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Computer in parallel

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  • 1 Post By Vinod Dhiman

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Old   October 7, 2005, 06:56
Default Computer in parallel
Posts: n/a
Hi all: ¿How can I put two computers (or more) in parallel to run Fluent better? Thanks in advance:

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Old   October 11, 2005, 07:58
Default Re: Computer in parallel
Vinod Dhiman
Posts: n/a

What OS do you have on your systems.

Vinod Dhiman
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Old   October 12, 2005, 12:34
Default Re: Computer in parallel
Posts: n/a
Hi Vinod: I have Windows XP, but I can install Linux if it is better. Thanks for your answer. Regards:

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Old   October 13, 2005, 07:36
Default Re: Computer in parallel
Vinod Dhiman
Posts: n/a

I can't say anything about Windows, as I have never used it. We have Tru 64 Unix with Alpha Architecture machines. They are much faster than PC architecture. However, its better if you have Linux, since in that case parallelization is easier and faster than Windows. You need to install and run nfs on all the systems which you want to use as parallel nodes, and you need one username for all the machines. And the machines should not ask for password when you spawn them from the machine you are using as master node.

You can work windows, too, but I do not anything about Windows.

Vinod Dhiman
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Old   October 13, 2005, 13:59
Default Re: Computer in parallel
Posts: n/a
Hi Vinod: Thank you very much for your answer. I haven´t used Linux yet, I never install it in the computer. I don´t know what is NFS, I´m "beginner" in this topic (computer "cluster"), so could you explain me these doubts? Sorry for my bad english. Best regards:

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Old   October 16, 2005, 14:54
Default Re: Computer in parallel
Vinod Dhiman
Posts: n/a

Installing the linux is easier than installing Windows, but for that you need to have atleast one of your partitions free on your hard drive, yes it can be installed in parallel with Windows, or any other OS. Like if you have C,D, and E drives on your hard drive, you can transfer whole of D's data to C or E, or E's data to C or D, but don't move data from C, that's where Windows is installed. And NFS is Network File System, it allows you to mount (its unix specific term) a disk partition on a remote machine as if it were on local machine, like sharing in Windows. Then RPC (Remote Procedure Call, its a protocol) is also required to be registered, so that it does not ask for the password when it spawns the other system, which are being used as a slave node.

Anyhow, I gave you this information just for the sake of knowledge. If you have Windows, then let it be. Although, I don't know how to do it in Windows yet there might be someone in this forum to help you out.

With Best wishes Vinod Dhiman
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Old   October 17, 2005, 07:14
Default Re: Computer in parallel
Posts: n/a
Hi Vinod, You seem to be linux-clustering expert. I have a small Linux cluster with 7 PC running under Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9. The Installation is ok, and I can spawn all my nodes and computing. But I still have a problem: after some iterations (it can be 600 or 2000 or anything else), I have a message which freezes the calculation: "waiting for server connection" Do you know how to prevent this error? Thanx! Edu, I am also a beginner in linux etc... but you can find many things on the net regarding clusters: I achieved to build the cluster, I also installed Samba and VNC server/viewer. Good luck Max
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Old   October 17, 2005, 15:21
Default Re: Computer in parallel
Vinod Dhiman
Posts: n/a

This problem occurs with my system, too, however, I know what the problem is. Are you using the License Server as your host, too. That's the only reason for this problem. If your License Server is different from your host or its associated nodes, and still the problem persists then there may be some other problem. So, check with this.

Vinod Dhiman
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Old   October 17, 2005, 20:23
Default Re: Computer in parallel
Posts: n/a
Hi Vinod,

could u answer me if fluent loads all grid data in each node when it is in the parallel version??? It´s because I´m trying to run a simple grid with about 10e6 cells and the requested memory per processor is around 1GB ram, compatible with the case that if I read all the grid in all nodes in my cluster... Is it right???

Thanx... Newton.
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Old   October 18, 2005, 02:33
Default Re: Computer in parallel
Posts: n/a
Hi Vinod, I don't understand really what you meant, but I will describe the installation reagrdinf license. I have a master on which I installed Fluent. And my licnese file is placed on this master... that's all! Max
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Old   October 19, 2005, 15:26
Default Re: Computer in parallel
Vinod Dhiman
Posts: n/a

Answer for Newton: When fluent runs in parallel, it loads grid partially on every node. Like if you have two nodes, then half of the grid is read by one and the remaining half by second one. You can use any of the methods available, however, METIS is considered to be the best available algorithm, and that is inbuilt in Fluent. You can find more about METIS on Internet.

Answer for Max: Since you have License file on the same machine which you are using as master node, this problem is inherent. Actually, there is no problem with the installation of Fluent in your system or with your system. The License server needs to be free, and one should not do any work on License Server. However, if License Server is used for any work that makes it busy, then License Server may fail at sometimes to serve the License to its Client Machines. As your Server and Client both are same, then this will happen and there is nothing that can be done for this, except that it will not occur for smaller grid size, however, that may not be useful. So, carry on with it.

Best of your work to both of you Vinod Dhiman
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