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TKE & TDR in pressure inlet BC

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Old   March 30, 2007, 05:38
Default TKE & TDR in pressure inlet BC
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I am using standard K-epsilon model for modeling of a supersonic jet coming into the air medium. For this I am using pressure inlet and pressure out let BCs. In th BCs i have to put Turbulent Kinetic Energy and Turbulent Dissipation rate in the TURBULENCE. The default value is given 1(one). Can anybody help me to get the required values?

Thanking you.

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Old   October 24, 2018, 11:27
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Originally Posted by Sisir

I am using standard K-epsilon model for modeling of a supersonic jet coming into the air medium. For this I am using pressure inlet and pressure out let BCs. In th BCs i have to put Turbulent Kinetic Energy and Turbulent Dissipation rate in the TURBULENCE. The default value is given 1(one). Can anybody help me to get the required values?

Thanking you.

hello) it is not clear why this forum exists if people cannot answer this question. Judging by the formula, TKE = (1/2) * (U * I) ^ 2, where u is the inlet flow rate of the liquid or gas, m / s; I is the intensity of turbulence (for example, 5% or 5/100 = 0.05). For example, if the input speed is 10 m / s and the turbulence intensity is 5%, then the turbulent kinetic energy (tke) is = (3/2) * (10 * (5/100) ^ 2) = 1.5 * (10 * (0.05) ^ 2) = 1.5 * 0.25 = 0.375 m2 / s2
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Old   October 24, 2018, 12:03
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Originally Posted by Ingodwetrast View Post
hello) it is not clear why this forum exists if people cannot answer this question. Judging by the formula, TKE = (1/2) * (U * I) ^ 2, where u is the inlet flow rate of the liquid or gas, m / s; I is the intensity of turbulence (for example, 5% or 5/100 = 0.05). For example, if the input speed is 10 m / s and the turbulence intensity is 5%, then the turbulent kinetic energy (tke) is = (3/2) * (10 * (5/100) ^ 2) = 1.5 * (10 * (0.05) ^ 2) = 1.5 * 0.25 = 0.375 m2 / s2

Do you realize you're responding to a post more than 10 years ago?

Why it does not get answered is because it's one of the forum rules is to do your homework and not ask already answered because it generates a million threads like these asking the same question over and over again and creates the perception that the question has no answer:How to ask questions on the forums

Also there's a wiki on this forum, actual wikipedia, and also the Fluent manual that explains how to do these things. And don't forget google.
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