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Mesh Interfaces not showing - Cooling Plate

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Old   July 23, 2018, 15:42
Default Mesh Interfaces not showing - Cooling Plate
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Hi all,

I have a problem with the mesh interfaces on fluent. I want to model a cooling plate with a straight cooling channel with a liquid coolant.

I have uploaded a screenshot of my cooling plate within ANSYS Fluent. As you can see from there the "Mesh Interfaces" command is not there.
This command should be in the tree on the left - see other screenshot.

I need to set the mesh interfaces to enable the coupled wall option so that the heat can be transfered correctly. I believe that this problem may be caused by my original geometry.

Does anyone has any suggestions on how to solve this?

How can I modify the settings in order to show the mesh interfaces command in the tree on the left?



PS: I have already tried to create a manual contact region in the design modeler.
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File Type: png mesh interface.PNG (9.4 KB, 51 views)
File Type: jpg plate2.jpg (97.1 KB, 64 views)
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Old   July 24, 2018, 01:03
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
You don't see interfaces because of your mesh, because of the way, you'd generated it.
If you are using design modeler than it looks like you put all created bodies into one part so the fluent detected one body with different zones inside.

so if you want to have interfaces, just put bodies into different parts.

But for your case -> conjugate heat transfer from fluid to solid, your mesh is correct, you don't need to use interfaces in such simple case. (usually interfaces are been using in cases where it is really difficult (expensive) to make conform mesh)

So you have 2 zones solid and fluid. Fluent will generate coupled boundary condition between them automatically! (it will have the same name with word shaodw at the end, for instance "channel_wall" and "channel_wall_shadow")

best regards
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Old   July 24, 2018, 08:50
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Originally Posted by AlexanderZ View Post
You don't see interfaces because of your mesh, because of the way, you'd generated it.
If you are using design modeler than it looks like you put all created bodies into one part so the fluent detected one body with different zones inside.

so if you want to have interfaces, just put bodies into different parts.

But for your case -> conjugate heat transfer from fluid to solid, your mesh is correct, you don't need to use interfaces in such simple case. (usually interfaces are been using in cases where it is really difficult (expensive) to make conform mesh)

So you have 2 zones solid and fluid. Fluent will generate coupled boundary condition between them automatically! (it will have the same name with word shaodw at the end, for instance "channel_wall" and "channel_wall_shadow")

best regards
Hi Alexander,

Thanks for the reply. I followed your advice for simple geometries and didn't create any interfaces. However, no shadow walls were automatically created by fluent (In this case I haven't created any contact regions between the fluid domain and the plate).

I proceeded with the transient simulation anyway by enabling the energy equation. Setting the inlet velocity to 1 m/s, inlet temperature to 250K while the plate temperature to 300K.

I am uploading my results here. No heat transfer seems to happen between the solid and the fluid. Is there something else I should do when setting-up the simulation prior to running it?

Thank you in advance.
Attached Images
File Type: png Cooling Plate.PNG (77.5 KB, 21 views)
File Type: png fluid domain.PNG (12.7 KB, 16 views)
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Old   July 24, 2018, 13:49
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Originally Posted by tom96 View Post
Hi Alexander,

Thanks for the reply. I followed your advice for simple geometries and didn't create any interfaces. However, no shadow walls were automatically created by fluent (In this case I haven't created any contact regions between the fluid domain and the plate).

I proceeded with the transient simulation anyway by enabling the energy equation. Setting the inlet velocity to 1 m/s, inlet temperature to 250K while the plate temperature to 300K.

I am uploading my results here. No heat transfer seems to happen between the solid and the fluid. Is there something else I should do when setting-up the simulation prior to running it?

Thank you in advance.
I think I found my problem, the inlet velocity was too high. Thanks.
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Old   October 24, 2024, 11:12
Numan Mazumder
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Originally Posted by AlexanderZ View Post
You don't see interfaces because of your mesh, because of the way, you'd generated it.
If you are using design modeler than it looks like you put all created bodies into one part so the fluent detected one body with different zones inside.

so if you want to have interfaces, just put bodies into different parts.

But for your case -> conjugate heat transfer from fluid to solid, your mesh is correct, you don't need to use interfaces in such simple case. (usually interfaces are been using in cases where it is really difficult (expensive) to make conform mesh)

So you have 2 zones solid and fluid. Fluent will generate coupled boundary condition between them automatically! (it will have the same name with word shaodw at the end, for instance "channel_wall" and "channel_wall_shadow")

best regards
I want to create an interface between two different types of fluids. The velcoity components along the common interface should be zero for both fluid, but pressure and temperature information should pass through the interface. Is it possible?
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cooling plate, heat transfer, mesh interfaces, problematic geometry

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