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Exporting cdat files using journal file

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Old   February 8, 2018, 11:48
Default Exporting cdat files using journal file
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I want to write output of fluent transient simulation in 2 output files:
1. Normal .dat file every 600 seconds.
2. cdat file with selected variables every 2 seconds.

I want to use the journal file as i will be submitting the simulations on a cluster. Could you please tell me what the text inputs for that are? The information that I collected online and found from the journal is as follows:

For file type 1:
/file/auto-save/data-frequency 600
/file/write-data Test.dat.gz

Is that sufficient?

For file type 2 I tried to get the possible commands from the GUI, but I don't know how to translate that to TUI. Example from the text editor of GUI shown below:

/file/transient-export> cfd
CFD-Post Compatible file name [] 'Test.dat.gz'
Surfaces(1) [()] (foundation)
cell zone id/name(1)[*] 1
Invalid cell zone.
cell zone id/name(1)[*] domain-solid
cell zone id/name(2) [()]

CFD-Post Compatible scalar(1)> 1
invalid command [1]
Binary format?, if Binary not chosen, Ascii format is written [no] y
Write Case File Every Time? [yes] n
Export Name ["export-2"] "Test.dat.gz"
Specify Export Frequency [1] 2

Specify the filename append type> timestep
"CFD-Post Compatible"

I'm pretty sure those may be wrong..
Can someone please let me know what the possible text commands would be for saving file type 2?

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Old   February 8, 2018, 13:08
Join Date: Feb 2015
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here are my commands if it can help you.

1) automatic save
/file/auto-save/data-frequency 10000
/file/auto-save/case-frequency if-case-is-modified
/file/auto-save/root-name "export.gz"
/file/auto-save/append-file-name-with flow-time 3 ;; don't really remember what this command is for ...
/file/auto-save/retain-most-recent-files y
/file/auto-save/max-files 1 ;; you can save more than one file if you want

2) exporting data for Ensigth

/file/export/ensight-gold export_name
* ()

Hope it helps.
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Old   February 8, 2018, 15:56
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Thank you so much!
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Old   February 14, 2020, 10:26
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Amaury jamin
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I need to run a simulation with the following parameters for transient simulation
time step 0.05s
Max 50 iter/time step
save at every 0.1s
But the problem is witth the autosave data

With this journal file and the two add lines, it's only to save dat file. how to change to save case file also
/file/auto-save/data-frequency 0.1
/file/write-data Test.dat.gz

Would this journal file run, would it work properly

Thank you in advance for your help

================================================== ==
; lines beginning with a semicolon are comments

; Read only the input case file:
/file/read-case "FFF-transient-inp.cas.gz"
; In case of a continuation, you need to read both ".cas" and "*.dat":
; /file/read-case-data "FFF-transient-inp.cas.gz"
; ##### settings for Transient simulation : ######
; # Set the magnitude of the (physical) time step (delta-t)
/solve/set/time-step 0.05
; # Set the number of time steps for a transient simulation:
/solve/set/max-iterations-per-time-step 50
; # Set the number of iterations for which convergence monitors are reported:
/solve/set/reporting-interval 1
; ##### End of settings for Transient simulation. ######
; Initialize using the hybrid initialization method:
; Perform unsteady iterations for a specified number of time steps:
/solve/dual-time-iterate 1000
; write the output (both "FFF-transient-out.cas.gz" and "FFF-transient-out.dat.gz"):
/file/write-case-data "FFF-transient-out.cas.gz"
; write the auto-save backups every 0.1s
/file/auto-save/data-frequency 0.1
/file/write-data "FFF-transient-out.dat.gz"

; Write simulation report to file (optional):
/report/summary y "Report_Transient_Simulation.txt"
; Exit fluent:
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Old   February 14, 2020, 14:36
Default Command
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If you want to save case and data both, modify the command write-data to write-case-data and give the name of only case file. You can also use %i or %t in the name of the file. %i is replaced by iteration number and %t is replaced by time-step

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Old   February 19, 2020, 05:45
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Amaury jamin
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Hello, thank you for your response.
But can you check my code because I also have to compile and load a UDF.

Best Regards.

================================================== ==
; lines beginning with a semicolon are comments
; Read only the input case file:
;/file/read-case "FFF-transient-out.cas.gz"
; In case of a continuation, you need to read both ".cas" and "*.dat":
/file/read-case-data "FFF-transient-out.cas.gz"

UDF :compile and load
/define/user-defined/compiled-functions compile libudf yes sourcename.c ""
/define/user-defined/compiled-funcitons load libudf

; ##### settings for Transient simulation : ######
; # Set the magnitude of the (physical) time step (delta-t)
/solve/set/time-step 0.05
; # Set the number of time steps for a transient simulation:
/solve/set/max-iterations-per-time-step 50
; # Set the number of iterations for which convergence monitors are reported:
;/solve/set/reporting-interval 1
; ##### End of settings for Transient simulation. ######
; Initialize using the hybrid initialization method:
; Perform unsteady iterations for a specified number of time steps:
/solve/dual-time-iterate 1000
; write the output (both "FFF-transient-out.cas.gz" and "FFF-transient-out.dat.gz"):
;/file/write-case-data "FFF-transient-out.cas.gz"
; write the auto-save backups every 0.1s
/file/auto-save/data-frequency 0.1
/file/write-case-data ""
; Write simulation report to file (optional):
:/report/summary y "Report_Transient_Simulation.txt"
; Exit fluent:
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Old   February 19, 2020, 06:07
Default Two points
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I suppose it should run alright. You need to make two changes

1. No need to define solve set max-iterations-per... Rather use full command at solve level like following

solve dti 1000 50

Last number is max-iterations-per-time-step

2. Change .case. to .cas. in the write command

PM to be used if and only if you do not want something to be shared publicly. PM is considered to be of the least priority.
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