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Can not run solver in Nektar++

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Old   January 2, 2021, 20:55
Default Can not run solver in Nektar++
Bidesh Sengupta
Join Date: Sep 2018
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I am introducing myself very new to Nektar++ ( opensource code. I installed the code according to the user guide manual. The installing process shows success.

-- Install configuration: "Release"
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/lib64/nektar++/cmake/Nektar++Libraries.cmake
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/lib64/nektar++/cmake/Nektar++Libraries-release.cmake
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/lib64/nektar++/cmake/Nektar++Config.cmake
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/lib64/nektar++/thirdparty/
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/lib64/nektar++/thirdparty/


-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessScaleInFld.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessDOF.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessInnerProduct.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessGrad.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessPrintFldNorms.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessAddFld.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessQCriterion.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessAddCompositeID.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessInterpPtsToPts.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessInterpPoints.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessC0Projection.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/ProcessModules/ProcessNumModes.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/Module.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/Field.hpp
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/include/nektar++/FieldUtils/FieldUtilsDeclspec.h
-- Up-to-date: /home/bidesh/nektar++/build/dist/bin/Tester

ctest was successful too.

But when I am trying to run a tutorial such as : ADRSolver, "ADRSolver: command not found" is appearing.

I am not a pro either in C++ or linux, I am trying hard to understand those aswell.

If any member in this group is using nektar and willing to help me a bit, I shall be really helped.

Thank you,
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Old   January 8, 2021, 04:59
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Sayan Bhattacharjee
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 495
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Never used Nektar before. However I think the reason your're not able to run the solver is probably because the solver executable location isn't known to the OS. Most of these big CFD softwares call to different executables. Thus the OS and OS environment should know the locations of these executables.

If you used cmake and make to build the executable, you might want to run "make install" first and if it doesn't work and asks for super user / admin permission, run "sudo make install". If it still doesn't work, try to manually export the solver's location to the $PATH variable ( ). <- This may be complicated if you don't use *nix systems. May want to get some help of someone in your department who knows *nix systems.
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