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help needed about phase change

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Old   January 22, 2001, 19:59
Default help needed about phase change
Yanhu Guo
Posts: n/a
Hello, everyone,

I want to do some work in the phase change area. And I need some review papers and some suggestions.

Your help will be highly appreaciated.


Yanhu Guo
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Old   January 22, 2001, 22:51
Default Re: help needed about phase change
Sebastien Perron
Posts: n/a

@string{NHT = "Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B"} @string{JHT = "Journal of Heat Transfer"} @string{IJHMT = "International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer"} @string{JCP = "Journal of Computational Physics"} @string{IJNME = "International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering"}

@ARTICLE(Poots1961, AUTHOR = " G. Poots ", TITLE = " An Approximate Treatment of a Heat Conduction Problem Involving a Two-Dimensional Solidification Front ", PAGES = " 339--348", JOURNAL = IJHMT, YEAR = 1961, VOLUME = 5)

@ARTICLE(bushko1991, AUTHOR = " W. Bushko and I.R. Grosse ", TITLE = " New Finite Element Method For Multidemensional Phase Change Heat Transfer Problems", PAGES = " 31--48", JOURNAL = NHT, YEAR = 1991, VOLUME = 19)

@ARTICLE(comini, AUTHOR = " G. Comini and C. Nonino and O. Saro ", TITLE = " Performance of Enthalpy-Based Algorithms for Isothermal Phase Change", PAGES = "--", JOURNAL = "--", YEAR = 0 )

@ARTICLE(pham1986, AUTHOR = " Q.T. Pham ", TITLE = " The Use of Lumped Capacitance in finite-element solution of heat conduction problems with phase change", PAGES = "285--291", JOURNAL = IJHMT , YEAR = 1986, NUMBER = 2, VOLUME = 29)

@ARTICLE(Bonnerot1977, AUTHOR = " R. Bonnerot and P. Jamet ", TITLE = " Numerical Computation of the Free Boundary for the Two-Dimensional Stefan Problem by Space-Time Finite Elements", PAGES = "163--181", JOURNAL = JCP , YEAR = 1977, VOLUME = 25)

@ARTICLE(Hsiano1985, AUTHOR = " J. S. Hsiao ", TITLE = " An Efficient Algorithm for Finite-Difference Analyses of Heat Transfer with Melting and Solidification", PAGES = "653--666", JOURNAL = NHT , YEAR = 1985, VOLUME = 8)

@ARTICLE(Viskanta1988, AUTHOR = " R. Viskanta ", TITLE = " Heat Transfer During Melting and Solidification of Metals", PAGES = "1205--1219", JOURNAL = JHT , YEAR = 1988, VOLUME = 110)

@ARTICLE(Gong1995, AUTHOR = " Z. Gong and A. Mujundar ", TITLE = " Noniterative Procedure for the Finite-Element Solution of the Enthalpy Model for Phase-Change Heat Conduction Problems", PAGES = "437--446", JOURNAL = NHT , YEAR = 1995, VOLUME = 27)

@ARTICLE(Pham1995, AUTHOR = " Q.T. Pham ", TITLE = " Comparaison of General-Purpose Finite-Element Methods For the Stefan Problem", PAGES = "417--435", JOURNAL = NHT , YEAR = 1995, VOLUME = 27)

@ARTICLE(Tamma1994, AUTHOR = " Tianhong Ouyang and Kummar K. Tamma ", TITLE = " Finite-Element Developments for Two-Dimensional Phase-Change Problems", PAGES = "257--271", JOURNAL = NHT , YEAR = 1994, VOLUME = 26)

@ARTICLE(Ghosh1993, AUTHOR = " S. Ghosh and S. Moorthy ", TITLE = " An Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Finite-Element Model for Heat Transfer Analysis of Solidification Processes", PAGES = "327--350", JOURNAL = NHT , YEAR = 1993, VOLUME = 23)

@INCOLLECTION(Crank1981, AUTHOR = "J. Crank", TITLE = "How to Deal with Moving Boundaries in Thermal Problems", BOOKTITLE = "Numerical Methods in Heat Transfer", PUBLISHER = "John Wiley And Sons Ltd", YEAR = 1981, PAGES = "177--200")

@ARTICLE(Runnels1991, AUTHOR = " S.R. Runnels and G.F. Carey ", TITLE = " Finite Element Simulation of Phase Change Using Capacitance Methods ", PAGES = "13-30", JOURNAL = NHT , YEAR = 1991, VOLUME = 19)

@ARTICLE(Voller1980, AUTHOR = "V. Voller and M. Gross", TITLE = " Accurate Solutions of Moving Boundary Problems Using the Enthalpy Method", PAGES = "545-556", JOURNAL = IJHMT , YEAR = 1980, VOLUME = 24)

@ARTICLE(Voller1990, AUTHOR = "V. Voller and C.R. Swaminathan", TITLE = "Fixed Grid Techniques for Phase Change Problems: A Review", PAGES = "875-898", JOURNAL = IJNME , YEAR = 1990, VOLUME = 30)

@ARTICLE(Bell1982, AUTHOR = "G. Bell", TITLE = " On the Performance of the Enthalpy Method", PAGES = "587-589", JOURNAL = IJHMT , YEAR = 1982, VOLUME = 25)

@ARTICLE(Lee1995, AUTHOR = "R. Lee and W. Chiou", TITLE = "Finite-Element Analysis of Phase-Change Problems Using Multilevel Techniques", PAGES = "277-290", JOURNAL = NHT , YEAR = 1995, VOLUME = 27)

@BOOK(Osizik1990, AUTHOR = "M.N. Osizik", TITLE = "Heat Conduction", YEAR = 1990, PUBLISHER = "John Wiley And Sons Ltd" )

@ARTICLE(Evans1950, AUTHOR = "Evans, Isaacson and MacDonald", JOURNAL = "Quarterly Applied Mathematics", TITLE = "Stefan-Like Problems", YEAR = 1950, PAGES = "312-319", VOLUME = 8)

@ARTICLE(Rathjen1971, AUTHOR = "K.A. Rathjen and L.M. Jiji", TITLE = "Heat Conduction with Melting or Freezing in a Corner", PAGES = "101-109", JOURNAL = JHT , YEAR = 1971, MONTH = "F\'evrier" )

@ARTICLE(Budhia1973, AUTHOR = "H. Budhia and F. Kreith", TITLE = "Heat Transfer with Melting or Freezing in a Wedge", PAGES = "195-211", JOURNAL = IJHMT , YEAR = 1973, VOLUME = 16)

@ARTICLE(Yoo1986, AUTHOR = "J. Yoo and B. Rubinsky", TITLE = "A Finite Element Method for the Study of Solidification Processes in the Presences of natural Convection", PAGES = "1785-1805", JOURNAL = IJNME , YEAR = 1986, VOLUME = 23)

@ARTICLE(Lacroix1992, AUTHOR = "M. Lacroix and A. Garon", TITLE = "Numerical Solution of phase Change Problems: an Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach", PAGES = "57-78", JOURNAL = NHT , YEAR = 1992, VOLUME = 19)

@ARTICLE(Lynch1981, AUTHOR = "D.R. Lynch and K. O'Neill", TITLE = "Continuously Deforming Finite Elements for The solution of Parabolic Problems, with and Without Phase Change", PAGES = "81-96", JOURNAL = IJNME , YEAR = 1981, VOLUME = 17)

@ARTICLE(Albert1986, AUTHOR = "M. R. Albert and K. O'Neill", TITLE = "Moving Boundary-Moving Mesh Analysis of Phase Change Using Finite Elements with Transfinite Mappings", PAGES = "591-607", JOURNAL = IJNME , YEAR = 1986, VOLUME = 23)

@BOOK(Albert1983, AUTHOR = "M. R. Albert and K. O'Neill", TITLE = "The use of Transfinite Mappings with Finite Elements on a moving Mesh for Two Dimensional Phase Change", BOOKTITLE = "Adaptive Computational Methods For Partial Differential Equations", PUBLISHER = "SIAM", YEAR = 1983, PAGES = "85-110")
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Old   January 23, 2001, 09:52
Default Re: help needed about phase change
Sebastien Perron
Posts: n/a
@string{NHT = "Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B"}

one more:

@ARTICLE(Prakash1990, AUTHOR = "C. Prakash", TITLE = "Two-Phase Model for binary solid-liquid phase change. Part I: Governing equations", PAGES = "131-145", JOURNAL = NHT , YEAR = 1990, VOLUME = 18)

Plus in french:

Sebastien Perron. Resolution avec la methode des volumes finis diriges de l'equation de la chaleur pour des problemes diphasiques en 1d et 2d. Mai 1998. Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi. Memoire de maitrise.

(I could send you a copy in postcript format.)

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Old   January 23, 2001, 10:52
Default Thanks
Yanhu Guo
Posts: n/a
Thanks for your very kind help. I do want to take a look of your paper too. So please send me a copy to my hotmail account. The address is:

Thanks again,

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Old   January 24, 2001, 00:16
Default Re: Thanks
Posts: n/a
Also please include the book titled 'Mathematical Modeling of Freezing and Melting Processes' by Alexiades and Solomon.
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