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Master degree by ansys and technical university of madrid

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Old   December 29, 2014, 07:04
Default Master degree by ansys and technical university of madrid
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Hello everybody,

i'm an engineering student from germany and I will finish my bachelor degree at the 28.02.15 in mechanical engineering.

I get in touch with ansys cfd software around 4 years ago through my work in the thermal and aerodynamic department of a formula SAE team.

Since im still fascinated in cfd, i would like to do my master degree in fluid engineering and while i'm looking for universitys( Stuttgart, Braunschweig, Munic etc.) i found some interessting academic course on the ansys webpage.

I think it is a risk to rely on some specific software, but on the other hand if im really want to do cfd courses in my master, i think this is a good opportunity in particular because i like autodidactic learning more than classroom based courses.

The fee is about 6000€ for a master degree.

Is someone in this forum participating in this programm?
What do you guys think about this degree? Would you rather pick a "normal" university than this online programm?
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Old   January 3, 2015, 21:54
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Tom-Robin Teschner
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Hi Chris,

may I ask which university you are going to graduate from? I am just curious as I was in the exact same position as you are right now, 2-3 years ago. I graduated in summer 2012 (HAW Hamburg) and wanted to do CFD, I had some preliminary contact with it in my university project and then later in my bachelor thesis (wind tunnel testing and comparison with vortex lattice/cfd simulations).

it took me about 2 years to choose my university for my master course and I had shortlisted the same universities as you have (Braunschweig, München, Stuttgart plus Berlin) however, scouring the modules they offered i felt that none of them would actually give me any fundamental cfd knowledge, just a broad overview and as CFD is increasingly becoming more complex, I felt that I needed a bit more then two or three modules on cfd and the rest on fluid dynamics / aerodynamics etc.

eventually I ended up doing my master of science at cranfield university (just a bit north of london) and I feel that you will get the best (and by that I mean state of the art) education when it comes CFD. A lot of CFD models and methodologies that are developed and also implemented into ansysFluent are for exampled developed at cranfield by various people.
It is a classroom course but you have one week of lectures and one week of work on assignments / labs which is grated (so you have more assignments (16) mark then exams (5)) which might be what you prefer. Plus the course covers ansys Fluent in depth so afterwards you will have expert knowledge in Fluent and also know quite a bit about CFD. More importantly (for me at least), cranfield is a nice universitiy to have on your CV and it offers you great job perspectives. There is a strong collaboration between that course and ansysand I know a few people whom I studied with who are now working for ansys.
That however, is purely my subjective feeling and my choice might not be right for you, if you elaborate a bit more on what you want to do in the future I may be able to give some more tailored advise. There are other universities that do a fair bit of CFD in the UK (leeds, manchester, imperial college for example), but i still believe that cranfield will give you the best education in terms of cfd.

now regarding that course you mentioned in cooperation with ansys and the university of madrid: madrid has actually a decent reputation for cfd and they are doing quite a bit in that field, a friend of mine is doing a quite prestigious PhD in madrid on grid generation and i have a couple of friends who graduated from that university with their bachelor, so i can not say anything specifically about that university, but the general feeling i got about spanish universities is that they are very theoretical and less practical orientated (research rather then engineering). i have first hand experience, i did my bachelor thesis in spain (sevilla) and my spanish friends (from madrid and elsewhere) confirmed that indeed the theory is mor eimportant. now, since ANSYS is cooperating in this course, that may not be an issue, but from the curriculum it seems that you only do the basic module on CFD and then choose 3 advanced topics plus a master thesis in cfd.
i can't stop but think that this is more like a extra degree you do on top of your master or bachelor degree to get some hands on experience with the software. then again, the courses you choose from is rather limited and represents only what ansys is capable of, however does not mean that cfd is restricted to that. so in essance, if i may put it this bluntly, it is a overpriced workshop that you are attending off-site and most of your money goes into license cost and tuition fees but i doubt that this will pay off. as i said, if you plan to do that beside your work to get extra experience on ansys thats fine, although i think they will just give you the tutorials to work with that you get for free anyways from the customer support site (you need to be a customer / student though)

tuition fees in the uk are on the order of 8000€, slightly higher, but even there there are possibilities to lower that with scholarships etc. in my opinion a "proper" (i.e. classroom, on-site based) master course will give you a broader overview plus a specialistation that you choose from while the course you mentioned is a very specific course, where i suspect that you can get the actual knowledge that you learn from other sources as well (youtube, dedicated websites).

well, that was a rather long post (sorry), hope it was helpful anyways
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Old   April 13, 2016, 08:05
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Hello Christian,

Did you decide for a master's degree?
and what university did you attend to?

If you went with the Ansys based degree with Madrid University, can you tell me how it is so far?

Thanks in advance
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Old   July 20, 2017, 13:13
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I hope itīs okay to bring this thread back up.

I am from Germany and i have a bachelor of engineering degree. Now i think about taking this course.

Are there any new reviews or experiences on this course? This is the only source i have found so far.

Thank you for your help
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Old   September 5, 2017, 00:31
Default I hate that program, it had the worst experience
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Originally Posted by phil92 View Post

I hope itīs okay to bring this thread back up.

I am from Germany and i have a bachelor of engineering degree. Now i think about taking this course.

Are there any new reviews or experiences on this course? This is the only source i have found so far.

Thank you for your help
I`m a mechanical engineer from Colombia, I studied their master program 3 years ago, when they started to offer it, it was a really bad experience, I studied the fluid program, and it was a really boring program, a lot of information without guide, less than half of the students that started the course end it, and I hate it.... I took a second course the heat transfer module thinking that maybe the modules will be better, and looking to at least get the Specialist degree, It was a better course but far from a good experience... I finished the course a year ago, so I got a Specialist’s Degree Certificate... I asked them for my certificate but, even today I haven`t received it yet, they are very disorganized and they don`t care the students.... at least that is my experience with the UPM Online Master's Degree in Numerical Simulation a really bad one, I don`t recommend this course, I didnīt learn that much....
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