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Any experts on FFTW?

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Old   December 26, 2015, 10:20
Default Any experts on FFTW?
New Member
Join Date: Dec 2015
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jinhua2015 is on a distinguished road

I recently got a Fortran77 DNS code and I would like to replace all the fft-replated routines there with FFTW3 (currently the code is equipped with FFTPACK. I notice that the code will blow up in the current setting; that's why I'm trying to use FFTW3.) By the way, is it known that FFTPACK is less stable than FFTW3? I have no idea about this. It's just my supervisor asked me to try that.....

Now I'm playing with FFTW3. I am stuck at the call of dfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c_, which is a routine for transforming many real-data arrays of same size to complex. In Fortran, the layout of data structure is column-major.

The following is what I have tried. I would like to column-transform or row transform a 2D real data array. For real data a(Nx,Nz), I tried first to transform the columns, that is Nz 1D array of size Nx. The plan is designed as follows

call dfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c_(plan_forward,1,Nx,Nz, a,Nx,1,Nx, b,Nxc,1,Nxc,FFTW_ESTIMATE)

where b is complex output data of size (Nxc,Nz) and Nxc=Nx/2+1. The results can be understood.

But when I tried to transform the rows, that is Nx 1D array of size Nz. I design the plan as

call dfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c_(plan_forward2,1,Nz,Nx, a,Nz,Nz,1, d,Nzc,Nzc,1,FFTW_ESTIMATE)

where d is complex output data of size (Nx,Nzc) and Nzc=Nz/2+1. The results are wrong. I can't understand why that's the case. Is there any problem of my plan designing? Thanks for your help.

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Old   December 26, 2015, 17:31
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arjun will become famous soon enougharjun will become famous soon enough
long time ago i used fftw_plan_dft_1d

if you want i could share that peace of code if you give me your email.

r2c was also not very different to use if i rememebr correctly. It was 2010 to 2011 so i dont remember well.
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Old   December 28, 2015, 11:07
Kaya Onur Dag
Join Date: Apr 2013
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kaya is on a distinguished road
I have been there some time ago. Below some routines that I used to be able to understand how this library works specifically for taking derivatives (so you can also see the wavenumber order). Let me know if you can't figure out my messy coding, or still have the issue.

fftw 1d derivative
  program try_1d_diff
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  include 'fftw3.f03'

  TYPE(C_PTR) :: pf,pb
  real*8 :: z
  REAL*8 , PARAMETER :: pi=4*ATAN(1.0D0)
  REAL*8,  PARAMETER :: dz=2.0D0*pi/Nz
  COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), dimension(Nz) :: w,wh, dwdzh, dwdz
  INTEGER(C_INT):: i,kz(Nz)
  COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), parameter :: i_ = (0.0D0,1.0D0)

  kz = (/(I, I = 0, Nz/2-1), (I, I = -Nz/2,-1,1)/) 
  !print*, 'kz:',kz;
  !print*, ''
  pf = fftw_plan_dft_1d(Nz,w,wh,-1,FFTW_ESTIMATE)
  pb = fftw_plan_dft_1d(Nz,dwdzh,dwdz,1,FFTW_ESTIMATE)

  do i = 1,Nz
  z = (i-1.0D0)*dz
   w(i) = sin(4*z) + cos(4*z)*i_
end do

!do i=1,Nz
!   dwdzh(i)=i_*kz(i)*wh(i)
!end do

! get back to the real space 
CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT(pb,dwdzh,dwdz)

!print*, 'wh', wh; 
! print*, ''
!print*, 'dwdzh', dwdzh; 
! print*, ''
!print*, 'dwdz', dwdz/8;
!print*, ' '

  end program try_1d_diff
!!$ ifort -fr try_fft.f90 -I ~/fortran_lib/fftw/include -L fortran_lib/fftw/lib -lfftw3 -o pgm
fftw 2d complex2complex derivative
  program try_2d_complex_diff
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  include 'fftw3.f03'

  TYPE(C_PTR) :: pfft, pifft
  INTEGER(C_INT), PARAMETER :: Nx = 60 , Ny = 80
  REAL(C_DOUBLE) :: dx,dy,pi = 4*atan(1.0D0),errx(Ny,Nx),erry(Ny,Nx)
  COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), dimension(Ny,Nx) :: u,dx_u,dy_u, u_h, dx_u_h, dy_u_h
  INTEGER(C_INT):: i,j,ky(Ny,Nx),kx(Ny,Nx)
  COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), parameter :: i_ = (0.0D0,1.0D0)

  dx = 2*pi/Nx
  dy = 2*pi/Ny

  do i=0,Nx-1
     do j=0,Ny-1
     end do
  end do
  print *, u
  print*, ' ----------- '
  kx(1,:) = (/(I, I = 0, Nx/2), (I, I = -Nx/2+1,-1,1)/)
  ky(:,1) = (/(I, I = 0, Ny/2), (I, I = -Ny/2+1,-1,1)/)

  do i = 1,Nx
  end do

  do j = 1,Ny
  end do
!!$  write(*,*) 'kx:'
!!$  do j = 1,Ny
!!$     write(*,*) kx(j,:)
!!$  end do
!!$  write(*,*) 'ky:'
!!$  do j = 1,Ny
!!$     write(*,*) ky(j,:)
!!$  end do
  pfft  = fftw_plan_dft_2d(Nx,Ny,u,u_h,-1,FFTW_ESTIMATE)     !plan fft
  pifft = fftw_plan_dft_2d(Nx,Ny,dx_u_h,dx_u,1,FFTW_ESTIMATE) !plan ifft



  CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT(pifft,dx_u_h,dx_u)
  CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT(pifft,dy_u_h,dy_u)
print*, '------------'
! check dif y
    do i=1,Nx
       do j=1,Ny
!        print*,  dx_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny
          erry(j,i) =abs( dy_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny - (-exp(cos((j-1.0D0)*dy))*exp(sin((i-1.0D0)*dx))&
           errx(j,i) =abs( dx_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny - (exp(cos((j-1)*dy))&
     end do
  end do

  print*,'errx:', maxval(errx)
  print*,'erry:', maxval(erry)

  end program try_2d_complex_diff
!!$ ifort -fr try_fft.f90 -I ~/fortran_lib/fftw/include -L fortran_lib/fftw/lib -lfftw3 -o pgm
fftw 2d complex2real
  program try_2d_diff
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  include 'fftw3.f03'

  TYPE(C_PTR) :: pfft, pifft
  INTEGER(C_INT), PARAMETER :: Nx = 20 , Ny = 20
  REAL(C_DOUBLE),    dimension(Ny,Nx) :: u,dx_u,dy_u
  REAL(C_DOUBLE) :: dx,dy,pi = 4*atan(1.0D0), errx(Ny,Nx),erry(Ny,Nx)&
  COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), dimension(Ny/2+1,Nx) :: u_h, dx_u_h, dy_u_h
  INTEGER(C_INT):: i,j,ky(Ny/2+1),kx(Nx)
  COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), parameter :: i_ = (0.0D0,1.0D0)

  dx = 2*pi/Nx
  dy = 2*pi/Ny
!  print*, u
!  print*, ' ----------- '
  kx = (/(I, I = 0, Nx/2), (I, I = -Nx/2+1,-1,1)/)
  ky = (/(I, I = 0, Ny/2)/)
!  print*, 'kx:' , kx,'ky:',ky
  pfft  = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(Nx,Ny,u,u_h,FFTW_MEASURE)     !plan fft
  pifft = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d(Nx,Ny,dx_u_h,dx_u,FFTW_MEASURE) !plan

   do i=0,Nx-1
     do j=0,Ny-1
     end do
  end do

  call cpu_time(t1)
    CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT_r2c(pfft,u,u_h)
  call cpu_time(t2)
  do i = 1,Nx
     do j = 1,Ny/2+1
     end do
  end do
  call cpu_time(t1)
  CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT_c2r(pifft,dx_u_h,dx_u)
  call cpu_time(t2)
  CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT_c2r(pifft,dy_u_h,dy_u)
print*, 'time:', t
! check dif y
 do i=1,Nx
       do j=1,Ny
!        print*,  dx_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny
          erry(j,i) =abs( dy_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny - (-exp(cos((j-1.0D0)*dy))*exp(sin((i-1.0D0)*dx))&
           errx(j,i) =abs( dx_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny - (exp(cos((j-1)*dy))&
     end do
  end do
  print*,'errx:', maxval(errx)
  print*,'erry:', maxval(erry)


  end program try_2d_diff
!!$ ifort -fr try_fft.f90 -I ~/fortran_lib/fftw/include -L fortran_lib/fftw/lib -lfftw3 -o pgm
the same with using 'many' which allows you to take 2dfft on 3d data without using a loop
  program try_2d_diff
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  include 'fftw3.f03'

  TYPE(C_PTR) :: pfft, pifft
  INTEGER(C_INT), PARAMETER :: Nx = 1024 , Ny = 1024
  REAL(C_DOUBLE),    dimension(Ny,Nx) :: u,dx_u,dy_u
  REAL(C_DOUBLE) :: dx,dy,pi = 4*atan(1.0D0), errx(Ny,Nx),erry(Ny,Nx)&
  COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), dimension(Ny/2+1,Nx) :: u_h, dx_u_h, dy_u_h
  INTEGER(C_INT):: i,j,ky(Ny/2+1),kx(Nx),rank,howmany,idist&
  COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), parameter :: i_ = (0.0D0,1.0D0)

  rank    = 2             !Two dimensional
  howmany = 1             !2D, one-shot fft
  n       = (/Nx,Ny/)     !input- slow one first comes
  n_h     = (/Nx,Ny/2+1/) !dimension in fourier space
  idist   = 0             !unused because how many is one  
  odist   = 0             !unused because how many is one  
  istride = 1             !array is contagious in the memory 
  ostride = 1             !array is contagious in the memory 
  inembed = n             !entering dimesions
  onembed = n_h           !exiting dimesions
 pfft  = fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(rank,n,howmany,u,inembed,istride&
     &,idist,u_h,onembed,ostride,odist,FFTW_MEASURE); ! forward transform
 pifft = fftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(rank,n,howmany,dx_u_h,onembed,ostride&
      &,odist,dx_u,inembed,istride,idist,FFTW_MEASURE); ! forward transform
  !calculate wavenumbers
  kx = (/(I, I = 0, Nx/2), (I, I = -Nx/2+1,-1,1)/)
  ky = (/(I, I = 0, Ny/2)/)
  !pfft  = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(Nx,Ny,u,u_h,FFTW_MEASURE)     !plan fft
  !pifft = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d(Nx,Ny,dx_u_h,dx_u,FFTW_MEASURE) !plan
  !generate the mesh and function values  
  dx = 2*pi/Nx
  dy = 2*pi/Ny
  do i=0,Nx-1
     do j=0,Ny-1
     end do
  end do

  call cpu_time(t1)
  CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT_r2c(pfft,u,u_h)
  call cpu_time(t2)
  do i = 1,Nx
     do j = 1,Ny/2+1
     end do
  end do
  call cpu_time(t1)
  CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT_c2r(pifft,dx_u_h,dx_u)
  call cpu_time(t2)
  CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT_c2r(pifft,dy_u_h,dy_u)
print*, 'time:', t
! check dif y
 do i=1,Nx
       do j=1,Ny
!        print*,  dx_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny
          erry(j,i) =abs( dy_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny - (-exp(cos((j-1.0D0)*dy))*exp(sin((i-1.0D0)*dx))&
           errx(j,i) =abs( dx_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny - (exp(cos((j-1)*dy))&
     end do
  end do
  print*,'errx:', maxval(errx)
  print*,'erry:', maxval(erry)


  end program try_2d_diff
!!$ ifort -fr try_fft.f90 -I ~/fortran_lib/fftw/include -L fortran_lib/fftw/lib -lfftw3 -o pgm
with c malloc allocations - as suggested in the fftw manual
program try_2d_diff_many_malloc
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none
  include 'fftw3.f03'

  TYPE(C_PTR) :: pfft, pifft
  INTEGER(C_INT), PARAMETER :: Nx = 8 , Ny = 12
  real(C_DOUBLE), pointer :: u(:,:)=>NULL(),dx_u(:,:)=>NULL(),dy_u(:,:)=>NULL()
  integer(C_SIZE_T) :: sz_real = Nx*Ny, sz_complex = Nx*(Ny/2+1)
  type(C_PTR) :: p_u,p_dx_u,p_dy_u,p_u_h,p_dx_u_h,p_dy_u_h
!  REAL(C_DOUBLE),    dimension(Ny,Nx) :: u,dx_u,dy_u
  REAL(C_DOUBLE) :: dx,dy,pi = 4*atan(1.0D0), errx(Ny,Nx),erry(Ny,Nx),t,t1,t2
  complex(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), pointer :: u_h(:,:)=>null(),dx_u_h(:,:)=>null(),dy_u_h(:,:)=>null()
! COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), dimension(Ny/2+1,Nx) :: u_h, dx_u_h, dy_u_h
  INTEGER(C_INT):: i,j,ky(Ny/2+1),kx(Nx),rank,howmany,idist,odist,istride,ostride,inembed(2),onembed(2),n(2),n_h(2)
  COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), parameter :: i_ = (0.0D0,1.0D0)

  p_dx_u   = fftw_alloc_real(sz_real)
  p_dy_u   = fftw_alloc_real(sz_real)
  p_u_h    = fftw_alloc_complex(sz_complex)
 p_dx_u_h = fftw_alloc_complex(sz_complex)
  p_dy_u_h = fftw_alloc_complex(sz_complex)
  call c_f_pointer(p_u,     u,     [2:13,Nx    ])
  call c_f_pointer(p_dx_u,  dx_u,  [Ny,Nx    ])
  call c_f_pointer(p_dy_u,  dy_u,  [Ny,Nx    ])
  call c_f_pointer(p_u_h,   u_h,   [Ny/2+1,Nx])
 call c_f_pointer(p_dx_u_h,dx_u_h,[Ny/2+1,Nx])
 call c_f_pointer(p_dy_u_h,dy_u_h,[Ny/2+1,Nx])
 print*, 'here'
 print*,'Ny:', LBOUND(u,1),UBOUND(u,1)
 print*,'Nx:', LBOUND(u,2),UBOUND(u,2)
  rank    = 2             !Two dimensional
  howmany = 1             !2D, one-shot fft
  n       = (/Nx,Ny/)     !input- slow one first comes
  n_h     = (/Nx,Ny/2+1/) !dimension in fourier space
  idist   = 0             !unused because how many is one  
  odist   = 0             !unused because how many is one  
  istride = 1             !array is contagious in the memory 
  ostride = 1             !array is contagious in the memory 
  inembed = n             !entering dimesions
  onembed = n_h           !exiting dimesions
 pfft  = fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(rank,n,howmany,u,inembed,istride,idist,u_h,onembed,ostride,odist,FFTW_MEASURE); ! forward
 ! transform
 pifft = fftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(rank,n,howmany,dx_u_h,onembed,ostride&
      &,odist,dx_u,inembed,istride,idist,FFTW_MEASURE); ! forward transform
  !calculate wavenumbers
  kx = (/(I, I = 0, Nx/2), (I, I = -Nx/2+1,-1,1)/)
  ky = (/(I, I = 0, Ny/2)/)
!  pfft  = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(Nx,Ny,u,u_h,FFTW_MEASURE)     !plan fft
!  pifft = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d(Nx,Ny,dx_u_h,dx_u,FFTW_MEASURE) !plan
  !generate the mesh and function values  
  dx = 2*pi/Nx
  dy = 2*pi/Ny
  do i=0,Nx-1
     do j=0,Ny-1
     end do
  end do

  call cpu_time(t1)
  CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT_r2c(pfft,u,u_h)
  call cpu_time(t2)
  do i = 1,Nx
     do j = 1,Ny/2+1
     end do
  end do
  call cpu_time(t1)
  CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT_c2r(pifft,dx_u_h,dx_u)
  call cpu_time(t2)
  CALL FFTW_EXECUTE_DFT_c2r(pifft,dy_u_h,dy_u)
print*, 'time:', t
! check dif y
 do i=1,Nx
       do j=1,Ny
!        print*,  dx_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny
          erry(j,i) =abs( dy_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny - 0 )
           errx(j,i) =abs( dx_u(j,i)/Nx/Ny - 4*(cos(4.0D0*i*dx)))
     end do
  end do
  print*,'errx:', maxval(errx)
  print*,'erry:', maxval(erry)


 call fftw_free(p_u)
 call fftw_free(p_dx_u)
 call fftw_free(p_dy_u)
 call fftw_free(p_u_h)
 call fftw_free(p_dx_u_h)
 call fftw_free(p_dy_u_h)
 end program try_2d_diff_many_malloc
!!$ifort -fr try_fft.f90 -I ~/fortran_lib/fftw/include -L fortran_lib/fftw/lib -lfftw3 -o pgm
-they might not work if you directly try to run them but you should be able to get what you actually need from the coding.
-I suggest you to use 'many' and 'malloc' way of doing this.

happy new year!
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Old   May 22, 2022, 20:44
Default Similar Problem
New Member
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 2
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negar68 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by jinhua2015 View Post

I recently got a Fortran77 DNS code and I would like to replace all the fft-replated routines there with FFTW3 (currently the code is equipped with FFTPACK. I notice that the code will blow up in the current setting; that's why I'm trying to use FFTW3.) By the way, is it known that FFTPACK is less stable than FFTW3? I have no idea about this. It's just my supervisor asked me to try that.....

Now I'm playing with FFTW3. I am stuck at the call of dfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c_, which is a routine for transforming many real-data arrays of same size to complex. In Fortran, the layout of data structure is column-major.

The following is what I have tried. I would like to column-transform or row transform a 2D real data array. For real data a(Nx,Nz), I tried first to transform the columns, that is Nz 1D array of size Nx. The plan is designed as follows

call dfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c_(plan_forward,1,Nx,Nz, a,Nx,1,Nx, b,Nxc,1,Nxc,FFTW_ESTIMATE)

where b is complex output data of size (Nxc,Nz) and Nxc=Nx/2+1. The results can be understood.

But when I tried to transform the rows, that is Nx 1D array of size Nz. I design the plan as

call dfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c_(plan_forward2,1,Nz,Nx, a,Nz,Nz,1, d,Nzc,Nzc,1,FFTW_ESTIMATE)

where d is complex output data of size (Nx,Nzc) and Nzc=Nz/2+1. The results are wrong. I can't understand why that's the case. Is there any problem of my plan designing? Thanks for your help.


I have a similar issue and could not solve it even after searching for so long! I was wondering if your problem is solved. Would you mind taking a look at my thread?

Partial Derivative Using Fourier Transform (FFTW) in 2D

I am using FFTW3 in C++ for derivation.

Many thanks,
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