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Old   February 23, 2007, 16:57
Default VSAERO and UAV
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I have read a lot of paper using VSAERO for UAV and other CFD related work. It seems a very good software. Can anyone confirm? Is it easy to use?

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Old   February 26, 2007, 05:18
Default Re: VSAERO and UAV
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Dear Berg, I am using VSAERO since quite a while. I wouldn't say it's a very good software. It works fine for a very limited number of applications. If you want to get drag prediction, forget it (this is true also for almost every cfd software tough!). If you want to use it for hi subsonic mach numbers, forget it. It is relatively easy to use, but you need a lot of experience for the paneling. It's a really old software and it's not user friendly.

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Old   December 1, 2011, 01:50
james nathman
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VSAERO's not dead yet.

Imagine doing CFD on a black & white terminal that could only plot wire frames and velocity vectors. User-friendly just wasn't possible when the first version of VSAERO was released. The current version (2009) is 7.5. Al's remarks are correct for 20 years ago, but...

In 2004, Gridgen started supporting hybrid VSAERO, so paneling is up to date. Hybrid VSAERO accepts unstructured triangular meshes that simplify meshing wing/body fillets and other odd shapes. The structured quadrilateral meshes were revised by eliminating the assumption of flat panels.

Trefftz-plane drag calculations are available for induced drag.

Al (is that you Alberto B.?) have you seen Spin, the graphical preprocessor and Omni3d (not omniplot!), the results processor? MSTOP=25 is a great way of evaluating the quality of a grid before doing computation. The matrix solvers now dynamically allocate memory so 30,000 panels are routine (compared to 3000 panels in version 4).

Not to mention the huge number of bugs corrected, including off-body, near-field velocities.
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Old   September 12, 2013, 17:09
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Farrukh Mazhar
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Originally Posted by Al
Dear Berg, I am using VSAERO since quite a while. I wouldn't say it's a very good software. It works fine for a very limited number of applications. If you want to get drag prediction, forget it (this is true also for almost every cfd software tough!). If you want to use it for hi subsonic mach numbers, forget it. It is relatively easy to use, but you need a lot of experience for the paneling. It's a really old software and it's not user friendly.
Can you please provide me the VSAERO compiler. is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   March 23, 2016, 03:24
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David Kucha is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Al
Dear Berg, I am using VSAERO since quite a while. I wouldn't say it's a very good software. It works fine for a very limited number of applications. If you want to get drag prediction, forget it (this is true also for almost every cfd software tough!). If you want to use it for hi subsonic mach numbers, forget it. It is relatively easy to use, but you need a lot of experience for the paneling. It's a really old software and it's not user friendly.
would you please provide me this code?
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Old   March 23, 2016, 03:30
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Originally Posted by berg
I have read a lot of paper using VSAERO for UAV and other CFD related work. It seems a very good software. Can anyone confirm? Is it easy to use?

Dear berg:
would you please provide me this panel code, i want to use it for propellers. Thank you. my e-mail:
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