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Devolatilization of coal

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Old   October 26, 2022, 04:18
Default Devolatilization of coal
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Hi, I am trying to set up coal gasification in ANSYS Fluent using DPM and species transport model
Here are my queries-
1. I want to model the devolatilization of coal particle as coal = Vol + char (C)
I can find the injection tab where I can define the devolatilization species as Vol, but how to define the remaining char material?
I can see in some tutorials C<S> to be taken while selecting the mixture material template, but I am not sure where the C<s> is defined as the char material, is it by default?
2. I have tried one simulation with selection of C<S> of in the mixture material tab. after running the case for some time I can see the c<s> fraction in the DPM particle tracking to be zero. can anyone please explain if this means the char material is not defined properly?
3. for the char-gas reaction I am trying out particle surface reaction where I am defining different char-gas reactions )species transport). is this a correct way of defining the heterogeneous reactions?
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Old   October 26, 2022, 06:39
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Alain Islas
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1) I suggest you to use the coal calculator in the species transport model. There you will speciify the HCV, UA and PA and Fluent will use its template to create a coal-volatiles-air mixture for you.

2) Look under Materials->mixture, there you will have some species but still missing the solid carbon c<s>. So add it to the coal-volatiles-air mixture.

3) In the specis transport model, activate the particle surface reactions.

4) Add your heterogeneous reaction to the reaction mechanism. Like for example C<s> + O2 -> CO2 and choose your particle combustion model. If for instance, you want gasification reactions as well, then switch to multiple surface reactions and then add the subsequent heterogeneous reactions. Then under DPM setup, go to the tab "Multiple reactions" and be sure to set the char fraction to 1.0

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char gas reaction, devolatilisation model, dpm, dpm fluent, heterogeneous reaction

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