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Modeling Mixing in FLUENT

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Old   March 11, 2011, 17:22
Default Modeling Mixing in FLUENT
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mmeadows is on a distinguished road
I am new/unexperienced with FLUENT. How would I go about modelling the degree of mixing of two fluids? Right now my model consists of a Y-channel where I would like to have fluid 1 enter thru one split of the Y and fluid 2 enter thru the other. I would like to model/plot the degree of mixing where one color would represent fluid 1 and another color to represent fluid 2 (in-between colors would represent mixing) along the tail of the Y. Is this even possible to do with Fluent? And if so, how would I go about doing this? Any help/guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Old   March 16, 2011, 10:46
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Dear Micheal,

I am also currently working on this mix issue in T mixer. While I am not an expert on it, I would like to share with you some of my findings during several months' study:

(1). The degree of mixing could be represented thru many ways other than the color. While I didnt find the color featured in Fluent, I used Streamline for the presenting. Besides I will try the Partcle tracking. This way you will have more quantified result other than color graph (as in this way you will need the processing of graph in another algorithm).

(2). When study the mixing, it is also needed sometimes if you want to study the residence time distribution, which could be done using transient simulation.

(3). What is the dimension of your geometry? If it is very small maybe you have to take care of the laminar and turbulence model choosing. Since according to literature, in very small scale structure, the flow tends to be turbulent when Re is very low ( such as 20).

Keep us shared of your findings!


Originally Posted by mmeadows View Post
I am new/unexperienced with FLUENT. How would I go about modelling the degree of mixing of two fluids? Right now my model consists of a Y-channel where I would like to have fluid 1 enter thru one split of the Y and fluid 2 enter thru the other. I would like to model/plot the degree of mixing where one color would represent fluid 1 and another color to represent fluid 2 (in-between colors would represent mixing) along the tail of the Y. Is this even possible to do with Fluent? And if so, how would I go about doing this? Any help/guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Old   April 1, 2011, 16:33
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I have included the citation for the main article I am trying to replicate (different materials and different geometries, but similar outputs). My goal is to replicate the outputs this group has achieved in Fluent. Any ideas on how they were able to define two separate inlets with different materials and show mixing due to different channel geometries (green color)?

I could not attach the pdf since the file size exceeded the allowed. Send me your email if you are interested and do not have access to this article:

Jeon, Wonjin. Shin, C.B. Design and simulation of passive mixing in microfluidic systems with geometric variations. Chemical Engineering Journal. vol 152. pp 575-582. 2009.
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Old   April 2, 2011, 02:40
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you can define homogeneous multiphase model and can define diffenent phases by defining volume fraction at the inlet boundary conditions,,

im not sure but i guess if you go through the fluent user guide you will get clear insight....

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