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user defined scalar vs species transport

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  • 1 Post By gvj_mech

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Old   March 27, 2014, 15:33
Default user defined scalar vs species transport
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Join Date: Mar 2014
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Any help with my problem is greatly appreciated.

I have a liquid (does not take part in reactions) + an array of species/scalars (with negligible mass) that get produced/depleted based on source term definitions(defined as a function of concentration of different scalars involved). The final goal of the simulation is to compute the individual concentration of individual species/scalars.

I have been using the User Defined Scalars (UDS) for our simulations, but in Fluent V15 the maximum number of UDS is limited to 50.But I want to introduce more species (~100) in my domain. One possible solutions is to use Species transport in Fluent which has the capability to model 500 species equations in R15.But if we use the species transport in Fluent, the equations are solved for the mass fraction where the mass fractions of species sums to unity. Solving the species transport equations needs additional property specification such as Specific heat, Thermal conductivity etc. Also, Fluent mandates that we solve the energy equation as well. I was wondering if there are any possibilities in which the species transport equations can be tweaked so it behaves like the User Defined Scalars from which we can compute the concentration of individual species in the flow domain with the use of source terms.

Thanks a lot,
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