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Linear solver choice for inner iterations of implicit CFD solvers

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Old   December 22, 2023, 07:46
Default Linear solver choice for inner iterations of implicit CFD solvers
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Sayan Bhattacharjee
Join Date: Mar 2020
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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to implement this implicit solver :

They use an approximate Jacobian to linearize the system, then relax it using 10 inner iterations of a Gauss-Seidel solver.

Essentially it is a Newton's method based solver, and in the inner iterations, the solver takes small steps following the gradient/direction prescribed in the Jacobian

Since it is not required to completely solve the linear system in one step, a simple Gauss-Seidel solver seems to be fast enough for the inner iterations.

In future I will use PETSc, but for now I'm trying to use Eigen 3.

However, Eigen 3 does not have a sparse Gauss-Seidel solver, so I'm not sure which solver I should use for the inner iterations.

Eigen has Sparse LU, Sparse QR, Conjugate Gradient, Least Square Conjugate Gradient, BiCGSTAB, and few other sparse solvers :

Can we use any of these solvers instead of Gauss-Seidel for the inner iterations?

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Old   December 22, 2023, 10:14
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Sayan Bhattacharjee
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Currently I'm thinking of just using BiCGSTAB or GMRES to "partially" solve it.

One of Venkatakrishnan and Mavriplis's papers from 1993 recommend that since the linear system is not accurate to begin with, (when away from the linearization point), we can solve the linear system to a lower degree of accuracy, and still get correct nonlinear convergence.

Eigen 3 seems to provide a method to specify the required tolerance of the linear solvers. So, using the tolerance of something like 1E-3 to 1E-6, I think I maybe able to get a converged solution.

Does that seem correct?

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Old   December 22, 2023, 15:34
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Gauss-Seidel is only a few lines long if implemented by hand. It might be only a single line in some languages(?) that can write vector expressions though what an optimizer might do may need some thought/checking. This may be why it is not in your solver library.

I'm curious what guided you to Eigen 3 for a CFD code? Not knocking the choice just wondering about what you saw as the pros given the significant con of not running in parallel.

You can use any stable solver for inner iterations. Reducing the residuals a modest amount rather than fully works well in some circumstances but badly, sometimes not at all, in others. A bit of experimentation with typical problems should produce a reasonable starting sets of parameters which may need tightening for trickier problems.
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Old   December 23, 2023, 02:34
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Sayan Bhattacharjee
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Thanks Andy,

Eigen3 is good enough for experimental codes, and it's the one I know, so I don't want to setup more complicated solvers like PETSc right now.

I know how to implement Gauss-Siedel, but don't want to implement it for EIgen if I don't have to.

Eigen3 can run some solvers like BiCGSTAB in parallel using OpenMP, so it's good enough for testing.

And I can provide the OpenMP parallelized solver to some alpha/beta users for a trial period without the risk of it being pirated (for some time).

The final MPI based version of the code will be kept close, and will only be provided to academic and industrial folks, to whom we would want to show the full capabilities/scaling of the solver.

For example: A student who only has a 8 core laptop, has no need for a MPI based solver that can scale to 1000 CPU cores.

Also, since the OpenMP based solver is not really too much powerful, I can share the software for educational use with much relaxed license, so students can benefit from the solver, and don't have to worry too much about the complexity of licensing.

The MPI based solver would obviously be only for academic and industrial uses, and be controlled by commercial licensing.
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Old   January 5, 2024, 13:49
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Sayan Bhattacharjee
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Answering my own question, since Eigen is getting more popular, and maybe it will help someone in future ...

Use DIRECT solvers *as much as possible*, for development, debugging, and testing.

Use ITERATIVE solvers with PRE-CONDITIONERS for *large* simulations, AFTER your code has been developed, debugged, and validated.

Best Direct Solver in Eigen: SparseLU (

Somewhat okay Iterative solver in Eigen: GMRES, with Incomplete LUT pre-conditioner.( and )

In books, and papers, we're often told that direct solvers are bad, slow, and require more memory, while iterative solvers are extremely good.

That is correct, but we often forget that direct solvers are extremely stable, while iterative solvers are sometimes unstable, and require complex pre-conditioning to be stable, and accurate.

In Eigen, BiCGSTAB is the standard iterative solver, but for the simulation I'm trying to run, the solver doesn't converge.

However, GMRES solver with Incomplete LUT pre-conditioner has proven to be more stable and accurate for my simulation cases.

So, if iterative solvers are so good, why do we need direct solvers?

For developing and debugging our code.

When I tried to only use iterative solvers for my code, I wasn't sure what was causing the errors. As seen above, choice of iterative solver, and pre-conditioners are very crucial. So, when I was trying to only use BiCGSTAB, the code was diverging, and I didn't know what to debug.

When I used direct solver, like SparseLU, the inner iterations were more stable, and I could focus more on debugging the other sections of my code, like matrix assembly procedure, Jacobian calculation procedure, diagonal dominance procedure, etc.

However it's important to know that direct solvers require more memory, so for initial development of your code, it's best to test on small and medium sized meshes.

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