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Masters CFD Thesis in Aerodynamics

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Old   July 6, 2013, 05:19
Default Masters CFD Thesis in Aerodynamics
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VJ0085 is on a distinguished road
Hello all,
I wish to take up my masters thesis in CFD domain. I have few ideas plz comment-
1. Recently I read that some aerospace firms are involved in research of how fuel can be saved by generating the holes on aircraft wing to reduce boundary layer effects and make wing more efficient, can I take this as thesis topic to understand how it affects on the lift and is info

2. If yes, being new, please suggest me some software's for meshing and solver as well. How about grid-gen and En-sight, or hyper mesh and Ansys. Which one would give me best/correct results.

3. If No, kindly help me with more topics which I can take up as masters thesis, i am not very much into coding, but would like to work on application oriented problems like 1.

4. Being new to CFD, I think Anderson tanhill would be nice book to study turbulence, as most of the flows involved turbulence....please help.

Last edited by VJ0085; July 6, 2013 at 05:20. Reason: link update
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Old   July 7, 2013, 05:33
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Andrey Yakovchuk
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Hello! I use Ansys Fluent for aerodynamic simulations and ICEM for grid generation. It deals with meshes up to 20 mln. cells conviniently, according to my experience.

The usage of boundary layer sludge is known to be efficient for a long time. But in your case very small holes are under investigation. You might face problems with fine grid resolution, as long as the holes scales are much smaller then wings and fuselage scales. We use boundary layer sludge simulation for 1mm-slits or so, and it requires comparatively "heavy" meshes.

Probably you can model small areas comprising few sludge orifices. Then use results in full-scale model, substituting the sludge areas with porous material.

For breaf studying of turbulence look at, you'll find lectures with consice and relevant information.
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Old   July 7, 2013, 08:26
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"Probably you can model small areas comprising few sludge orifices. Then use results in full-scale model, substituting the sludge areas with porous material."
I am new to practicing ICEM and Ansys Fluent, please clarify, I could not get it....
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Old   July 7, 2013, 08:58
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Andrey Yakovchuk
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I don't know exactly what are the geometries for that problems, but according to the link above, you have comparatively small orifices - 50 mkm. But the scale of whole wing, or air intake or whatever - might be up to a few metres. You practically can't resolve all the microscopic geometries due to the mesh requirements - becouse you need to create mesh around every single orifice, resolve boundary layers around that orifices.

So it is reasonable to consider computational domain containing a few orifices. For example - the whole wing contains 1500 orifices, but you don't need to consider all of them, that is the idea. The problem is that it is difficult to determine drag\lift without whole-model simulating, so you will need to apply the small-scale task results to the whole-scale model somehow.

You can define boundary conditions to simulate fully-developed flow over the wing (known velocity and pressure) and compare how the drag\lift changes with different types of orifices or so.

Anyway, before the geometry is unknown, it its not appropriate to judje
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