmake error: file 'Make/linux64GccDPOpt/objectFiles' could not be created in /home/luca/OpenFOAM/luca-2.3.0/applications/utilities/simpleFunctionObjects
I am running OF 2.3 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Can somebody help me?

Thank you in advance,
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Old   June 3, 2014, 17:43
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Originally Posted by marluc View Post
Dear All,

I have downloaded the simpleFunctionObjects according to the link provided here:

I have it in my home directory and following the README file I used the following command to compile it:
wmake libso
but unfortunately I get the following error:
linux64GccDPOpt/options:6: linux64GccDPOpt/../../../rules/versionOptions: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `linux64GccDPOpt/../../../rules/versionOptions'.  Stop.
wmake error: file 'Make/linux64GccDPOpt/objectFiles' could not be created in /home/luca/OpenFOAM/luca-2.3.0/applications/utilities/simpleFunctionObjects
I am running OF 2.3 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Can somebody help me?

Thank you in advance,
On top of the page it say "Note: This library will be integrated into swak4Foam starting with OF 2.0". For a long time I tried to maintain it in a way that it is a part of swak4foam (as some functionality of swak needs this library) but can be used independently of it. That independent version is the one you're referring to. I had to give this up because it would have meant some awkward technical workarounds in swak4Foam (it is still possible to make an independent simpleFunctionObjects but I don't have time to maintain this). The problem you're having is exactly one such place: different OF-versions have different interfaces. To support them all there has to be a way to distinguish between them. The missing file does that. But it does not reside in simpleFunctionObjects but one above: in swak. Either copy it from the swak-sorces or install swak as a whole. So the link you're referring to does not work. I will remove it as it seems to be misleading.

TL;DR: install swak. Sorry
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Old   June 3, 2014, 18:23
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Italy
Posts: 62
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marluc is on a distinguished road
Dear Bernhard,

thank you very much for your reply.
I will follow your hint and install swak. Hope it works.

Thank you and regards,
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