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Not enough Fluent - HPC licenses 64/16.

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Old   March 4, 2020, 14:17
Default Not enough Fluent - HPC licenses 64/16.
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I use fluent in HPC of my universty. I can use 16 cores but when I try 62 or 32 sometimes it works but sometimes does not. I get the followong error.

ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR:Not enough Fluent - HPC licenses 64/16.

As far as I know the licence is academic research licence. How can I know what is used license and what is its core limits ?

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Old   March 4, 2020, 19:51
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LuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura about
1) Ask somebody. For your own good, you should figure out who the PI is that is responsible for the licenses. While you're at it, figure out who is the "IT guy" that manages the license server.

2) Run the ANSLIC (either admin or client) utility or the ansys license manager utility in newer versions. Go to view status/disnostics options and display the license status. It will print out the license configuration.

There are academic educational/teaching licenses, academic research licenses, and all sorts of HPC licenses that all do different things. To make things more complicated there are general Ansys licenses and Ansys CFD licenses (the CFD ones are more limited in scope, to only CFD products).
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Old   March 5, 2020, 08:00
Default HPC Licenses
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Ansys does not have any Fluent or CFD HPC Licenses. The license is called Ansys HPC and can be used with most of its tools, be it Fluent, CFX, Mechanical, ESTR, etc. Might have been extended to EM products as well.

If you were able to use more cores earlier but unable to use now, the most plausible reason is that those are being used by someone else, assuming you are not the only user.

Each academic research license comes with a bundle of HPC licenses as well. To check it, you can open Client level ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility on any machine that has access to license server. This can be invoked from within WB or directly from terminal or Start > Ansys > Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility. This has tabs to display current license status.
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fluent - parallel, hpc cluster, license error

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