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Light as a living organism

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Old   August 29, 2017, 06:56
Default Light as a living organism
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mariaevinne is on a distinguished road
This may seem off the wall and may be unprovable as of right now. I am not a physicist or scientist of any kind but this occurred to me. Let me try to explain in basic terms. Every living creature on this planet or any planet survives off of other living organisms. So it makes sense that the balance of life that is sustained by life (light) is also some sort of unknown living organism. It may be something that answers the question of quantum mechanics as well. Just throwing that out and would love to put time into any way to prove or work on this theory. You may need to work with Biologists if you find this idea intriguing. Sorry if I am wasting anyone's time but I know imagination is part of physics and that I have a lot of. Thanks for reading. ET.
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Old   August 29, 2017, 20:13
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LiveandLetDrive is on a distinguished road
"Every living creature on this planet or any planet survives off of other living organisms."

As well as off of non-living stuff, i.e. minerals, you've given no reason to think light is one rather than the other. What "question" of quantum mechanics could you possibly be talking about? I think you'll find all of these fancy science-sounding topics you are viewing mystically are much better understood that you seem to think and are interesting for much more nuanced reasons.

Take note: imagination is part of any field, but it is worthless when not grounded in an understanding of the subject, whether it be pottery or physics. If you're going to dabble in being a citizen scientist, ask first of any hypothesis: what does this predict that existing theories don't? If you can test it, it's right or it's wrong. If you can't, it's meaningless, literally without meaning.

Why are you in a CFD forum of all places? Are you a user? Try reddit, or straightdope, or reading a textbook about physics or biology. I've seen the mail of a few well-known "visionaries" and it's full of kooks who just want to be heard and feel important. Stop speculating in a vacuum and go do something real.
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Old   August 30, 2017, 13:50
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I agree withLiveandLetDrive. Imagination and creativity is obviously very important, but if it's just mashing a bunch of words and ideas together without any regard for what they actually mean, it's better off as mediocre sci-fi writing. Even philosophers need to be very careful about their theories and the words they use.

This reminds me of the Deepak Chopra wisdom generator, which just mashes up fancy words like he does. Here's a nugget of wisdom: "Hidden meaning expresses objective space-time events". Sounds fancy, but it doesn't actually mean anything.
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Old   August 31, 2017, 08:46
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BlnPhoenix is on a distinguished road
If i remember correctly plants are categorized as organisms living off light, water and carbon dioxide. So your premise "every living creature on this planet or any planet survives off of other living organisms" doesn't hold.

Also, if light was found to be "living" i can not possibly imagine this theory not complicating the understanding of the universe, rather than answering questions. I'm not speaking of quantum scales even..
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Old   October 19, 2017, 16:32
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evcelica is on a distinguished road
- Every living creature on this planet or any planet survives off of other living organisms.
- Light is an organism.
So..... what organism does light live off then?
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Old   October 20, 2017, 07:16
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Joern Beilke
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Light eats darkness and darkness eats light, depending on each strength :-)
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Old   April 8, 2021, 01:01
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aero_head is on a distinguished road
There is a subtle difference about living and being alive. I think as Sally points out, imagination and thought create new, but they also define living things. I think organisms not capable of thought are just living. Imagination is the energy uniquely created by life. But there's a large grey area, so it depends on what you consider to be living/alive.

Light is an interesting thing. It alters the world around us, as for us to see, we need light.
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