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Solar Ray Tracing and non conformal interface

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  • 1 Post By AlexBene

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Old   May 21, 2015, 05:31
Default Solar Ray Tracing and non conformal interface
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: FRANCE
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Hello everyone,

I am encountering some problems using Solar Ray Tracing with two different bodies linked by a non-conformal interface. Here is my subject (simple example):

I am currently modelling an aluminium cube heated by the sun, using the solar ray tracing of the Solar Load Model in Fluent. I tried out two different things:

1. Modelling of a box representing the ambient air, and substracting the volume of the cube. Only the air is meshed in this case, the cube is "empty".

2. Modelling of the air and modelling of the cube. Both are meshed, and non-conformal interfaces (coupled wall type) are used to link the aluminium (solid) to the air (fluid).

In the first case, the walls delimiting the cube are set as opaque walls, participating in Solar Ray Tracing. When I initialize the calculations (standard) and I look at the Solar Heat Flux Contours, everything looks fine: a shade is projected by the cube on the ground.

In the second case, the walls of the cube are defined as interfaces, therefore the walls derived from the interfaces (3 walls and a wall-shadow) are set as opaque walls.BUT, when I initialize the calculations (same initialization as the first case) and I look at the Solar Heat Flux Contours, there is no shade on the ground and I can not explain why.

I have looked everywhere and I can not find an answer to my problem. Could someone help me with this ?

I hope that I am clear enough.

Thank you very much in advance.
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Old   July 4, 2018, 12:27
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Ahmed Hassan
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I'm having the same problem, did you manage to work it out ?
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Old   July 16, 2018, 06:33
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AlexBene is on a distinguished road
Hi Ahmed,

My project was dropped so I gave up on this. But ANSYS told me that the problem has been fixed in v17.0.

Best regards,
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non conformal interface, solar, tracing

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