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Replacing a mesh with multiple zones

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  • 1 Post By Gert-Jan

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Old   March 23, 2018, 17:26
Default Replacing a mesh with multiple zones
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Join Date: Oct 2012
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Gert-Jan will become famous soon enough
I have a case that is built up of two different meshes. (Actually a Workbench mesh and a ICEM grid but that is not relevant for the query).

- A large one with 8 different zones (100M elements)
- A small one with 4 different zones (10M elements).

I only want to replace the small mesh with an improved mesh. In the GUI there are two options:

- Replace mesh. But using that menu, Fluent replaces both meshes with my new mesh. So my large mesh is gone.
- Replace Zone. But there I can only replace a single zone each at a time. So I have to do it 4 times, and wait 4 times for Fluent to rebuild the mesh, sewing, creating interfaces, interpolating, etc.

What is the best way of working here? Is the best option to export the boundaries using the TUI and build up the case from scratch?

Regs, Gert-Jan
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