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Fluent on Ubuntu 20.04

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Old   June 5, 2020, 03:59
Default Fluent on Ubuntu 20.04
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ANSYS installs and runs well on Ubuntu 16.04 (and similar Debian/Ubuntu based distros from that era, such as Linux Mint 18.x, Debian 9 etc.)

Here is a guide that works.

On more recent Linux distributions, sadly ANSYS does not work. ANSYS does not even have a plan to support RHEL 8.x (CentOS 8.x), that was released in 2019, until earliest 2021 (if "feasible"). On the flip side, it may once again be possible to use a recent Debian based distro in 2021 if ANSYS manages to fix support for RHEL 8.x. Time will tell.

So if you have the need to use a more recent distro as your workstation you are out of luck?

Well, it has been possible to run Fluent at least. Even if the ANSYS installer gets stuck at about 88%, it is still possible to use "Design Modeler" and also Fluent. ANSYS Meshing does not work though, so since Ubuntu 18.04 my work flow have incorporated SALOME + OpenFOAM to do the meshing and conversion to Fluent mesh format.

So how about the most recent Ubuntu LTS? On Ubuntu 20.04 we get the following error when trying to run Fluent:

fluent: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: FT_Done_MM_Var
This is easily fixed by locating in the Fluent folders and then renaming it. In the following example I am standing in the /ansys_inc/v201 folder. Depending on your ANSYS version you might have do adjust it. Also, if you have installed under /usr then you probably also need to use the following command as "sudo".

mv Framework/bin/Linux64/ Framework/bin/Linux64/

So Fluent then works.
Carno, AlexanderZ and KozlovN1 like this.
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Old   August 4, 2020, 04:13
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George XU
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gxuxg is on a distinguished road
very helpful. thanks.
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Old   February 27, 2021, 11:14
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Carno is on a distinguished road
I am on Lubuntu 20.04.

Ansys 2020-R2 got installed completely. Did not get stuck at 88%, may be because I selected only Fluent.

It did not work as expected. So I followed the instructions here. Now Fluent works and Fluent meshing also works.

Only problem with Fluent meshing is that it is not importing STEP and IGES files n 'Watertight' option. However it imports STL files n other option.

As I do not know how to defeature STL file to extract Inlet and outlet patches. So Fluent meshing is pretty useless here. I tried to create caps, but still both (inlet and outlet) caps come in only one region. I have to use some other opensource meshing tool.


- Why geometry import is not working?
- How to splt STL file for patch creations?

I do that while working on OpenFOAM after completion of Snappy run.

Thanks in advance.
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